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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


When we talked about tax loss selling, it only happened in USA.In states, there are long-term gain/loss and short-term gain/loss, you pay different tax rate for them, short-term gain is higher.

your short-term loss can be used to offset part of any short-term capital gains that you made during the year. Even in the case where your short-term losses exceeded your short-term gains, and you don’t have long-term capital gains, you will be able to use your short-term loss to offset as much as $3,000 of your ordinary income. The significance of this provision is large – your income and your short-term capital gains are taxed at the same rate, which is higher than the long-term capital gains tax rate. So, it is in your best interest to offset as much of your short-term gains or regular income as is possible.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 关于加国股票投资报税的问题。请有accountant经验的朋友赐教。
    Tax-Loss Selling Reminder — If you are planning to employ a tax-loss selling strategy for the 2002 tax year, the last day to execute a trade to settle by year-end is December 26th.

    什么是 Tax-Loss Selling ?
    • 据我理解是说的你的股票要是亏了,你必须在Dec.26以前卖掉,然后亏的部分(全部?)可以抵税(非专家意见)
      • 谢谢。如果账面上有挣些钱但股票还没卖,在报税时该如何操作呢?股票没卖都是paper money, 该不能算该年的收入吧?给些意见啦。(专家非专家意见都可)
        • 没有卖就不算你的capital gain。
        • (非专家意见)--如果只是账面盈利而股票没有成交(12月26日之前),在报税时该部分股票的盈利不算入当年的投资增益, 无需按50%的比例折算成当年收入报税
        • 如果以10$/s 买了某股票1000s,后来跌到8$,又买了1000s,然后在9$/s 卖了1000s,这种算loss 还是gain 啊?
          • 平均价呀...简单的数学问题呀. 你还可以把交易费算进去
          • 到了年终全部买卖加总在一起计算,记的要加上手续费,如果有金融机构咨询费或管理费之类的也要加在一起算,是亏是赚很清楚的。但是截止期没卖出的不算。
            所以到了年底,很多机构和个人就会将账面亏损的股票卖出,继续持有账面盈利的股票,这样可以减少capital gain.
          • 这由你根据情况自己决定, 可以报capital loss, 也可以报capital gain.
      • capital loss不能用来抵消收入税,但是可以用来抵消以前或今后几年的capital gain。
        举例来说,今年亏损了1万,你不能把这一万从总收入中扣除。但是如果前面几年你股票赚了1万并报了capital gain,你才能将这1万用于抵消前面赚的。如果前面几年都没有赚,虽然这个capital loss不能抵消收入,但是仍然要申报,以备今后几年你有capital gain时用于降低capital gain的总额。
        • 抵消来抵消去,总之你冒了极大的风险去投资股票,亏了是你的,挣了政府拿走一块。是不是这个理?
          • 买卖股票, 最后唯一确定的赢家就是 Broker....
          • 政府就是最大的剥削者,你能把它怎样。告诉你一个最好的办法吧,用你父母的名义在美国开设账户,然后买卖股票,作为中国公民,可以豁免capital tax的。
            • 那么是否跟美国有什么税的关系呢?
            • 真的....还有这个高招...谢谢啦
            • Good idea. Thanks, Can you recommend some online brokage company that can accept foreigner to open an account. As far as I know, it is much tougher now for a foreigner to open an account in US, not to mention Canada.
              • 绝大多数美国online brokers都接受中国居民的申请,比如america trade, Charles Schwab, etrade, firsttrad,tdwaterhouse. 随便哪一家都比加拿大的broker好多了,不仅下单速度快,手续也便宜几倍,很多还有中文网页支持。
        • good to know, thanks
    • 可以形成你的capital loss的卖出行动。
      之所以定在12.26,是因为12.26是12.31之前三个business day。你在12.26卖出的股票要在12.31才settled down.
      • Commission for the stock trading is ridiculously high already, if I withdraw the money made from trading, the government will take a big chunk again by tax. 哥儿们有没有避税良招啊?
        • 前几年有没有 Capital Loss, 可以相抵
        • 你要是有资本收益的话,那也是扣除了所有的手续费之后的。我所知道的避税良招就是:不要形成资本收益。
    • DX, 10000加圆存如股票帐户, 股票已买出, 帐户上有20000加圆. 怎么上税? 上多少?
      • roughly speaking, $20000-$10000-2 times process fee=~$10000*50%=$5000+your year 2002 income(say it is $50000), so your taxable income=$50000+$5000(50% of ur capital gain)=$55000.
        • 如果我在26日之前在买股票, 并持股到明年, 是不是就不算今年的收入了? 谢!!
          • 不算今年的收入
    • 这应该是美国的税收制度,加拿大好像不支持tax loss selling
      • who said ?
        • me!
    • 不要老想着避税,想如何赚钱。加拿大的税务制度不是那么随意钻空子的。如果你认为capital loss selling对你有好处,do it. Otherwise, leave it alone.
      • 总想着多交税,不挣钱的人是不是智力有问题?
        • Capital loss can be carried forward and backward.
          So, it does not make much sense to get the capital loss realized merely due to tax reasons. You should sell "losing stocks" whenever is right time. But for capital gain, it is suggested to sell after year-end so that the tax is paid one year later.
          • wrong!
            When we talked about tax loss selling, it only happened in USA.In states, there are long-term gain/loss and short-term gain/loss, you pay different tax rate for them, short-term gain is higher.

            your short-term loss can be used to offset part of any short-term capital gains that you made during the year. Even in the case where your short-term losses exceeded your short-term gains, and you don’t have long-term capital gains, you will be able to use your short-term loss to offset as much as $3,000 of your ordinary income. The significance of this provision is large – your income and your short-term capital gains are taxed at the same rate, which is higher than the long-term capital gains tax rate. So, it is in your best interest to offset as much of your short-term gains or regular income as is possible.
            • It seems Canada has different tax provision on captial gain. 50% of the capital gain is added to taxable income when realized.
              So, if you have capital gain this year and would like to pay less tax on capital gain, you can trigger a capital loss selling to offset the capital gain.
              By the way, how to define short-term capital gains and long-term? Just curious.