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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

it is the day

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛some people have asked for more details on June 22nd so let's check in:

1. Parliamentary apology: PM Harper will make a statement in the House of
Commons on Thursday at 3pm EST. There are simiultaneous events in Toronto
and Vancouver so seniors in those cities can attend. The apology is in the
House so you can watch on the TV Parliamentary channel and also on the
internet at www.cpac.ca. We expect all 3 opposition parties to make
statements after the PM's statement. We also expect an announcement on the
details of redress ie. "appropriate acknowledgement and redress." The PM
could be in contempt of Parliament if he doesnt announce it there first.

2. Ceremony in the Commons Railway Room: This is a solemn ceremony in the
Commons Railway room at 4pm EST where the PM will receive the Last Spike
from James Pon and we understand it will be installed there. The PM will
also speak. CCNC has written to CBC to ask them to broadcast this so that
our communitites across Canada will be able to watch it live.

3. Reception: an informal reception at around 4:40pm to follow with food
and entertainment.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / WE WON!!!!Harper to apologize for head tax
    • 和你有什么关系? 你去斗来着? 也就转转贴子而已. 一百年前你还不知道在哪里呢.
      • What she said was "we won", not "I won". What's wrong with it?
        • 不是啦,桌子同学不是错在说什么,而是错在何时说。当初大选,他支持的是唯一一个长期拒绝道歉的党,其他三个党,正式道歉都是其竞选承诺。如今她说“We Won”好像她为此奔走过似的,其实她应该欢呼“I lost”。




          I am glad They LOST!
          • 说得好!
          • 我想,对绝大多数人,支持一个党不是支持他所有的政策,反对一个党也不是反对他所有的政策。只有极少数铁杆派,才不管才不管他的党干什么,都是伟大光荣正确。
    • After that, what is next?
        • where does that money come from????
          • 说道点子上了,所以桌子的WE显然不包括ME。
          • chinese ppl are neither majority nor the richest in canada. you think the money is from you? gimme a break.
            • 路上行人遇盗贼,抢走马甲里提一包金子,抢走瑞吃斯特一包珠宝,抢走洒家寡人一吊铜钱,我看着majority和richist呼天抢地,心里这个高兴,大呼:WE WON! gimme a break
              • #3027872。 anyway, 你对所交的税没有完全用在自己身上似乎很有意见。
                • Did they agree to give some money or just say "I am sorry". If it is latter, doesn't mean anything
                  • They didn't even wanna say "i am sorry" before. apology means nothing sometimes, but not always.
                    • We have not won yet
                      • I know what you mean now.
            • Politics is not what politician say, it is what they do. Do not misunderstand me.
          • "钱从哪来?"人头税的意思是华人来加要交“税”(别人不用!)所以钱是那些华人“存”在政府的。原本是不义之财,还回去罢了。就算我心黑希望他们多交我能少交,这些钱也不会用在我身上。
    • yeah!
      • what do you mean?
    • Actually we LOST! Harper will take our tax to pay for the fault that has nothing do with us.
      • How do you know whether this amount of money will go to you other than go to some other community? did harper say that it will come from the the money which is supposed to be yours?
      • 错!当年这些华人来加拿大交了“人头税”!。这根本是换钱,不是赔偿。你最多是“失去了比别人少交点税”的不义便利。
    • 不就是拿大家的税给对那帮看不起大陆人的鸟人赔钱呗
    • (#3024508@0)
    • $300 million compensation package to Japanese Canadian
    • 加拿大总理22日将就人头税向华人道歉 来源:多维社
    • Support. #2632904
      by wuyingwuying (wuyingwuying) at 2005.11.30 19:03

    • 加国华人赢取人头税平反与赔偿全记录 来源:南方周末
      • (#3034508)
    • it is the day
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛some people have asked for more details on June 22nd so let's check in:

      1. Parliamentary apology: PM Harper will make a statement in the House of
      Commons on Thursday at 3pm EST. There are simiultaneous events in Toronto
      and Vancouver so seniors in those cities can attend. The apology is in the
      House so you can watch on the TV Parliamentary channel and also on the
      internet at www.cpac.ca. We expect all 3 opposition parties to make
      statements after the PM's statement. We also expect an announcement on the
      details of redress ie. "appropriate acknowledgement and redress." The PM
      could be in contempt of Parliament if he doesnt announce it there first.

      2. Ceremony in the Commons Railway Room: This is a solemn ceremony in the
      Commons Railway room at 4pm EST where the PM will receive the Last Spike
      from James Pon and we understand it will be installed there. The PM will
      also speak. CCNC has written to CBC to ask them to broadcast this so that
      our communitites across Canada will be able to watch it live.

      3. Reception: an informal reception at around 4:40pm to follow with food
      and entertainment.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • EDITORIAL: Head tax: Time to say we're sorry
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛June 22, 2006

      EDITORIAL: Head tax: Time to say we're sorry

      Prime Minister Stephen Harper will deliver a formal apology today to thousands of Chinese Canadians for the head tax Canada imposed on them between 1885 and 1923.

      He should. It was a racist tax, aimed at 81,000 members of one immigrant community, before they were barred from Canada between 1923 and 1947.

      Families were shattered as a result. What Canada did was wrong and apologizing for it will not diminish us.

      We need only remember the lesson our parents taught us as children -- it takes a big person to admit they were wrong.

      We're a big country. We can stand to make a few apologies where called for by history.
      Harper's apology, as long as it is appropriately worded, will not open Canadians to any new legal liabilities.

      Canada's imposition of the head tax was wrong, but it was also legal at the time.

      Harper will be saying he is sorry for what happened, not that the government of today, or its citizens, are responsible for it -- an important distinction.

      As for compensation, Ottawa has set aside $25 million to address complaints by Chinese-Canadians and other ethnic groups for past wrongs. If, as expected, Harper uses a portion of that fund today to offer redress to the Chinese-Canadian community, we hope it will not be by offering the few people still alive who paid the head tax (which rose from $50 in 1885 to $500 in 1923) compensation. We hope the money will go toward something of benefit not only to Chinese-Canadians but to Canada as a whole -- perhaps a public memorial to those forced to pay the tax, an exhibit honouring Chinese-Canadian achievements, or university scholarships.

      We don't want a political precedent set (beyond the $300 million the Canadian government paid to Japanese-Canadians unjustly incarcerated during World War II) in which apologizing for past wrongs becomes a way of giving public money to ethnic groups the Conservatives want to make inroads with.

      If Harper's apology is accompanied by modest spending that is sensible and in a broad sense beneficial to all Canadians, we will have no objection.

      If it is the first example of Harper raiding the public purse to curry favour with ethnic groups seeking redress for past wrongs, we will.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 在这一时刻,不要讲不适当的话,那将羞辱你自己
      真让人吃惊,竟有这么多人说冷话。要知道,这是中国人的日子,这一声道歉让你直起你做人 的背。与其说这是对当年的受害者一声晚来得道歉,其实更是给与每个今天在世的中国人(大陆的,香港的,台湾的)的尊敬。在这一时刻,不要讲不适当的话,那将羞辱你自己。
    • 专题报道:加拿大华人百年屈辱终过去
      • 太阳报社论:加拿大人不想政府赔款。还是120年前的加拿大人!打完斋不要和尚。做了错事,sorry了事。
    • 听说每人2万象征性赔款,共400多人得到赔偿?这样的话,我支持。过去错了现在代人道歉,没说的,代人赔钱,象征一下,也是应该。