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some comments

To a certain extend, breathe is correct. Nevertheless, life insurer wish to compete the market of individual fund and thus they generally design different account to cater for different risk preference. Generally speaking, you would still have a reasonable return if you opt for an conservative account and you won't lost so much. I believe breathe's friend should have choose an aggressive account thus an fluctuated investment yielding could be expected. Bearing in mind, risk is a natural partner of investment not matter you like it or not.

Again, breathe is correct if you only go for protection.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 本人想买人寿保险,经济人推荐国联人寿(industrial alliance)Universal Life,37岁。30万保费,每月交190$,含伤残险,请问:此公司的保单如何?经济人说此公司可保证只交20年保费,190$中只有几个$用于投资。
    • 如果他“保证”只交20年报费,那他保证是在蒙你。因为这种投资保险是用投资效益计算的,没人能保证未来20年的投资效益。请参阅本人的“外行闲谈:如何购买人寿保险”( #30431)
      • 呵呵,看来Rollor确实是外行. 国联(industrial insueance)有一个产品确实是保证10年或20年的(option10 or option20). 不过是羊毛出在羊身上, 你需要单独多交一部分钱买一份收益保险,保证最低回报,所以才能保证20年后不用再交.
    • my suggestion
      go for term instead of universal. an insurance company is not an investement company. it can hardly beat an investment company, lets say, a mutual fund company. you can lose your invested money easily without being noticed. a friend of mine purchased an ul and rite now its cash value is even below its original investment, not to mention making money. the stock market has ups and downs, but the problem is that he got the promise of 13% annual return rate. when he inquired about that, the agent replied the insurance company need to charge admin fee, other fees, etc. so be cautious. dont expect a double-digit investment return rate. i personally think even 10% is not likely to achieve in the long term. in a long term of 20 years, 5% annual return is already a great job. dont believe me? ask warren buffett
      • some comments
        To a certain extend, breathe is correct. Nevertheless, life insurer wish to compete the market of individual fund and thus they generally design different account to cater for different risk preference. Generally speaking, you would still have a reasonable return if you opt for an conservative account and you won't lost so much. I believe breathe's friend should have choose an aggressive account thus an fluctuated investment yielding could be expected. Bearing in mind, risk is a natural partner of investment not matter you like it or not.

        Again, breathe is correct if you only go for protection.
    • It depends on your need.
      If you need coverage, you could consider term life plus some accidental and health riders. If you favor reasonable investment return, you then should choose mutual fund or something else alike. You should choose universal life if you don't have any idea about insurance and investment.
    • 我也建议你买term,虽然没在这里的寿险公司做过,但从前在国内寿险公司做时,投资部的人每天只是买卖一些国债,投资效益可想而知。另外那个DX推荐一下这里的Term,那些Agent一听我只买Term又做过保险,根本懒得答理我。
      • 我的经纪不错,但我不愿为他做广告。你把你的电话给我,我让他找你。
      • 关于TERM的人寿保险
        • $10-$40 还能余?:)
          • 40多! 可以了吧!? :)
    • 建议你买一部分term,一部分UL. term保障你近10年或20年有一个大保额,价格比较便宜。UL保证你term期满后仍有一部分保险,那时孩子已成年你也许不需要非常大的保单。UL是作为投资留遗产,这部分钱是一定能拿到的。
      • 你真阔气,一下子买两份.
        • 如果买20万term,15万UL,加起来还用不了$190/m.
    • I recommend Universial Life
    • 只买你需要的保险, 把做投资的钱直接投资.