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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

According to my working experience

what Rounder said could most likely be the reason, perticularly, when you applied for Visa, you did not have your sin number ready. In addition, lots of Chinese name in English (Ping Ying) are similar, or exactly the same. Therefore, when TD checked the Bureau report, they hit the wrong person who has a acceptable record. Then, you got your card based on others credit. However, since you sign the credit agreement with TD, you are the actual holder of Visa which means you are liable to your debts. So, if your payment is delinquent, maybe you ruin other's credit, but legally, you cannot walk away with your debt--you have the legal responsibility to pay them back. Please do not mess around. Hope this helps.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 各位朋友, 关于信用卡有一问题请教.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我们上个月登陆多伦多, 在TD CANADA TRUST 开了银行户头, 当时为我们服务的银行职员(西人, 女的) 问我们是否需要CREDIT CARD, 我们当然回答要了. 所有的手续都是她给办的, 我们只负责签字. 当时我们都很奇怪, 为什麽许多新移民朋友必须要在TD存一个定期,才能得到信用卡, 而我们不需要, 另外, 以我们的经验, 申请信用卡是要填申请表的呀? 怎麽全都免了?

    后来过了十几天, 信用卡真的来了, 我们打电话将之分别激活, 现在的情况是:我们用信用卡可以消费, 帐单也能寄到我们住的地方.

    现在麻烦来了, 我们在INTERNET BANKING 时, 发现我们的帐户有些问题, 所以就去问银行, 这次是个华人小伙子服务, 他发现上次为我们服务的女的, 给我们开的美金户头有问题, 这倒是小事, 很快搞定. 接着又有一个问题, 我们怎麽会不事先存钱,就有信用卡?! 他之后又说那个女的级别很低, 很多业务不懂之类的话. 简断截说, 按他的话讲, 由于那个女职员的工作疏忽,虽然现在我们的信用卡能用, 帐单也是寄给我们, 我们按时还钱, 但我们是在替某个人积累信用, (而此人还不知道), 但以后我们申请贷款的时候因为没有自己的信用,会有麻烦.

    我们很奇怪, 信用卡上的名字是我们的, 帐单也寄给我们, 我们还了钱, 怎麽是给其他某个人积累信用? 困惑, 我现在比较怀疑TD FAIRVIEWMALL BRANCH 的那个台湾小子所说, 哪位朋友知道这是怎麽回事? 银行和CREDIT BUREAU 之间, 关于信用卡是怎麽相互运作的?
    .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Up! I also want to know the explain.
    • 好象属于女职员工作失误,但是你们得到的信用卡应该是有效的。为别人积累信用,是别人的副卡?不太可能。
    • 仔细打听清楚,最好申请一份个人信用报告(申请办法可以查以前的贴子)。如果真的信用不在自己这里不是挺好?疯狂刷卡,还不影响自己的信用连钱都不用还了。哈哈!恭喜!
      • 先帮我报销回国的机票,谢谢。
    • That's weird, but don't worry.
      Only in one case could what he told you happen: when TD do the credit check on you, they mixed you up with someone else. This is highly unlikely though, as both the name and the SIN number should match. If that is the case, TD is obligated to disconnect your card to the credit profile of that person. I can't see them refuse to do that, as the other person can sue TD if he finds out. In summary, TD should apologize to you and let you keep the card.
    • According to my working experience
      what Rounder said could most likely be the reason, perticularly, when you applied for Visa, you did not have your sin number ready. In addition, lots of Chinese name in English (Ping Ying) are similar, or exactly the same. Therefore, when TD checked the Bureau report, they hit the wrong person who has a acceptable record. Then, you got your card based on others credit. However, since you sign the credit agreement with TD, you are the actual holder of Visa which means you are liable to your debts. So, if your payment is delinquent, maybe you ruin other's credit, but legally, you cannot walk away with your debt--you have the legal responsibility to pay them back. Please do not mess around. Hope this helps.
      • 那么我们真的有可能是为其他人累积信用了, 如果真那样的话, 对我们日后, 比如在银行(TD或者其他银行) 申请贷款, 有什么不良影响? 对我们来说. 解决这个问题最好的办法是什么? 取消这个信用卡吗? 谢谢! 
        • Better close it and re-apply for a new secured (with deposit) Visa (available in most of major banks).
    • No problem. Because you open a account and deposit money. The accountant think you have credit, give you Visa promotion. That's all
      • 多谢各位!