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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛通过Bttorrent 下载电影,今天收到ROGERS转发的电子邮件,

"Dear Customer,

We have received the following complain/violation notice from third party,
therefore according to CRTC regulation we are forwarding it to you. Please
be aware this is just a notice from third party and not legal notice or
court order. Please review the email and take action accordingly. As per our
terms and agreement, Rogers will not disclose any of your information such as
name/address/contacts to any third party unless required by law enforcement
organization in Canada."

n Canada, the unauthorized copying, performance, and/or distribution of
Rights Owner's Work is illegal and is subject to civil sanctions (with
statutory damages of up to $5,000 or non-statutory damages that could be
higher) and/or criminal sanctions, and is a violation of the Canada
Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42). The recent amendments to the
Copyright Act, which came into force on November 2012, have confirmed Rights
Owner's right to have its copyright protected in Canada.

Moreover, such copying, performance and/or distribution of unauthorized
works may also violate (i) the Berne Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Works, (ii) the Universal Copyright Convention, (iii)
bilateral treaties with other countries (including Canada), and/or (iv) the
copyright laws of Canada.

该如何应对呢?害怕啊!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑电信 / 下载电影被发现了
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛通过Bttorrent 下载电影,今天收到ROGERS转发的电子邮件,

    "Dear Customer,

    We have received the following complain/violation notice from third party,
    therefore according to CRTC regulation we are forwarding it to you. Please
    be aware this is just a notice from third party and not legal notice or
    court order. Please review the email and take action accordingly. As per our
    terms and agreement, Rogers will not disclose any of your information such as
    name/address/contacts to any third party unless required by law enforcement
    organization in Canada."

    n Canada, the unauthorized copying, performance, and/or distribution of
    Rights Owner's Work is illegal and is subject to civil sanctions (with
    statutory damages of up to $5,000 or non-statutory damages that could be
    higher) and/or criminal sanctions, and is a violation of the Canada
    Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42). The recent amendments to the
    Copyright Act, which came into force on November 2012, have confirmed Rights
    Owner's right to have its copyright protected in Canada.

    Moreover, such copying, performance and/or distribution of unauthorized
    works may also violate (i) the Berne Convention for the Protection of
    Literary and Artistic Works, (ii) the Universal Copyright Convention, (iii)
    bilateral treaties with other countries (including Canada), and/or (iv) the
    copyright laws of Canada.

    该如何应对呢?害怕啊!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 什么电影? 哪个网站下载的?
    • do nothing with Rogers. Stop downloading immediately.
    • 真是不要回复邮件,停止下载电影和超流量在线视频,这种邮件也可能是个人发的欺诈邮件,你一回复恰好上当,打来的电话是印度口音的就是欺诈电话,不要理。
    • BT下载危险大大的呀。
    • 邮件是真的.立即停止BT下载.其它不知道应该怎么办.
    • 什么电影?哪个网站下载的?
      • 有什么办法限制BT 下载?
        • 难道不是你自己下载的?
        • 从哪个网站下载的?
          • 为此烦恼,今天下午新注册个马甲,六分钟后就发帖的【还没有】楼主,已经告诉你了【通过Bttorrent 下载电影... ... ... ...】与哪个网站都没关系。
            • 哦我以为是一个网站专门提供下载
    • 把电脑清干净,换个硬盘,除此之外,你什么都做不了。这次他们好像锁定了几万个人,短时间不太可能有什么结果。
      • 政府缺钱花又开想办法扣老百姓了,强逼百姓看加拿大那几个无聊的电视节目,恶心透顶。
        • That has nothing to do with the government.
    • BZ 得多糊涂,把个警告信当精华?!外语学习?!
      • LOL
      • LOL
      • 告诉大家不要下载电影......糊涂什么?
    • 没事,人家都说了不会把你的信息上交。万一被告上法庭,要证明你造成了损失也很难。
      • 没事。最多罚款5000刀
    • 别担心,记得以前在哪个网站看过,给你寄信不意味着会找你麻烦,只是一个警告。
      • 放心不少。谢谢
      • 两年前有这样的例子,原告要求一小ISP提供用户信息,闹上法庭了。
    • 停止bt下载就行了,你bt开了多长时间就收到警告了?
    • 想澄清几个BT下载的事情
      1. BT下载会留下你的IP地址,Rogers有IP和你本人的对照表。对方可以通过法律程序和Rogers要你的信息。
      2. 如果这封信是真的,就说明第三方已经记录到你的IP和下载的证据了。即使删除了下载内容对方也已经有了证据。
      3. 如果第三方决定要索赔,就要通过加拿大的法庭和Rogers索要下载人的信息。Rogers当然不愿意给,这个法律过程会很繁琐漫长,最后很可能会不了了之。Teksavvy 2-3年前被美国一个小电影公司盯上了,打了很久的官司。最后法院的裁定是Teksavvy要提供用户的名字,但是给Teksavvy付人头费,再加上律师费用,经济上非常不划算,现在似乎是不了了之了。
      4. 从TekSavvy的例子可以看出BT下载有危险,要学会保护自己。
      • 如果是看的网上电影呢?还有百度云上下载的,会不会被盯上?
        • 百度云没事的,上面说的都是美国公司拿着美国的版权法要到加拿大来说事。他们无法拿到百度云上的下载记录。 目前 线上看电影(streaming) 还好,主要是你只是看,没有帮助传播。
    • 电驴如何?还有国内的迅雷,百度云呢?
      • 国内的迅雷,百度云没事。电驴就不好说了。
    • 不要直接用bt下。先找一个VPN,挂上再用bt下,就不会暴露ip。没人能查到你。
      • 怎么“找一个vpn”
        • google: free vpn p2p downloading
    • 有什么可怕的?Rogers的信写得这么客气了,就是个警告而已,别再干就行了,他们又不会把你的信息透露出去,又不会报警。真是。
      • 关键是,还想继续干,但被吓住了不敢干、又不甘心
        • 看来是这样,难收手啊
    • 用变态来下载电影是老掉牙的工具了,与Android盒子上安装的Show Box相比简直是小巫见大巫。用户云集的Show Box几乎都要将正经合法的Netflix秒杀了,咋没见官方有啥动作?难道也合法了?
    • 如果一定要下载,可以先下个IP隐藏软件,比如HOLA,这样,你就可以把自己的IP伪装成来自于任何一个其他国家。