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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Comparison with the United States
Compared to the United States Canada has far lower rates of violent crime such as murder, assault, and rape. Through the 1990s, the homicide rate in the United States was three times higher than it was in Canada, while the American rate for aggravated assault was double the Canadian rate. The rate for robberies was 65% higher in the United States.

Rates of property crime are more comparable with higher rates of motor vehicle and bicycle theft in Canada and similar rates of shoplifting. Canada also has a higher rate of arson. Some of this may be connected to Canadians being more likely to report property crimes to police than Americans. A 1995 survey by the International Crime Victim Survey found the gap between the countries shrank when the population was directly surveyed about their experiences.

The United States has about triple the per capita number of arrests for drug related crimes. Actual rates of drug use are quite similar however, but in the United States far more law enforcement resources are dedicated to the War on Drugs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 关于两留学生被杀事件:我们移民们更应该关心一下,加拿大的治安问题,在加拿大现有法律面前,没有死刑,杀了人,才判几年,这是加拿大枪案不断增加的跟本原因....不该变这一点,我们生活的加拿大不会安全,我们的儿女不会安全.
    • 你的意思是恢复死刑?
      • 恢复死刑是解决问题的唯一方法
    • 大家也应该问一问自己,如果儿子被杀,凶手只判几年,你能接受这样的结果吗?你能当什么也没发生生活下去吗?
    • 加拿大现行的法律下,杀人才判几年,使有枪的人开枪时,毫不犹豫......同时逼迫受害者,或家属拿枪,私刑报复.........在黑人社区越演越烈的枪击事件,充分证明了这一点.
    • 应全面禁.枪
      • 小同学"禁.枪''是政客们抢钱的一个借口.治标不治本
        • 政客只喊不干(不管出于何种目的)是没用的,我说的是真正禁了(不知哪天能办到),那当然治标又治本.
          • (#2658076)
          • 那得要杀多少人呢
    • 没有死刑是加拿大枪案不断增加的跟本原因?
    • 你的很多观点不好评价。。。。这个我赞成。我也很直接问过很多本地同事,十个有7个赞成死刑。不过,这个在这里争论过。就不提了
    • 在这个世界上,有些国家有死刑,有些没有,请问是有死刑的国家犯罪率高呢?还是没死刑的国家?
      • 你一定有数据,你说呢?
        • 得一个一个的查,直接和美国比好啦,
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Comparison with the United States
          Compared to the United States Canada has far lower rates of violent crime such as murder, assault, and rape. Through the 1990s, the homicide rate in the United States was three times higher than it was in Canada, while the American rate for aggravated assault was double the Canadian rate. The rate for robberies was 65% higher in the United States.

          Rates of property crime are more comparable with higher rates of motor vehicle and bicycle theft in Canada and similar rates of shoplifting. Canada also has a higher rate of arson. Some of this may be connected to Canadians being more likely to report property crimes to police than Americans. A 1995 survey by the International Crime Victim Survey found the gap between the countries shrank when the population was directly surveyed about their experiences.

          The United States has about triple the per capita number of arrests for drug related crimes. Actual rates of drug use are quite similar however, but in the United States far more law enforcement resources are dedicated to the War on Drugs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 美国总人口有多少,加拿大才几个半人。 其他诸多因素都要考虑。加拿大就是因为光比数字而沾沾自喜,忽略了日渐恶化的治安情况。这种比上不足,比下有余,50步笑100步的做法是不可取的。
          • 有没有死刑是加拿大和美国的区别?换句话说,有没有死刑就是影响犯罪率的唯一因素?况且美国也有州没有死刑啊。算了,不争了。我的观点就是,不赞成的人就是假仁假义,总是找这样那样的借口来反对。
            • 如果这人是中国人呢,最好不要说他喜欢看金庸
            • 同意你的说法。(#2658225)
      • 1)如今有死刑的国家,如果取消死刑,犯罪率会更高 2)如今没死刑的国家,犯罪率越来越高。
    • 明朝时贪官是要被剥皮的,贪官没有绝迹啊。论酷刑,那个国家及得上中国。中国的犯罪率不必别的国家低啊。
      • 论酷刑,那个国家及得上中国?
      • 死刑不是影响犯罪率的唯一因素。死刑是制约犯罪率的一个重要因素。
        • 死刑的确不是影响犯罪率的唯一工具。大部分民主国家以提高社会保障,司法公正加上执法和刑法来控制犯罪率。集权政府舍不得花钱来搞社会保障,害怕独立的司法体系,干涉司法公正,要控制犯罪就只能靠杀一儆百了。
    • 我的两个选择,一,让孩子从小习武,培养打架斗殴的技术和胆量,长大加入黑社会,为华人社会的经济发展保驾护航。
    • 的确是个问题,那个变态杀人女Homolka出狱后不是成为社会的不安定因素吗?好像她的家人还恨不得把她再送回监狱去。
      • 介银4随呀?好奇地问问
    • 抓都抓不到,判啥都是瞎掰掰
    • 加拿大原来是有死刑的,75年废除后,犯罪率一直呈下降趋势。