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Additional card no credit for sure

Several ways to increse your credit:

1, Have a credit card, use it and pay it back clearly, if you own a couple of monthes money (only pay minimum of course), then pay your balance and the interest to the bank, your credit will be higher compare those who pay every month evenly.

2. Buy a car using car loan from bank or dealer, pay it clearly after several years.

3. Loan the money from bank for diffierent purposes, e.g. RRSP catch up, line of credit, house etc, pay it clearly afterwards.

only my 3 cents

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请问结婚的各位夫妻都是用JOINT ACCOUNT还是个人有个人的账户?有位同志告诉我说用JOINT ACCOUNT的话,附属的那个人没有信用累计,不知是否正确。
    • sure
      • Sure for joint account or separate ones?
        • 合用帐户肯定附属方没信用积累, 建议用分开帐户,最好家里的费用2人分付,这样2人都有信用积累.
          • Thanks!
    • 两个人都应该有信用累计——我在TD开户时特别询问过。当然也可能各个银行不同。你还是问一下你的银行吧!
      • 如果是信用卡的副卡呢?
        • 就是信用卡呀!当时是我先申请,LG怕没有他的信用累计,又问过银行,回答是肯定的。不过,你还是问一下你的银行为好。
      • TD跟我也是这样说的。但后来一查信用记录,才发现持副卡的一点信用都没有。所以信用卡还是各自申请的好。
        • agree
        • TD当时跟我说的也是副卡有信用纪录,你是怎么查信用纪录的?我也去查查看。谢谢
          • 银行的计算机直接就可以查到。也可以自己发信到equifax和TransUnion索取。
      • 有副卡并按时付帐对主卡人好像能增加信用,表明偿付能力很强,但是对副卡人来说,一丁点儿信用也积攒不起来.这也是银行告诉俺的,俺认为合理.
      • amber,信用累计有什么用?
        • 以后你要贷款啦什么的,银行都要查你的纪录啦。比国内的档案还黑。
          • :(办好以后,我还没用过,我真土:(
    • Credit history does not apply to saving or chequing account. So if you are opening bank account, it doesn't really matter. But if you open a credit card account, then it does.
      • What if you have a credit card, but seldom use it. Will it also increase your credit? Thanks.
        • No, 不借钱永远没有信用记录。所以你得拼命用,并按时还钱。
          • But I don't have much spending needs. And I also want to accumulate the points for the same card. So spending in two cards is a little disturbing.
            • 信用纪录里好像没有你到底用了多少钱的纪录,所以只要每月都用,哪怕只用一块钱,并按时还上,你的信用纪录就会很好了。
              • Thanks.
    • 福卡是绝对没有信用记录的(如果一起深情的,那么可能会有的,这个与申请过程中的具体操作有关)。相信我。
    • 请教,是不是要有SIN,才能有信用纪录?如果SIN改了,是不是也要通知信用卡公司,还是系统会自动更正?申请AMEX的时候就没有填SIN,那样会有信用纪录吗?谢谢!
      • SIN怎么可能改?信用记录与SIN没有绝对关系,但SIN是你的重要ID。
        • 身份变了,从学生到移民了,就要去改SIN了。
    • 咱也想查查自个儿的信用记录,能告诉如何查吗?
      • 发信到equifax和TransUnion索取.
    • 猪头,我刚给信用卡公司打了电话,他们说副卡没有信用累计。 真是,TD又骗了我。LG惨了。
      • 不要紧,从现在开始也来得及吧。呵呵,这样我就可以吸取你的前车之鉴了。:)
    • Additional card no credit for sure
      Several ways to increse your credit:

      1, Have a credit card, use it and pay it back clearly, if you own a couple of monthes money (only pay minimum of course), then pay your balance and the interest to the bank, your credit will be higher compare those who pay every month evenly.

      2. Buy a car using car loan from bank or dealer, pay it clearly after several years.

      3. Loan the money from bank for diffierent purposes, e.g. RRSP catch up, line of credit, house etc, pay it clearly afterwards.

      only my 3 cents