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official apologies:

The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney (1988):

Most of us in our own lives have had occasion to regret certain things that we have done. Error is an ingredient of humanity, so too is apology and forgiveness. We all have learned from personal experience that as inadequate as apologies are they are the only way we can cleanse the past so that we may, as best we can, in good conscience face the future.

I know I speak for Members on all sides of the House today in offering to Japanese Canadians the formal and sincere apology of this Parliament for those past injustices against them, against their families, and against their heritage, and our solemn commitment and undertaking to Canadians of every origin that such violations will never again in this country be countenanced or repeated.36

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / (#2499887)真的有些愤愤不平,专门挑出来发一贴。爱中国的同胞和爱加拿大的同胞,大家都来看一看。
    • 你说要怎么做,我跟。
      • 很容易, 多伦多600个华人团体为此搞个游行
        • 几时?
          • 只是一个建议
            • 1923年的2300万到今天可不是小数目,如果兑现,你我不是收支票的一边,是买单的一方。。。现在吃好睡好吧
        • 你领个头,我们一起响应。
          • 多伦多 600 华人团体, 每个平均以10名会员算, 凑足 3000 人应该没问题吧
            • 很多"永久会员"都不在多伦多了
      • 多谢回应,如果你想为平反人头税做点啥,请看(#2457776),正在忙于此事是全加華人協進會,可以跟他们联系,今儿个咱不怕得罪这个坛子上的谁谁,正在忙于红旗飘飘锣鼓喧天忙于晚宴拍照的是——
        • 我一定尽我的微薄之力. 大家一块团结起来.
    • 桌子,你领个头。我等愿效犬马之力。
      • 笑翻。 连成吉思汗都愿为桌子效犬马之劳。
      • 普罗大众和政府,永远都是猫捉老鼠的游戏,远远不是一次两次上街游行示威那么简单,说实在的,特别佩服平权会的那群华裔华人,真是长期艰苦的奋斗努力争取,都25年了!
    • 不是他们不认账,而是赔不起。
      • 这不是赔不赔得起的问题,而是态度问题。至少政府应该就此事向全体华人道歉。
        • 印象之中已经道歉过了,现在是索赔的问题。反正纳税人大家头上分摊。
          • “由于害怕负担法律上的责任,政府一直不愿就‘人头税’和《排华法案》向华裔社区‘道歉’(apology),”他说,“政府只是用‘认同’ (acknowledgement)这个字眼来承认历史上的错误。
            • 你消息灵通,帮忙查一查对二战日裔使用的什么字眼。
              • In 1988 the Canadian government, under Brian Mulroney, extended an official apology to Japanese-Canadians for the policies enacted against them.
                • official apologies:
                  The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney (1988):

                  Most of us in our own lives have had occasion to regret certain things that we have done. Error is an ingredient of humanity, so too is apology and forgiveness. We all have learned from personal experience that as inadequate as apologies are they are the only way we can cleanse the past so that we may, as best we can, in good conscience face the future.

                  I know I speak for Members on all sides of the House today in offering to Japanese Canadians the formal and sincere apology of this Parliament for those past injustices against them, against their families, and against their heritage, and our solemn commitment and undertaking to Canadians of every origin that such violations will never again in this country be countenanced or repeated.36
            • 关键词在这里:(平權會),對聯邦政府沒有進行個人賠償感到強烈不滿。他們認為公義未獲伸張,會繼續堅持爭取政府個人賠償。据说他们2001上诉要求6。4亿赔偿败诉。
              • 说实话我宁可支持那2500万,反正都是从我口袋里掏钱,一来少掏点,二来弄成基金的话我还有机会沾点光,个人赔偿可就没我什么事儿啦。
                • 就这2500万,就已经打起来了,你还想沾光?华人智商比你高的多的是,见桌子给的连接(#2457776)
                  • 那反正掏6.4亿也是更加没我什么事,我宁可少掏点嘛,呵呵
        • 事情那么简单就好喽
    • 桌子, 你这个贴我一定要顶!
      • thanks (#2499971)
    • 仔细想了一想,加拿大政府大概希望把这当作经济事件而不是政治事件。政治事件必须道歉,经济事件可以推到早已灰飞烟灭的那个公司或组织头上去
      • 大佬啊,人头税是不可能哪个公司或组织收的,收税的只可能是加拿大政府!
    • Avvy Go是我特别敬佩的一位华裔女性,多年来孜孜以求于社会的公平公义,更难能可贵的是,她不是政界人士,可以说没什么个人野心,何况,绝大多数的活动,是义务的,连经济利益都谈不上。
      • 邹至蕙:加拿大从政20年(ZT)
    • (#2612108)