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Good article. Just like to correct one point. Autism Spectrum Disorder (自闭症) is not all have 智力发育问题.

Good article. Just like to correct one point. Autism Spectrum Disorder (自闭症) is not all have 智力发育问题. Some of them are gifted and have higher IQ. Some of them are genius, like Jake Barnett.

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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 浅谈有特殊需要的儿童
    • 很有用的信息,谢谢分享!
      • 谢谢耐下性子读我这个长篇,希望这篇对所需要的人们有帮助。人生不易,面对困难,从容以对对谁都不易,好在加拿大这个系统关照弱者。
    • 好文,学习
    • 好人 好文!顶!!
    • Very helpful information. Thanks for sharing.
    • 好文。
    • Good article. Just like to correct one point. Autism Spectrum Disorder (自闭症) is not all have 智力发育问题.
      Good article. Just like to correct one point. Autism Spectrum Disorder (自闭症) is not all have 智力发育问题. Some of them are gifted and have higher IQ. Some of them are genius, like Jake Barnett.

      • 谢谢,此言极是。发现孩子的出奇天赋也需要家长和教育部门的共同努力。
    • 有没有一些网站link介绍具体一些: 如何申请儿童特殊需要评估/儿科专家测评/特教老师辅导?谢谢指教!
      • 家庭医生,教育局都可以提供评估。还可以试试这几个网站,
        http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/81-004-x/2006005/9588-eng.htm 这个提到加拿大统计局的资料,男孩子可能要多一点
    • 很好的文章