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老猫的育儿经 - 的解释。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1 永远不为孩子牺牲自己的兴趣,工作,生活习惯。只剩下一块肉的时候,我先吃。

Having seen too many parents scarified too much for the next generations, passing on all the hope, living in a dream, and creating a tremendous amount of burden onto the kids unfairly. It is understandable when the material conditions were tough. Now we are living in a free society, no worries whatsoever for food, housing, transportations. There is a greater benefits for parents to live a good life, without having to put the burden onto our next generations. No scarifies, no expectations, no stress on the relationship. Let kids be kids, let parent be a free soul doing whatever they deserve to do. As for the meat, people see it literally. It is not.

2 从小让孩子很清楚自己的位置 - 是家里的客人,长到18岁就要准备走人。洗碗挣钱,从8岁做起。

My wife and myself created the household. Kids are part of our lives forever. However, in terms of living together and providing all the necessities, it is only meant for this short period of time. I am ultimately thankful to having this experience and I am enjoying it day by day. But I don’t want to create a fake expectation that this house can forever provide. I will one day be getting old and no longer provide. The kids should be prepared to face the outside world – the sooner the better. I am ready to letting go whenever it is time. No strings attached, let it fly.

3 给孩子充分的自由 - 信仰,爱好,皆不干预。想信伊斯兰,没问题。

I have no religion. I don’t have all the answers. Simply, I don’t know. No one really knows. It is unfair to ask someone to believe or not to believe something that I have no idea, or proof with. Religion is the single source of most conflicts in the world. It won’t be in my family.

4 让其知道我们之间的关系平等,孩子完全可以反对我的建议,争取自身利益。敢于从我嘴里抢肉。

I will only be happy when my kids are brave enough to stand up for themselves, even in front of me. Fighting for one’s right, does not matter if it is outside, or inside a family. Too many times I have seen injustice being done in the name of “love”. I can be of a danger to my own kids. I need to educate them to be weary of me before I may go down a path of dark side.

5 从小养猫,让她知道爱心,正直,诚实 比 成绩,才艺更重要

Do not have to be a cat. Any living thing will do. When kids are still kids, they should learn how to be responsible to take care of others – providing food, medicine, care, consistently no matter it is healthy or sick. At the end, they will learn a lesson of the meaning of life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 老猫的育儿经 - 的解释。
    • 哈哈,老猫写洋文溜多了. 顶
      • 多谢啦。怎么听着就跟骂我似的。LOL
    • 果然是英语的表达比中文逻辑多了,中文成了词不达意。
      • 你这就真是在挤兑我了
        • 今天一直想说your Chinese sucks, 就是老找不到你.
        • 呵呵,绝对没有,你要一早发这个帖子,估计白天的那个热点就不在了.
      • 也有可能是大家的英语水平比较差,觉得这个英文水平很高。
      • +1 ^_^
    • 就喜欢丢砖老猫,早看出来老猫写前面的文章就是为了说他自己很有文化,indirectly show off。
    • 一眼看到错别字,scarifies, 老猫继续努力,侧面证明peer review的威力。哈哈。
    • Do not have to be a cat, --> It doesn't have to be a cat.
    • Well said. Totally agree.
    • 你的那个原帖招的砖头可以盖个trump tower 了。。 。 :)
      • 呵呵,所以赶紧着解释一下。
    • 怀疑老猫同志早上目的完全是为了占热坑......................
    • 招架不住了,又来扯几句混在一起揉,呵呵.你父母的家,你的大学时代,你现在的家应该都不是那种特别有人情味的,大家伙都有些端着,温暖少了,人就有点冷血,这种人生活中有时吃苦头多了,有时也挺不爽的 ,于是弄些幻想什么的.玩点文字游戏扯点人生哲理,搞搞清楚自己吧,别和孩子扯了
      • 本来就是找砖的,随你怎么想了。
    • 1 物质上的富裕,没用。你一天就24个小时,有了孩子,你就不得不“牺牲”你的一些生活习惯,减少花在自己兴趣上的时间,工作也不可能象以前那样没有压力。一块肉的比方,简直一点都不合理。
      2家,不只是一个实体的家。家,当然是父母永远可以给予孩子的地方。没有sooner better的说法。我更愿意她们就象一个受父母宠爱的,跟别的孩子一样长大的孩子。穷人的孩子才早当家呢。
      • 大早上的就不抬杠了。就生命起源,上帝阿拉这个问题来讲,这世上谁是有知的呢?承认人类在整体上对这个问题的无知,才能给个体自由。
      • 很长,所以双方的我都没细看,但感觉的到你们的观点。这个“牺牲”怎么定义?我感觉老猫认为是“牺牲”的东西,利利巴可能很enjoy,这是造成你们差别的一个重要原因。利利巴很不排斥甚至喜欢这个“牺牲”,因为她enjoys。
        • 有道理。我经常为了孩子的健康成长,克制自己去enjoy牺牲的欲望。
          • 问个问题:假设你的孩子不喜欢吃绿叶蔬菜,你会和她每次都啰嗦一下青菜的好处,然后让她自己决定,还是你规定她必须吃完一定量的蔬菜?
            • 我会想办法让青菜做的好吃,免去麻烦。
              • 我觉得你在改换命题,我的前提是孩子不喜欢吃,比如菠菜。再怎么做,还是菠菜吧?
                • 孩子实在不喜欢吃的就随她吧,现在可替换的东西很多,我不会和孩子较劲的。
          • 还是一个“适度”的问题。其实爱本身就意味着,to some extend,一些付出,一些牺牲,关键就是这个to some extend,过了这个extend,就是extremism,不管是往那边 extremism,都不好。“中庸”,是世界智慧之大成。
      • 老猫的#3还是很有道理的,不仅仅限于宗教,其他事上也是如此。我们父母相信的未必是绝对正确的;做事的方法也未必是最好的。#1如果是平时吃不到的奢侈品,家里人当然要一起分享,不让孩子觉得吃独食是理所当然的。
    • “只剩下一块肉的时候,我先吃。”, “争取自身利益。敢于从我嘴里抢肉。” --- 老猫,你是不是说猫们老为争食掐架?小小的人民内部矛盾变成了敌我矛盾,咋整?
      • 老猫小猫都嘴搀的很,老抢吃的。
    • 我喜欢卡通片“little chicken"里面爸爸跟小kevin?讲的那句话“I love you, son. and I am sorry if I ever made you feel that was sth you had to earn."
    • 其实很多家长的具体做法是一样的,大家都在做同样的事情,有的觉得自己是在为孩子牺牲,
      • once her piano teacher asked me "do you have any idea how well your daughter plays?", "can you tell the differences between very good vs. fabulous? ". I am always an honest man, without thinking, I said "no. I have no idea"
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I never pushed my kid to do anything - thats a true statement. She learns piano from suzuki school, whose philosphy is a perfect match - taking all competitiveness out of the experience of learning music. There is no competition, there is no pressure of passing whatever grade, there is not even any peer pressure... she plays piano, she loves it, she is good at it, without knowing anything how others play, or what grade she is at... I am totally fine with it..

        As for Chinese study - like many kids, she does not like it. I am encouraging her to speak more Chinese.. but again, I never pushed it. I speak Chinese to her, she speak English to me. I was never worried about her language skills. If she does not like it, she does not like it. end of story.

        When I was small, I had similar experience... at one time, i was good at drawing.. My parents took many effort to put me into a club or sort of it.. Once I got admitted, I told them I did not like it and did not want to go there again. They did a moderate persuasion job.. But when they saw I meant it, they did not push it. I was 6 then.

        My memory was very good.. some times can scare poeple. My memeory traced back when I was a few months old.. I may not be a pure human, some times I really felt like it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Let me repeat the very simple question again--- Do you drive your kid to piano lesson every week? The next word I want to hear from your mouth
          suppose to be Yes or No, otherwise all you said are in contempt in this topic.
          • It is a Yes. but I fail to see the relevance..
            before my wife bought her own car, I was the cab driver in my house hold. Every morning, I drove my kid to school, drove my wife to work, then went to my office..It was not even in the same direction. Every afternoon, I'd pick up my kid from school, and pick up my wife from work.. It was a routine for more than 6 years. I enjoyed it and whenever I have a chance, I'd still insist of doing it.. I never mind doing house work. I like cooking, dish washing, cleaning.. It is just my way of relaxation.
            • That's the point! Don't you see you're the very guy you're talking about in your post who is "sacrificing" for kid? Spending so much precious enery and time on driving car for your kid,
              and not even in the same direction, though you may say you are willing and enjoy it as many other parents, however, it is truth that is sacrificing.
        • You are very sensitive human bing. I believe that you are very much aware of your inner-self. Hope to meet you and your family someday.
          • Thx... I am friend of Cap Mike.. for sure we will have chance to meet in one of rolia parties
    • 你说的都挺好,就是不知道这是不是也是你老婆的育儿观?父亲如山,母亲恐怕就做不到了。
    • "老猫的育儿经"在本地其它论坛上也引起讨论,有网友评论说是"黑人单亲家庭的育儿经",嘿嘿。
      • 一看就知道没把我的解释转过去