Example #2
(you are fully responsible - with optional
Loss or Damage Coverages)
Your car has an actual cash value of $12,000.
You are involved in an accident and are 100%
responsible. Your car is a total loss.
You receive nothing under your Direct
Compensation - Property Damage Coverage.
You have the optional Collision or Upset
Coverage and your deductible is $300. Under the
optional coverage, we will pay $11,700 ($12,000
less $300, the deductible).
In sum: You receive $11,700. You are
responsible for $300, the Collision deductible.
(合同没写, 但你的保费从此将大增)
(you are fully responsible - with optional
Loss or Damage Coverages)
Your car has an actual cash value of $12,000.
You are involved in an accident and are 100%
responsible. Your car is a total loss.
You receive nothing under your Direct
Compensation - Property Damage Coverage.
You have the optional Collision or Upset
Coverage and your deductible is $300. Under the
optional coverage, we will pay $11,700 ($12,000
less $300, the deductible).
In sum: You receive $11,700. You are
responsible for $300, the Collision deductible.
(合同没写, 但你的保费从此将大增)