本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我要是有你这么有头脑,也不至于遭遇今天这么凄惨的婚姻滑铁卢。LG大我许多,满想着同他结婚会有人疼我、让我一辈子,哪成想每回吵架都是我先讲话,因心软又怕有隔夜仇,结果就惯出了他的大男子主义。以前生意又都经营的是杂货店、咖啡店,不想他一个大男人受委屈,日常经营、冲锋陷阵的事我是硬顶着上,当然锻炼的多了,也成了我的长处,就更是归我管了。可其实自己内心特想要一个帮我拿主意的人。慢慢地,就觉得他怎么这么不man,怎么什麽事情都要我来做?特别是我照顾孩子的心又特别细腻,孩子年龄小时需要多时间陪他们,因为生意缠人无法协调更好,心里真难受。当然所有的抱怨就变成了婚姻中的暗礁。加上最近几年他的一意孤行更让我觉得他没有尽到一个负责任丈夫的职责,家庭的经济困境也越发令我失望。
我不是不想参与其中,可我讨厌电脑,从一结婚,我就生气他放太多时间在上面,that time, he was computer software consultant. One side, because of the work, he was always had to study at home, another side, he likes to play and surfing on line rather to walk with me outside. If not because my course study and my work, I would be still didn't know how to use a computer. So, related to my knowledge, I'm not really can help any thing for his web-business. I don't even feel interested.
Sorry, I had been typing too many minutes to write the correct Chinese, it's made me sleepy. Hope the English typing not bother you. I'm finished.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart! Rolia still have a lot of quality people here,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
我不是不想参与其中,可我讨厌电脑,从一结婚,我就生气他放太多时间在上面,that time, he was computer software consultant. One side, because of the work, he was always had to study at home, another side, he likes to play and surfing on line rather to walk with me outside. If not because my course study and my work, I would be still didn't know how to use a computer. So, related to my knowledge, I'm not really can help any thing for his web-business. I don't even feel interested.
Sorry, I had been typing too many minutes to write the correct Chinese, it's made me sleepy. Hope the English typing not bother you. I'm finished.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart! Rolia still have a lot of quality people here,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net