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Motorola Inc (NYSE : MOT,A)

Price Information-Thursday October 31, 2002 3:55pm EST

18.55 0.05 0.27%
Last Change Change %

18.64 18.64 18.35
Open High Low

18.60 23.45 16.70
Prv Cls 52 Wk High 52 Wk Low

27,300 NYSE
Volume Exchange

Motorola Inc (NYSE : MEU)

Price Information-Thursday October 31, 2002 3:57pm EST

33.50 0.24 0.72%
Last Change Change %

33.30 34.00 33.30
Open High Low

33.26 54.45 28.75
Prv Cls 52 Wk High 52 Wk Low

63,100 NYSE
Volume Exchange

Quotes delayed at least 15 min.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 玩股DX们, 你们预计NT的这次回弹会到多少价位?
    • Did you buy it as well?
      • 鞋子都坏了---甭提了
    • 多长时段内:一天, 一周还是一月?
      • 长远来看, 至少一年,2块钱会不会封它的顶呢?
        • It depends on how and when telecom companise will recover. If the telecom environment become even worse, NT or LU may go bankcruptcy. Conversely, NT's price can easyly exceed $2. Everything can happen.
          Don't predict the future, it is no use, just follow the market trend in a short term.
        • 你说的是北电美金价格吧.从北美几大无线运营公司的第三季度报表看, 情况都比2001年同期要好,并且同时看好下一年度的用户增长数量.
          这对包括北电在内的电信供应商来说都是长期利好因素. 个人认为一年内到$2的可能性很大. 另外, 通信行业里比北电更有潜力的股票是MOTOROLA, 它已经在连续六季度的亏损后开始盈利了. 如果美国真的要打伊拉克, 由于MOTOROLA传统上是美国军方通信设备供应商,应该还可以捞一票. (本观点纯属个人狂想. 股市有风险, 入市需谨慎)
          • 谢谢你的分析....
            • 不客气, 谈不上分析, 瞎猜.
          • motorola 代码是什么? MEU MOT MOT,A怎么都是motorola INC?
            Ticker Country Company Name

            MEU United States MOTOROLA INC

            MOT United States MOTOROLA INC

            MOT,A United States MOTOROLA INC
            • MOT
              • 其他两个是什么?
                • 不清楚, 可能是MOTOROLA在不同的证券交易所的代号吧.
                  • 在www.TDcanadatrust.com上查的,都是NYSE呀。请看
                    Motorola Inc (NYSE : MOT,A)

                    Price Information-Thursday October 31, 2002 3:55pm EST

                    18.55 0.05 0.27%
                    Last Change Change %

                    18.64 18.64 18.35
                    Open High Low

                    18.60 23.45 16.70
                    Prv Cls 52 Wk High 52 Wk Low

                    27,300 NYSE
                    Volume Exchange

                    Motorola Inc (NYSE : MEU)

                    Price Information-Thursday October 31, 2002 3:57pm EST

                    33.50 0.24 0.72%
                    Last Change Change %

                    33.30 34.00 33.30
                    Open High Low

                    33.26 54.45 28.75
                    Prv Cls 52 Wk High 52 Wk Low

                    63,100 NYSE
                    Volume Exchange

                    Quotes delayed at least 15 min.
    • 短期内,十月开始的涨势已经开始休息了,牛还在拱,但已经喘白气了。长期,没人知道,得看美国经济复苏的速度。
      • 极为同意!!
    • LU比NT涨得还快。快涨啊快涨!
      • LU是什么股?
        • lucent
    • 我昨天US$1.25全部出货了.准备低于$1时考率分批买进.