no, for privacy, i won't provide detail information. this article is used only to share some idea, share my thought. and hope it can help other, a lot of agents has been moving to USA, and you can contact any of them. I am not agent, and I won't share those information as well.
Thanks for info!
thank for sharing. you write much better than i wrote.
agree with you on "可以做梦将来房涨,但千万别指望那个。买房能指望的是现金流。原则上说,有现金流才值得买"。I am writing my part three of of 美国房市投资----现金流分析法. I will post it tomorrow. please give me some feedback tomorrow after reading it.
agree on '大家一定要记住各种投资都有风险,一定要了解自己承受风险的能力'. different birds have their own different nest. but you may not know other nest is better if you stick to one.