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Jon Stewart是我很欣赏的一个人,看看他在同性恋上的态度对你有没有启发。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛About social issues:"
KING: Ten percent of the country is gay.
STEWART: Yes, and you've been married 20 times, so I figured two of them had to be -- no?
KING: Why do you enjoy -- knowing you'll never beat that?
STEWART: All I'm saying is if the morality of this country -- if the problems of morality in this country are literally down to if dudes married, then we've one. Isn't. I mean, dudes marrying isn't even in the top 10 commandments. Adultery is a top 10'er, but that doesn't seem to be, you know, an issue. It's very -- it's interesting that these type of divergents, the culture wars I think are, there's something real there, but we don't ever actually deal with that. We deal with the sort of whether or not the 10 commandments can be posted in a school. I mean, if you think the 10 commandments being posted in a school is going to change behavior of children, then you think employees must wash hands is keeping the piss out of your happy meals. It's not.

STEWART: ...right. I mean, that -- honestly, that question -- I think Cheney is the most interesting case in all this. His daughter is gay, and I believe Kerry brought that up. And he has the most enlightened view of all the Republicans on the issue, it brings up an interesting point that all gay people are someone's son or daughter. So, why can't you have that empathy and compassion for all gay people. Why does it always have to be when it's someone -- you know, Nancy Regan is for stem cell research now, yes, because her husband was sick. Why does it have to wait until it happens someone in your family before you can be open enough to...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 并不歧视同性恋,可以宽容的接受他们的存在,但是同性婚姻合法化绝对是人类文明的退步,是对婚姻概念的颠覆,是对社会稳定潜在的威胁
    • Support!!!
      • Why we still have the "Marriage", it is like the slave, we should get rid of it already. Then everyone is happy.
    • , you give us your conclusion, it is ok, I am here to listen to the reasons for the conclusion ( please do not say it is ABSOLETELY blah blah what so ever)
      • 问过你几次你都没回答,你到底是男的还是女的,(男的--男同志或男的女同志)(女的--男同志或女的女同志),唉 说的好麻烦。
        • if it's non of your business, then don't ask. don't you think it's an offend to other people?
          • thank you, :)
            • You're welcome, I respect people who're loyal to their love and conscience.
              • 不懂为什么不能说,是不是觉得见不得人,在网上不敢说,在生活中怎么面对,看来这位“同志“ 嘴上叫的硬,心里也不认同同性婚姻。
                • It's easy to understand, asking a person's sexual habits is offensive, coz it's non of your business. Mind your own business pal.
      • Reason? Just despite. Isn't it enough?
    • 我认为“婚姻”是一个古老的定义,就是一个男人和一个女人的结合。同性恋结合我并不反对,但是不应该非要使用“婚姻”这个词,可以创造一个新词。就像数字,如果非要把1和2换个定义,一定合法但是不合理。
      • definition of a man/a woman marriage is not that old as you think, a man could be with more than one wifes in a marriage, it is still exsit in some counties. it is time to change the definition to the union of 2 persons.
        • 删除“一个”,古老的定义就是男人和女人的结合
          • so, you think [古老的定义] is absolutely RIGHT and could not been changed to a new one?
            • 一个定义是不会有什么错误的,对一个古老的词的定义进行修改造成的问题是很大的。同性恋结合完全可以使用另外一个词或者创造一个新词,只要在法律上的权力和义务相同就可以了。
    • 婚姻的概念:一男一女平等自由的结合组成家庭。而家庭又是组成社会的细胞。婚姻的意义在于保障家庭的稳定,繁衍和培养后代,使人类文明得以延续。

      • [从母系社会、一夫多妻到现在一夫一妻制是文明发展的主流], you are right in this point, then the next step for the 文明发展 is to change the definition of marriage to the union of 2 persons, get it?
        • "以后会有其他更变态的婚姻出现"
          • finally, you give out your main point, do you think same sex marriage is 变态? if so, I am sorry I am afraid you should go back to kindergarten to learn something more about homosexuality.
            • 我并没这么说,你不要把我的话随意引申,前面我说过“并不歧视同性恋,可以宽容的接受他们的存在”我知道很多同事是同性恋,我可以和他们愉快地相处
              • LOL, [更变态的婚姻], you already used the word [更],did are you compare to the same sex marriage? if homosexuality itself is not 变态, how come the same sex marriage become abnormal?
              • If you discriminate it from the bottom of your heart, why
                do not dare to say it out ????!!!! I think homo is Bian Tai .... if you do not agree, keep your argument for yourself .... if you really want to discuss, discuss it with your parents.
            • Yes, it is Bian Tai
      • 文明的发展程度就是人类对自身和周围事物的认识不断发展的过程。母系社会,发展到父系社会,是因为男女在社会生产的地位的改变。从一夫多妻到一夫一妻,是平等观念的出现。同性恋婚姻合法,是人对自己认识的进一步提高的结果。
        • thank you for support! this is why I asked him to learn something more about the reality of homosexuality.
        • 你这是在偷换概念,我的观点是:同性恋婚姻是文明倒退的标志,而不是“同性恋是文明倒退的标志”,从一开始我就承认和容忍他们的存在
          • 偷换概念的是你。我说得很清楚,就是因为文明科技的进步,人类认识到同性恋的非病态。这才导致同性恋婚姻的合法。同性恋婚姻的合法是科技进步的直接产物,怎么是“文明的倒退”呢?
            • 科技的进步未必就导致文明的进步,某些科学技术只会颠覆正常伦理,比如说克隆。很多事科技可以做到的,不能就想而然的认为它合理
              • 你还在偷换概念。同性恋和克隆有什么关系?基因的研究证明了同性恋的非病态,就是说这是自然的。就和人生下来有的高,有的矮一样。那么为什么他们不能得到相同的权力?
                • 同性恋生来不是病态,但也是与大家不同的,为什么要掩盖这种不同追求表面上的一致呢。承认自己的不同不等于就要遭受歧视
      • 人人生而平等,何以单单同性恋者不能享受平等的权力?



    • "对婚姻概念的颠覆"还勉强同意。传统婚姻是仅指异性。但时代发展了,一些概念也可以发展。好比中文的"轿车",这里面“轿”字也从原本的名词变成形容词了。“对社会稳定潜在的威胁”就实在不同意了。
      • very good point, thank you
      • 保持一个持久的长期的关系和同性恋婚姻的不合法状态没什么因果关系吧,我同意楼上happy30s说的“同性恋结合完全可以使用另外一个词或者创造一个新词,只要在法律上的权力和义务相同”
        实际上就是Common Law的关系。我以前一位同事和他的同居男友享受和Common Law一样的权力待遇,也没觉得他们的关系受到同性恋婚姻的不合法状态的影响,为什么要来破坏“婚姻”这个概念呢。时代发展了,为什么不能创造一个新词呢
        • 在法律上的权力和义务相同, then why bother to create a new term for same sex marriage? do not you know there are many hetersexual couple in Common Law relationship?
          • 一个新词不会造成混淆,gay/lesbian,man/woman,boy/girl还需要两个词一样
    • 我觉的可以把他们集中到一个国家,他们爱干什么干什么
      • you are too late to invent this idea, Hitler already owns his patent to send homosexual human being to concentrate camp. do you think it is a great idea?
        • 同姓恋的人厉害啊,我们是惹不起,也躲不起。
      • 同意。
      • 好主意。
      • 为什么不直接扔进焚尸炉里?
      • 看来你比较法西斯.
      • 真是一个好主意,我举双手同意.双方各过各的,省得互相干扰,互相争吵了.
    • 支持。坚决反对同性恋婚姻。
    • 法律不是通过了吗?那还说啥了,我认了。但是,我不是歧视,我真是觉得将来民间肯定发明新词去区分两种不同的婚姻,在众多新词中不乏带侮辱性的或冷嘲热讽形的。唉,争用“婚姻”这个词,强迫别人认同,实在是没必要。
    • 加拿大的政客打着人权的幌子,为了让自己的名字在历史上挂着, 强奸了多数人的民意。
      西方的文化里,一男一女称为婚姻是耶和华钦定的。排除宗教的原因不说, 西方的一夫一妻制度也有3千年的历史, 并不是什么现代才重写婚概念的(东方的确是一夫多妻, 但现代文明是基于西方文化上的)。 中世纪的国王要换老婆是件很费劲的事, 罗马历史政治人物为了地位跟别人的女儿结婚也要先同自己的老婆离了才行。

      同性恋在加拿大只有1%, 连政治学上的少数都算不上, 却为了少数人的利益牺牲一个几千年西方文明的传统, 实在是人类社会的大倒退。 家长们以后就眼看着宣言”同志“的文学在中学课本里流通。
      • 这政客都是选民选的, 你要是不喜欢,下次不选他就是了.
      • 那个修改还未必能通过呢,高法判决是判了,但是参议院就是不通过也没有什么办法。现在liberal是少数党执政,能否坚持到明年年底还是问题呢。一旦重新选举,所有的议案要重新来议
        • 但愿如此。希望寄托在参院了。
      • 严重同意,严重关切。可怜孩子,他们无辜。
      • Well, people like me rather trust supreme court than Jehovah.
    • 为什么要这么在意一个概念呢?在我看来,一对保持长期单一关系的同性伴侣的结合比某些有着配偶还四处风流或红杏出墙的异性关系更有资格称为“婚姻”。
      • 有些事情不是说不在意就不在意的。另外我怎么发现大家都是拿同性结合与一些道德上讲是不好的东西比较呢?就不能比比好的东西吗?
      • 同性恋就不红杏出墙了吗,一样有三角恋,嫉妒心高过正常人,根本不配有婚姻。
        • 你怎么知道"嫉妒心高过正常人"?
          • 你不知道吗?文章报道多的是。
    • 说实话,我认为只有丝毫不介意自己的孩子、自己的父母亲也成为同性恋的人,才真正谈得上是不歧视同性恋。
    • Jon Stewart是我很欣赏的一个人,看看他在同性恋上的态度对你有没有启发。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛About social issues:"
      KING: Ten percent of the country is gay.
      STEWART: Yes, and you've been married 20 times, so I figured two of them had to be -- no?
      KING: Why do you enjoy -- knowing you'll never beat that?
      STEWART: All I'm saying is if the morality of this country -- if the problems of morality in this country are literally down to if dudes married, then we've one. Isn't. I mean, dudes marrying isn't even in the top 10 commandments. Adultery is a top 10'er, but that doesn't seem to be, you know, an issue. It's very -- it's interesting that these type of divergents, the culture wars I think are, there's something real there, but we don't ever actually deal with that. We deal with the sort of whether or not the 10 commandments can be posted in a school. I mean, if you think the 10 commandments being posted in a school is going to change behavior of children, then you think employees must wash hands is keeping the piss out of your happy meals. It's not.

      STEWART: ...right. I mean, that -- honestly, that question -- I think Cheney is the most interesting case in all this. His daughter is gay, and I believe Kerry brought that up. And he has the most enlightened view of all the Republicans on the issue, it brings up an interesting point that all gay people are someone's son or daughter. So, why can't you have that empathy and compassion for all gay people. Why does it always have to be when it's someone -- you know, Nancy Regan is for stem cell research now, yes, because her husband was sick. Why does it have to wait until it happens someone in your family before you can be open enough to...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谁知道同性恋到底怎么会事,否则凭什么做评论呢?
      • 就是同性间有了性要求,对不对?讨论一下。
    • 大家去投票吧。在华丰注册个用户(要是没有的话)
    • 看见两个女人在一起亲热还不觉得什么, 看见两个男人手拉手就已经大大影响胃口了。 建议想减肥的多在gay的圈子中活动。