My welded rear alloy wheel (unbeknownst to me before buying the car) imploded at 60mph. A tire shop said the welding was done poorly and the only option for now is to weld it back again since no one is selling the same wheel model anywhere. I just hope they do better job at it, since it's pretty scary when a wheel cracks during a drive..
那套轮毂,就被我给留下了。 第一次换车trade in 时,我把后来买的冬季轮毂给了车商,他们根本不在乎,看都不看。这套五花轮毂换上冬季胎,用在新的 Cayenne D上,后来这台车报废了。我又把五花轮毂换下来。把原配的换上去。
像这样,把路面扒掉,迟迟不铺。最可恶的是在扒去路面和没有扒的路面交线处,没有人会想着车辆行进的不方便,切一个倾角。竟然是一个一寸高的直角。如果速度快一点,轮胎气压低一点,就现在跑车的轮胎高度?! 砰唧,轮毂就嗑在那横在路中央的牙子上。裂不裂,看运气啦