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Well first of all, I hope you are not using me to do your homework for you...for your question, there are several misconceptions, let's do a walk through

There is no such thing as a "incorporation limited", the Canada Corporation Act, permits either an incorporated corporation, or a limited company,

under CCA, no firms can form at the federal level, all firms must be form at the provincial level for the corporation act at the provincial level to apply (with the excepting of crown corps),

so the firm has to be either a Quebec corp or an ontario corp,

you can call the CCRA for a business number package, which contains four number, gst# biz#, RDTOH# and another one

Quebec provincial return has to be filed before a federal T1 is filed for the deduction to be utilized,

Quebec has its own tax bureau, since it is in the civil system as oppose to the common system for the rest of canada

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 本主席今年未能参与ICAO的干活, 所以在这里开一个Online Tax Clinic, 欢迎同志们发问, 请把您的情况说明的进量详尽
    • 瘦猪是个好同志!
      • Pong
    • 一个具有普遍意义的问题:如何少交或不交税?给点切实可行的办法吧!
      • general advice are not much of value, we gotta look at things that are applicable to you specifically, say if you are like me, who has very low income, then don't even file a tax return
        • I have two question, 1. You meant filing for tax return is not leagally necessary? 2. If I paid some tax, how can I get the money without filing a tax return? thanks in advances
          • You are legally bound to file a return every 10 years, though the taxes will have to be paid every year. The only way to get income tax back is to file a return
      • 不交或少交的方法, 切不可外传!!!
    • 我今年2月登陆,刚拿到SIN号,2001年我在国内有低收入及其证明和老公的汇款凭证,请问如何和老公一起申报去年的税(如何填表和准备什么材料)。谢谢!
      • If you've landed in 2002, then there is no need to file a 2001 return, or did you mean Feb 2001 was your landing time?
        • 我是2002年登陆的,但是老公去年收入、税收较高,如果老公把我算在一起报税,可否得到退税?
    • ICAO是什么的缩写,联合国民航组织(http://www.icao.int)?
      • It's the institute of chartered accountants of ontario, they run a free of charge tax clinic every season
        • even free for T2 tax return? What's their website address?
          • The purpose was to help up the common folk who lives on a salary with relatively simple scenarios...so they don't do T2s
        • I have some questions: If one Ferderal Incorporation Limited has multiple provincial jurisdiction, for example, Ontario and Quebec, Ontario CT23 and Schedule 5 have to be completed for provinces tax return
          How could you do Quebec province tax return?

          Is there any website for applying Ontario corporations tax account number?

          Is there " Quebec corporations tax account " of Revenue Quebec?
          • Well first of all, I hope you are not using me to do your homework for you...for your question, there are several misconceptions, let's do a walk through
            There is no such thing as a "incorporation limited", the Canada Corporation Act, permits either an incorporated corporation, or a limited company,

            under CCA, no firms can form at the federal level, all firms must be form at the provincial level for the corporation act at the provincial level to apply (with the excepting of crown corps),

            so the firm has to be either a Quebec corp or an ontario corp,

            you can call the CCRA for a business number package, which contains four number, gst# biz#, RDTOH# and another one

            Quebec provincial return has to be filed before a federal T1 is filed for the deduction to be utilized,

            Quebec has its own tax bureau, since it is in the civil system as oppose to the common system for the rest of canada
            • An increasing number of entities are choosing federal incorporation as their form of business organization under the Canada Business Corporations Act(CBCA)
              CCRA Business number ( such as Corporation #38??256 BN #1024??452RC0002 Corporation Name(s): IBM CANADA LIMITED
              ) is difference from their Ontario corporations tax account number .

              Is there some ontario account firms be able to do Quebec provincial return for a limited company which is incorporate federally?

              It seems like ontario provincial return could be filed together with a federal T2. Is that right?

              Thank you!
    • 问个涉及广大人民群众的问题吧? 捐助小潘的钱可不可以报Donate?政府的网站上对donate有严格的规定,必须是认可的组织才可以报。不知象小潘这样的私人捐助是否可以报?如果可以报的话,要提供什么材料?
      • Take it at face value, the answer would be no, though what I am doing on mine is that, I am attaching a letter explaining the situation
        The rules says that only registered org is eligible, well, we did have an organized effort and there is audit trail available, I would push for the case that we are in the process of registering the Z. Y. Pan Cancer Fund, which will permit the deduction since the tax system opearates on an accrual basis

        go ahead and deduct it,
      • 报捐款要附受捐赠单位的收据;如果是通过工资扣,T4表上会有总额。给小潘的捐款,或是象瘦猪那样试一试,也可以等FUND注册后等明年报税时再报。
        捐款允许延后报。而且,如果延后了,加上2002年度内的捐款总额超过200或100(不确定,待查),一次报比分两次报所得的TAX CREDIT 还要多,因为RATE不一样了。
    • 瘦猪,我又两个问题请教.请进!

      1.请问我可以报spousal Income吗?
      2.请问我能否报"Support payments made"这一项?如果可以的话,包括什么内容呢?另外,我去年回国两趟,飞机票能否算在里面?
      3.Taxable amount of dividends from taxable Canadian corporations 指的是什么?

      • Question 1 and 2 are basically the same, to get a spousal support credit, your will have to calculate your spouse's income,
        airplane ticket is not deductible if it is not for biz purposes, plus it's an entertainment item, so no go

        the dividend you received has to be grossed up for 25% then you get a credit for it, this is for the integration of personal and corp taxes

        received 10 bux as dividend

        taxable dividend: 10 x 1.25 = a lot
        • 谢谢瘦猪. 再问一句,你的意思是不是说我可以报my spouse's income?另外我没有汇款回去,只是带了一些cash回去是不是报不了spousal support credit了?
          • spouse和 eligible dependent这 两 项 都 不 适 用 于 你 的 情 况 。
            前 者 需 要 sin, 后 者 要 single, divouced,separated, or widowed.仔 细 研 究 一 下 guide里 303和 305条 就 明 白 了 。
      • Reply to Q2: 付汇款单底根。
        • 谢谢霏.我没有汇款回去,只是回去的时候带了cash,是否这样就不能报了?
    • 请教瘦猪,我去年7月登陆,但是现在在国内,近期也不会回国,不过回国前在邮局已经拿到了报税的表(我猜应该是吧),请问应该怎么报说呢?直接寄回去吗?谢谢
      • follow the new threat
    • 想问一下关于税表里的interest income,今天去银行问了一下,说这笔存款如果你没提过一直存着,就没有什么interest income,一来是用英语交流的,二来我对此一窍不通,是不是这样的?谢谢
      • 你 存 的 长 期 且 2001年 底 前 未 到 期 , 就 不 用 报 税 。 但 如 果 中 间 转 存 过 就 要 报 利 息 , 在 后一 种 情 况 下 银 行 应 该 给 你 寄 T5。
    • Hey, I'm just wondering situation like me, how much can I get back in Tax Return.
      University Student, From UW, Two coops last year, 1 academic term, Coop gross income is around 22000 (8 months), paid income tax around 4300 (just income tax, without EI, CPP), 1 academic term tuition 2800, rent 1400.... How much do you think I can get back?
      • 大 概 2.4K
    • 一家3口2001年12月登陆温哥华,2周后回国(12.26)。计划今年5月以后再过去了。本人不在加拿大,英文又看不明白,怎么报税比较简单又不太吃亏。能不能今年不报,明年一起报?利弊?谢谢。