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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


我看到你的帖子里讲的to improve your refund, look into the following items 其中这两条我不明白,
1)interest of funds borrowed to make investment: 恕我英文太烂,单词都认识,意思实在不明白
2)put your wife as a dependent, file a coupled return
如果一个家庭夫妇俩人+一个小孩,一方有工作收入,另一方没工作,只有银行的利息作为income,这种情况下,file a coupled return 和各自单独报税有何区别吗?另听说,孩子的母亲必须单独报税,否则孩子会没有牛奶金,有这说法吗?



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 第二个关门了, 本主席再开, 今年未能参与ICAO的干活, 所以在这里开一个Online Tax Clinic, 欢迎同志们发问, 请把您的情况说明的进量详尽
    • 对第一次报税的,是否只能邮寄添好的表格?我在 http://www.netfile.gc.ca/restrictions-e.html 这里看到,2001 年的新移民不能用 NETFILE 报税,我的理解可对?多谢!
      • Yeah, the reason being that you are not entitled to the full amount of personal credit since you weren't here for the full year, hence, personal non-refundable will be lower
        gst rebate none
        ontario housing credit, reduced
        child tax benefit, reduced
    • Chairman Piggy, you did good job. and please change the category to 经济理财投资
      • uh, me is not currently currently at this particular moment as me see see that me is not logged in as a moderator ar, hence thus therefore as a result it's beyond my ability
        • 又喝多了
    • 不好意思.一个很笨的问题.哪天是报税的最后一天? 3月31日还是4月30日?TORONTO. 多谢主席!
      • apr 30 if it doesn't fall on a weekend, june 30 if you are self-employed
    • 如何计算房租退税/?谢谢
      • if it's rent, ontario tax credit - (your income - 4000) x 2%, if it's property tax credit, then double that above amount, use a tax program to be sure
    • 再问一个问题:父母生病,带钱回去(随身带),可不可以报?怎么报?以前有个DX说报过,而且还被查过,后来提供生病住院证明,通过了。能给个权威的答案吗?不知需要哪些材料,要翻译成英文吗?
      • Three things, medical expenses are deductible worldwide, if you don't have the receipts, list the items and explain the story.
        medical expense for parents, might be categorized as support payment of a person equvalent to spouse, which is no more than 7500,

        if your parents are infirmed, then they are your dependents, expenses in taking care of them have no limit.

        don't send any receipts to CCRA if you don't have the whole set
        • 父母不是加拿大的移民,住在中国,也可以算my dependents,是吗 ?如果是汇款,是不是要保留汇款记录?
          • read it again
            • 不好意思。你只是说medical expenses are deductible worldwide。 我是想问:“if your parents are infirmed, then they are your dependents”是不是worldwide?
              • Yeah, and there are specific rules to define infirmed dependents, watch for that
                • Could you please tell me where can I find those rules?
    • New immgrant of Canada in 2001, no job in Canada, now work in the U.S, should I claim Tax in Canada? my family is still there.
      • don't bother
        • SIN卡领了吧?你们都需要报税, 尽管你们在过去的一年在加拿大没有收入。 You can get refund
    • 去年几乎没有收入,但付了一笔学费(Paid by Cash)。学费是不是应该等有收入之后再报得到的退税比较多?如果是,是不是明年报税的时候再付上TUITION AND EDUCATION AMOUNTS CERTIFICATE(FORM T2202A)?我前几天收到这个表。
      • tuition credits are not refundable, but put them on the S11 for future record, and don't incude the t2202a,
        • 多谢,我知道了。我今年填S11表,算出来的Your unused tuition and education amounts available to carry forward to a future year(Line 19)明年填在S11的Line 1就可以了。
    • 瘦猪博士,请问对领EI有什么要特别注意点,谢谢。
      • don't cheat
    • PIGGY,温哥华的管吗?
    • 主席请指教,谢先!2000年10月登陆后回国继续工作至12月再入加,2000年未报税; 2001年1月开始在加工作至6月被裁员,7月始领EI;后做PART TIME至今。
      年收入未超过25K;另一半从未打工。银行有共同利息收入。请问,1. 2000年的是否需要补报,国内那两个月的收入是否需要报(幸好我还留有2000年的报税表格)?2.能与2001年的混合报吗?3.利息是否有必要算在无收入的一半,或50/50? 4. 是否有必要请会计师?如果自己申报,就我目前的收入,大概会与会计师报有多大的退税差异?多谢主席先!!
      • 1。既然没报就算了。2。不可以。3。可以, 100%都可以。4。好好研究说明应该没什么问题。你的情况很简单的了。不应该有什么差异。
      • 2000年的是需要补报,自动补报无罚款,只需补欠税的利息,但您无欠税,若不补报,将来有可能会被罚款。补报后能否拿回去年的退款,我觉得会碰到时效性的问题
        • 谢谢清枫和霏。关于退款,时效性是多长时间,大概有多少退款,请明示,多谢!
    • 出租房屋收入在什么项下申报?Mortgage支出在什么项下可以deduct? Thanks.
      • 1. Under Other Income, needs more details though. 2. Generally speaking, the mortgage expense is not deductible, but some repairing expense can.
    • 我的帖子被淹了,再贴这儿一遍.瘦猪主席,我有两个问题想请教:
      我看到你的帖子里讲的to improve your refund, look into the following items 其中这两条我不明白,
      1)interest of funds borrowed to make investment: 恕我英文太烂,单词都认识,意思实在不明白
      2)put your wife as a dependent, file a coupled return
      如果一个家庭夫妇俩人+一个小孩,一方有工作收入,另一方没工作,只有银行的利息作为income,这种情况下,file a coupled return 和各自单独报税有何区别吗?另听说,孩子的母亲必须单独报税,否则孩子会没有牛奶金,有这说法吗?


      • 1. 象银行贷款投资的利息,如贷款买RRSP的利息;2。CBT是根据家庭收入来衡量的。而且你们俩这样情况肯定得合起来报。3。 US$$。Somebody posted the exchange rate in the forum already. Do a search.
    • 一个是移民,一个是国际学生,和租的房子(有两个人的名字)。去年移民又收入。房租是否可以单独计算再国际学生头上。要是平摊或者算在移民头上基本上就没有退税了。请给意见,是否合法。一年的房租大约是7000多。
    • 主席,我买了OHOSP, 税表中那里体现? 听说收入低可以有政府的补助,是否只要将BANK的OHOSP税单付表交上?多谢
    • 一个问题:我的母亲帮我看小孩,可否算DAYCAR费?住在同一个房子里和她住 在另外一个地方的区别是什么?谢谢。
    • Questions about corporate tax
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I'm one of the three shareholders of an incorporated company, which is registered both in federal level and provincial level (Quebec). We do technical consulting and software development. Not a lot of business, usually $5,000-10,000 a time every two to three months. No major expenses either. I also work in a university with a salary of $39,000.

      I have several questions here:

      1. For the corporate tax, do we have to pay two taxes, one to the federal, one to the provincial, or just to the provincial?

      2. Are there tax exemptions for first year companies, such as ours?

      3. Do we have to pay installment? Are there penalties if we don't?

      4. Are there any tax shelter options we can explore?

      5. Currently we don't have any employees, because we are afraid of all the book keeping involved. What would be the best way for me to pay myself from the company's profit?

      6. If we provide consulting to out of province or out of country customers, do we have to collect GST and/or QST? How often do we have to submit the GST/QST?

      7. We are thinking of using an accountant, but we have so many questions we don't know where to begin. How do we find a good and trustworthy accountant? Any insights?

      I'd appreciate if you could provide any suggestions on this matter. Many thanks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net