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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

2003年运作费用 5.5%, 其余的都投入教育!!! 我到现在还没有找到其他助学组织能把运作费用控制的这麽低的。要不然OCEF怎会发展的这麽快。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I copied following posts from OCEF discussion grouop, it explained very clearly where donation go.

Surely donors are interested in this topic as we all care where our donations go!

Actually, this topic is related closely to OCEF's fiscal year and here is what has been implemented:
Each calendar year, OCEF fundraises for coming SCHOOL Year financial aid.
Use year 2003 as an example, the general donations coming in from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 are used to support students in regular program for school year of 2004.9 - 2005.7. It allows OCEF to estimate total number of students it can support at end of year 2003 when the year closes. And the timetable for OCEF operations is:
1)by end of February, 2004 - accepting and approving new sites applications;
2)by end of May,2004 - accepting financial aid applications from students in supporting sites, existed or newly approved;
3)by end of July/August, 2004 - reviewing and approving students' application WHIHIN OCEF's supporting capacity, which means the general fund raised from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 set a cap of total number of supporting students in this school year;
4)mid September, 2004 - 1st term fund delivery;
5)mid March, 2005 - 2nd term fund delivery and at this point, no more fund raised from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 left.

And looking at the operation cost, OCEF has to pay for donor service, fund raising events, web domain and other expense in 2003 to get more fund available for coming year support.
In detail, OCEF used to send receipts to donors in hard copies, ie. by postal mail, which resulting in huge cost of postages. For 1000 donations (some donors donated more than once in a year), the postages cost $0.37*1000 = $370. OCEF also sent out hard-copy newsletters in about 5 pages once. For volume printing, the cost per sheet at OfficeDepot is about $0.03. So, sending 1 newsletter to 1 donor, the cost is $0.37+0.03*5 = $0.52 and for about 700 OCEF donors, 1 newsletter mailing cost is $0.52*700 = $364 and for 2 or more newsletters, OCEF has to pay times of $364 in that year.

In year 2004, OCEF is encouraging donors to accept e-receipts so to cut cost and it is working. But we are spending more during our photo exhibitions as cost comes from those 20 display boards, ~400 sheet protectors, flyer printing, etc. Fundraisers are generally donating the equivalent amount to cover the cost but for OCEF, we have to record the donations and the cost as business practice.

Therefore, there is some expense associating with incoming fund and later when fund is delivered. I am here more to explain what OCEF fundraising group has incorporate with the facts of OCEF financial activities rather than offering an idea of how to calculate the operation cost. That is more of an accounting method the experts use and most of all, I feel it is just essential for us ALL to keep track of those donations, each and every penny. We have this discussion with almost every newly joint volunteer in Fundraising group.

The above 700 or 1000 are not ACTUAL OCEF data but some assumptions I have to make to give the examples for past experience.

OCEF has committed to use all donations to students and those postages, printing fees, etc., are not treated as DIRECT fund to the students. They are the needy fund to make OCEF's operations on track and to make more fund coming in for more support to the students.
We may have different formulas for operation cost calculation which I am leaving that for our CPAs or accounting experts. But above all, no money is used in NON-OCEF mission related area set the basic tone here and I feel our donors and volunteers should know more behind that 5.5% or 7% or even 10%. It is your rights and your responsibilities as OCEF donor to make OCEF an organization ONLY to serve those needy kids and nothing else, year after year.

Sally Sun
OCEF Fundraising group

I copied following posts from OCEF discussion grouop, it explained very clearly where donation go.

other related topic:
http://www.ocef.org/cgi/lb5000/topic.cgi?forum=2&topic=1422更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 帮帮忙吧
    • up!!!!
    • .
    • Added to this page:
      • 置右,高亮,如何?谢谢。
      • 把链接的名称改为 “海外中国教育基金会(OCEF)“ 如何? 我觉得大多数人叫这个基金会 OCEF.
      • 多谢多谢
    • 帮.
    • I would like to see financial report first. cannot find the link.
      • ==>
        • thanks, admin fee is so low, unbelievable. Support.
          • 昨天谈起来捐助,旁边的老外说他每年捐款占其收入的10%,他在我眼中的形象利马高大了很多。
            • :( I always tell myself I am the one who should get donation from.
              • 很正常。根据统计富人区(我记不住名字)的捐款少于穷人区的。一个重要原因是因为穷人区都信教。:P
            • from 耶和华在西奈山为以色列人所吩咐摩西的命令
          • yes, that's also the main reason I donated to this foundation.
    • 这个忙,要帮
    • 请问是否有收据。
      • the org is in the states. :(
      • 应该有,IRS认, 但不知CCRA 是否认,请熟悉税务条例的专业人士解答
        • bump
        • 1. ask ocef directly, 2. ==>
        • I believe it's CCRA recognizd after reading ==>
    • There is something very funny. (Maybe I shouldn't talk about this here. But, I just can't help)
      • ^^^
    • i just mailed them my cheque
    • 我将捐些。这里有个建意:给捐款人每人一个ID,公布所有捐款人ID及相应款额。再给捐款人设一社区,可互通信息。结合年终报告,一切都透明。大家会毫不犹豫地捐。
      • 捐款人姓名和款额是公布的(除非本人要求匿名),捐款人社区有,在http://www.ocef.org/cgi/lb5000/forums.cgi?forum=2
    • 欢迎对海外中国教育基金会(OCEF)感兴趣的朋友加入OCEF_CANADA group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OCEF_CANADA/
    • 捐款是透明的,用途也是透明的:一大半没投入教育!!!
      • detail please!
      • 2003年运作费用 5.5%, 其余的都投入教育!!! 我到现在还没有找到其他助学组织能把运作费用控制的这麽低的。要不然OCEF怎会发展的这麽快。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I copied following posts from OCEF discussion grouop, it explained very clearly where donation go.

        Surely donors are interested in this topic as we all care where our donations go!

        Actually, this topic is related closely to OCEF's fiscal year and here is what has been implemented:
        Each calendar year, OCEF fundraises for coming SCHOOL Year financial aid.
        Use year 2003 as an example, the general donations coming in from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 are used to support students in regular program for school year of 2004.9 - 2005.7. It allows OCEF to estimate total number of students it can support at end of year 2003 when the year closes. And the timetable for OCEF operations is:
        1)by end of February, 2004 - accepting and approving new sites applications;
        2)by end of May,2004 - accepting financial aid applications from students in supporting sites, existed or newly approved;
        3)by end of July/August, 2004 - reviewing and approving students' application WHIHIN OCEF's supporting capacity, which means the general fund raised from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 set a cap of total number of supporting students in this school year;
        4)mid September, 2004 - 1st term fund delivery;
        5)mid March, 2005 - 2nd term fund delivery and at this point, no more fund raised from 01/01/2003 to 12/31/2003 left.

        And looking at the operation cost, OCEF has to pay for donor service, fund raising events, web domain and other expense in 2003 to get more fund available for coming year support.
        In detail, OCEF used to send receipts to donors in hard copies, ie. by postal mail, which resulting in huge cost of postages. For 1000 donations (some donors donated more than once in a year), the postages cost $0.37*1000 = $370. OCEF also sent out hard-copy newsletters in about 5 pages once. For volume printing, the cost per sheet at OfficeDepot is about $0.03. So, sending 1 newsletter to 1 donor, the cost is $0.37+0.03*5 = $0.52 and for about 700 OCEF donors, 1 newsletter mailing cost is $0.52*700 = $364 and for 2 or more newsletters, OCEF has to pay times of $364 in that year.

        In year 2004, OCEF is encouraging donors to accept e-receipts so to cut cost and it is working. But we are spending more during our photo exhibitions as cost comes from those 20 display boards, ~400 sheet protectors, flyer printing, etc. Fundraisers are generally donating the equivalent amount to cover the cost but for OCEF, we have to record the donations and the cost as business practice.

        Therefore, there is some expense associating with incoming fund and later when fund is delivered. I am here more to explain what OCEF fundraising group has incorporate with the facts of OCEF financial activities rather than offering an idea of how to calculate the operation cost. That is more of an accounting method the experts use and most of all, I feel it is just essential for us ALL to keep track of those donations, each and every penny. We have this discussion with almost every newly joint volunteer in Fundraising group.

        The above 700 or 1000 are not ACTUAL OCEF data but some assumptions I have to make to give the examples for past experience.

        OCEF has committed to use all donations to students and those postages, printing fees, etc., are not treated as DIRECT fund to the students. They are the needy fund to make OCEF's operations on track and to make more fund coming in for more support to the students.
        We may have different formulas for operation cost calculation which I am leaving that for our CPAs or accounting experts. But above all, no money is used in NON-OCEF mission related area set the basic tone here and I feel our donors and volunteers should know more behind that 5.5% or 7% or even 10%. It is your rights and your responsibilities as OCEF donor to make OCEF an organization ONLY to serve those needy kids and nothing else, year after year.

        Sally Sun
        OCEF Fundraising group

        I copied following posts from OCEF discussion grouop, it explained very clearly where donation go.

        other related topic:
        http://www.ocef.org/cgi/lb5000/topic.cgi?forum=2&topic=1422更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 别自欺欺人了。他们说他们花了多少就是多少啊?!有没有专门的会计机构对他们的财务情况出过审计报告?在加拿大号称捐款利用率最高的united way也只有50%的钱真正用于慈善。
          • WK,我还老捐钱给他们。那你说sick children hospital如何? 不行的话,rolia 组织个注册慈善机构吧
            • sick children hospital 不了解,但估计要好些,因为不是专门的慈善机构,中间的其他消费可能会少些,但估计也好不到哪里去。
              加拿大绝大多数的慈善机构捐款利用率在20-30%之间,有的比较好,例如united way,有的甚至只有5% (据说已经被取缔)。
              就算rolia组织个慈善机构,最多一开始火一把,不出半年也肯定腐败,说不定连united way都不如。你看这里吃喝聚会的风气这么盛,就能看出端倪来。还时不时借某某节日搞什么晚会,现在是没有经济来源,只能卖门票。如果成立了某组织,有了收入,那名目就更加繁多了。例如,时不时的可以搞一个义卖义演什么的,让一小撮人过过明星瘾,过完了瘾大家都这么辛苦肚子饿了去饭店吃一顿是人之常情吧,完事了汽油费总要报销吧,等等等等......恕我不能一一列举。
              • 据我所知,这三年来,rolia没有用门票收入报销过任何饭费,每次晚会/演出后,到天皇名粥撮饭,都是自掏腰包的
                • 绝对没有含沙射影的意思,只是探讨一下人类心里深处的丑恶本质而以。清者自清么,你不必急吼吼出来向我澄清,我从来没有怀疑过你的高大形象(虽然至今未曾有幸目睹)。
                  • 这倒是,有公款请客的话,我也想蹭饭....
          • 如果没有证据,你如何可以怀疑OCEF数据的真实? 探讨一下人类心里深处的丑恶本质???? 为何又急着怀疑他人的真诚善良??
          • OCEF所有人都是VOLUNTEER,没有一个人拿工资,所以运作费用才这麽低。
            • 据我所知,即使是慈善机构,只要是合法注册的,也是要由专门的会计机构进行审计的,不知道你们有没有这么做过。
              • 我只知道上市公司要求审计报告。审计公司的会计师很贵,交审计费还不如像现在这样,把账目公开,放在网上,所有人都可以任意察看。省下来的审计费还可以多帮几个学生。
                我把你的问题POST到OCEF forum上去了,你可以去看看,我想有人给你一个满意的答案的。
          • response from OCEF[ZT] Actually, auditing is one of our focuses this year but due to large scale of cost, OCEF can not afford it yet. We are asking CPA donors to help from internal auditing first.
            Actually, auditing is one of our focuses this year but due to large scale of cost, OCEF can not afford it yet. We are asking CPA donors to help from internal auditing first. Please refer to the following postings on Rainbow Forum and forward it further if needed. Also please let me know further questions.
            • 能做审计才能让人放心。不过有一点我要指出,你不能随随便便不经本人同意就乱转贴别人写的东西。不过也无所谓,反正我也没钱和你打官司。
              • 加入OCEF, 成为会员, 有机会一对一的帮助失学的孩子, 或许容易放心一些,如何?
                • 这个可以考虑,我出钱给真正需要的人,不经过中间其他机构的转手,即使退不了税,也无所谓,反正没多少钱。但据说入那个什么会要交会费?不太好理解。
                  • 我的理解是这样方便OCEF与你联系,毕竟每年小孩子都需要交学费。谢谢。
                  • 这是我从OCEFwebsite 上找到的“OCEF会员无需缴纳会员费,但捐款额须符合对会员的要求(见下表)“

                    会员与一般捐款人不同之处在于会员有下列权力和义务:(1) 会员无需缴纳会员费,但捐款额须符合对会员的要求(见下表);(2)会员在基金会内有选举理事和被选举成为理事的权利;(3)会员必须承认并遵守基金会的章程和其它关于会员的规定;(4)会员可在基金会内担任一些特定的的义工负责人职务。




                    捐款数目 会 员 类 别 说 明
                    10 美元(每年) 少 年 会 员 18岁以下
                    20 美元(每年) 学 生 会 员 在校大学生或研究生
                    40 美元(每年) 普 通 会 员
                    10美元 (每年) 中国普通会员
                    100 美元(每年) 赞助 会 员 每年捐100美元以上
                    500 美元(一次性) 终 身 会 员
              • 这次对不起了。以后转贴之前会先问你一声的。
              • 同意,虽然法律不要求一定做审计,但有审计确实比较好。 从ocef的回贴上看,等OCEF发展到每年收入更多了,请专人做审计后还能把运作费用控制在现有的水平上, OCEF就会做审计了。 否则审计一下, 运作费用占的总支出的比例马上提高很多。
    • 谢谢大家的支持和关注
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我也是OCEF的一名会员,加入时间大约是两年,说不上资深会员,但是我想也许我可以简单讲讲我自己的一些经历以供大家作为参考。

      我最早看到OCEF的广告是在我们的ACSS上,因为我自己童年的经验,所以我对资助贫困地区儿童教育很有兴趣,在看到广告后我就访问了他们的站点,随后就正式申请加入成为会员。可能我确实是属于比较马虎的人,当时并没有怎么仔细考虑过是否有可能做假。只是觉得他们提供的材料很多很详尽,自然地也就没有什么怀疑。说实在的,会员$40,这么一点钱, 我觉得还不值得花那么大的力气去造假。


      说实在的,我不知道在这个社会上要怎样才能赢得他人的信任。财务报表可以做假,ID可以假,其实若要有心欺骗,什么都可以是假的。我记得证严法师说,发善心一定要先有智慧,若无智慧 则为人所欺,反长恶风。所以我想人小心一些,是不会有错的。那么怎样看待OCEF呢?如果真的是要非常小心而又愿意帮助孩子们,那么我的建议一向是:加入OCEF成为义工,或是到BBS上来多看看。亲身体验,与人接触,这是了解一个组织的最好的办法。我们都想帮助国内的那些孩子们,那么在钱之外,为什么不可以再花一点时间,花一点精力呢?供大家考虑。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thank you!
    • <span class=c3>test
    • 要捐, 自己去直接联系受捐对象。
      • 你可以通过OCEF的辅导员计划,和受助学生直接联系,details in http://www.ocef.org/special_projects/mentor/index.htm