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U R very prudent and logical. To my expereince, Financial Priority for new Immigration: RRSP, Life Insurance, RESP, House.... (see inside)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. RRSP Should buy in full in the current year even if your are going to buy house in the next 2-3 years because you can withdraw up to 20K towards the downpayment for your first house.
2. Life insurance is a good assurance of peace, for yourself and your family, especially when you have kids and family to support. To those with low-income family, it is even the first priority to buy a coverage. Term insurance is very cheap eg . 30 yrs non-smoker male for 10 yr Term only $12/month. Such as Whole life and Universl Life is the second choice when you have spare money after fullfil the RRSP account.
3. RESP is the next tax benefit you should get. Every dollar you put in you will get 20% from government, up to $400/year. Somebody will argue there won't be any loan for kids when they have RESP for their high education. It's wrong, first loan is only calculated on the student's income, RESP doesn't mean you cannot get loan. Second, I don't think most Chinese parents are willing to see their kids in heavy debt when they graduate from school even if they are able to help their kids now. Third, it's a good investment even if your kids won't go for university, you got the interest from $400/yr govenment money.
4. House is the biggest investment in your life. So prepare well for it. Before buying a house, don't put your hard-earned money into high risk speculation like stock, option... You will lose your pants. This is the game when you have spare money. GIC, Money Market is of the same grade (risk) investment. Other MF like Bond fund, income fund, balanced fund are also good for high return and moderate risk. Compose a portfolio, most of the banks have samples(like 60% bond fund, 40% stock fund) to balance your investment risk/return. It's simply called modern portfolio theory by Wall street. You can do it too by urself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 谁帮俺讲讲开GIC户头,买FUND的基础知识?

    听说GIC不错,GIC PLUS和1+1 GIC开哪种好?

    想买一点TD FUND,可种类实在太多,能推荐几个吗?


    • 去问TD的personal banker, 不用钱,而且他们讲得更明白
    • 给你推荐一本书吧, 是我读的第一本个人财政管理的书, 随便从图书馆翻出来, 后来才知道是本畅销书...
    • GIC就是一个定期储蓄帐户啦。你可以比较每家银行的利率,择优选择。选择好了银行后, 可以跟他们的人面谈,如果你决定投入的数目不算少的话, 可以要求他们给你一个优惠(每家银行有自己的BREAKEVEN RATE)
      每一种GIC都有一点区别, 要选择适合自己的。

      MUTUAL FUND有一点风险。以前我在银行帮人作过事,所谓FINANCIL ADVISOR无非是要问你一些问题, 比如家庭年收入,小孩多少,离退休多远,风险承受能力如何, 以此判断你是保守的,或冒险的投资者,从而向你推荐不同的MF。其实2002市场不好,大多数人还是呆在MONEY MARKET里了。
      • ???俺还以为money market比mutual fund风险高呢~~~
        • MONEY MKT 是MF的一种吧, 和TREASURY BILL差不多拉,现在的行情差不多有1-3%的受益吧。属于风险特别小的,抽取也比较方便。
        • MF风险高, 陪了也要付手续费是嘛? 但是买了RESP, 到地是放到MF上还是存定期?
          • Put money in GIC or MF depends on ur own desire of risk/return. Chose a stable MF portfolio like Bond fund(80%)+Stock Fund(20%) is much better than GIC.
            one year GIC is around 2.0% ,u r actually losing money while taking 2.3% inflation into consideration
        • 狭义地讲,Money Market无风险,因为其收益永远为正。
          广义地讲,有风险,因为其他投资收益很可能更高,如股票(也可能更低),因为其收益很可能低于通货膨胀。个人认为GIC不可取,收益很低,更缺乏灵活性。如果投资于Money Market,收益和一年定期相差不远,但是资金可以根据情况随时调配(一百一百的转,象活期那样),提现、转入股票基金或者债券基金等。买卖Money Market无需手续费。基金收费好像不太流行了,通常要求你买入后三个月内不要卖出,否则就收费。如果在银行开户,买卖银行自己的基金的话,限制就比较小,通常可以自由买卖。但是银行毕竟不是主营基金业务的,其运作水平可能差于专业的基金公司,比如TRIMARK, FIDELITY,尤其是在风险比较大的股票基金上面。
          • 有些mutual fund波动还挺大的. 有一只贵金属的MF, 近几月有60%的涨幅. 还是不大懂MF选择和买卖,能推荐一下否?
            • 不敢乱说,股票市场是个巨复杂的系统,比天气更复杂。
            • 这个重金属FUND听起来象只股票基金。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛股票基金就是主要投资于股市的基金,投资收益和股市关联。自从美国股市从顶峰调头向下以来,一般的基金损失都在30%以上。但矿业股例外,一般的回报却在30%以上。
              互惠基金品种很多,大体有几类,低风险的货币市场基金、短期债券、TREASURY BILL等;稍高一点风险的投资于债券的基金;更多风险的组合基金(同时投资于货币市场、债券、股票等)以分散风险;高风险的股票基金,有的专门投资于某一领域,叫做SECTOR,有的和指数挂钩,和指数一起升跌;更高风险的科技基金,从事高科技风险投资。。。
              在银行可以开设银行自己的互惠基金帐户,但只能买银行自营基金。TD WATERHOUSE是著名的BROKER,尤其是网上服务。其帐户分为基本帐户和普通帐户,前者只能买卖基金,年费29,后者可以买卖股票,年费,99?。基金交易,有的收费,有的不收,买之前,请打电话问清楚。
              最后一个经验,专业人士的预测经常不准(否则他们早就是富翁了),因为市场太太太复杂了,而我们现在的理论对复杂系统几乎一无所知。如果有人自称善于预测,多半是个骗人的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • good. thanks.
          • 开设MONEY MARKET帐户后,还必须要买点什么吧,从回报上看,CP>BA>Strips>T-Bills>GIC>term deposit, 不象MF要交管理费.fixed income是另外的投资?买政府债券?
      • 买了GIC后,可以中途要求中断吗?就是想在未到期前把钱提出来,不在乎什么利息损失,只想把本金提走。这样行吗?
        • 美元的GIC不行,加元的可以。
        • 部分GIC可以提前支取,但是收益(利息)会不同。买的时候请务必弄清楚,否则真有可能拿不出钱来。
    • 我的做法是先买RRSP,再买LIFE INSURANCE,然后在MONEY MARKET存钱准备买房子。分析如下:
      我的做法是先买RRSP,再买LIFE INSURANCE,然后在MONEY MARKET存钱准备买房子。分析如下:

      RRSP是税前投入,没有特殊情况都应当买,而且买足。如果你有LIABILITY,那么LIFE INSURANCE是应当考虑的,我的是10 YEAR TERM,钱也不多,可以负担得起。剩下的就是为买房子作准备。据一本理财书介绍,注册计划外的投资可以有这样几个途径,一是MF中的MONEY MARKET,基本没风险;二是GIC,固定利率,更我风险,我不知到这个利率还可以和银行商量;再就是无物理地址(分支)的银行,如大家经常介绍的 ING银行,他们的利率比别人都要高些,因为经营费用低。这里当然没有包括高风险的MF品种和股票之类,那是属于有钱,有闲,有瘾的大腕们的事。我买房子估计也就是2-3年的事,属于短期投资,所以买风险小的MONEY MARKET,这点活命钱,能赚多少就赚多少,丢可丢不起。

      • U R very prudent and logical. To my expereince, Financial Priority for new Immigration: RRSP, Life Insurance, RESP, House.... (see inside)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. RRSP Should buy in full in the current year even if your are going to buy house in the next 2-3 years because you can withdraw up to 20K towards the downpayment for your first house.
        2. Life insurance is a good assurance of peace, for yourself and your family, especially when you have kids and family to support. To those with low-income family, it is even the first priority to buy a coverage. Term insurance is very cheap eg . 30 yrs non-smoker male for 10 yr Term only $12/month. Such as Whole life and Universl Life is the second choice when you have spare money after fullfil the RRSP account.
        3. RESP is the next tax benefit you should get. Every dollar you put in you will get 20% from government, up to $400/year. Somebody will argue there won't be any loan for kids when they have RESP for their high education. It's wrong, first loan is only calculated on the student's income, RESP doesn't mean you cannot get loan. Second, I don't think most Chinese parents are willing to see their kids in heavy debt when they graduate from school even if they are able to help their kids now. Third, it's a good investment even if your kids won't go for university, you got the interest from $400/yr govenment money.
        4. House is the biggest investment in your life. So prepare well for it. Before buying a house, don't put your hard-earned money into high risk speculation like stock, option... You will lose your pants. This is the game when you have spare money. GIC, Money Market is of the same grade (risk) investment. Other MF like Bond fund, income fund, balanced fund are also good for high return and moderate risk. Compose a portfolio, most of the banks have samples(like 60% bond fund, 40% stock fund) to balance your investment risk/return. It's simply called modern portfolio theory by Wall street. You can do it too by urself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 看的出来,你是比较有想法,有主意的人。你我只有一点不同
          看的出来,你是比较有想法,有主意的人。你我只有一点不同,就是房子在RESP之前还是之后。几天前还想买RESP,现在基本打消了这个念头,理念是 PAY YOURSELF FIRST。现在的肯定程度也还只有60%,请你继续指教并可能的话看我的 MESSAGE (NUMBER IS #884715 )。谢谢
          • 不敢指教。大家交流。请进。
            对于RESP与HOUSING,我并不认为有较大的前后冲突。首先从个人感情来说,我觉得只有为小孩准备好了必要的和力所能及的条件后,我的生活才会是完整的。其次从数字上来说,RESP至少能立即拿到20%的回报,如果去银行借$2000 LINE CREDIT, 也不过7%的利息。再次,我也不认为每年$2000的RESP能对买房造成很大的缺口。当然,对于我见过的一些白人,尽管收入不低,他们确实很为难一下拿出一笔$2000的款子。但我还真没见过拿不出$2000/年的中国移民。
          • 报税前开RRSP帐户就可以吧?TD说用RRSP买Strips bonds是最理想的.然?