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Geraniums may help deter Japanese Beetles

In 1929, it was discovered that a natural control for adult beetles is, believe it or not, geraniums. The beetles feed on the geranium leaves and flowers, which puts them into a narcotic state for 12-18 hours. They lay on their backs while enjoying their altered state, which makes them susceptible to predators and easy for gardeners to collect and crush. Some beetles ingest the irresistible geranium leaves so often that they die from it.

But don’t interplant geraniums around your roses, thinking that this will deter the pests. Because Japanese Beetles love geraniums so much, interplanting will create the opposite effect and attract so many beetles that your roses will become infested. Plant a patch of geraniums in a sunny place far away from the plants you want to protect – it’s believed that the sun has an intensifying effect on the narcotic substance in the geranium leaves. 

Japanese Beetles are one of the most reviled garden pests. They feed on over 300 plants and are very difficult to get rid of.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 这个季节里了你家花园里撑场子的花是什么花?我家的就是一年生的花还鲜艳夺目,明年多种几棵
    • 大丽花,guara, landscape roses.
      • 有几年没种大丽花了,长得太高大了就放弃了
    • 菊花,新种的
      • 我春天买的小苗,3.99一棵,现在正开,就看明年春天能不能复活
    • 只有韭菜花
      • 种了十年的韭菜就没有看见过开花
        • 割韭菜太狠,影响了后代
    • 玫瑰花,绣球花,景天
      • 看见邻居一棵绣球花现在正红红的
    • Begonia,种在一个放了波卡西沤肥的大花盆里,从春天买来一直开到现在
      • Begonia是不是喜阴的?我养过两次都不成功,枝条烂了
        • 我放在西晒的地方
          • 这也许就是我没有成功的原因,谢谢,明年试试
    • 必须是天竺葵,前前后后都种,真是从春开到秋,偶尔给点水肥,花就没断过。夏季出门玩几周,也没管它,没浇水施肥,回来还开的好好的,也不招虫子,各种小动物也不吃不咬
      • 对对,这个我也有,冬天放车库里,春天拉出去又活一年
        • 请问一下天竺葵放车库里不会冻死吗?我家车库没光的话可不可以放车库?谢谢🙏
          • 因为养了猫,我去年四盆放车库,都冻死了,都是种了多年的,好可惜
          • 我家车库门就有很小部分的窗,放车库做好是种在大盆,放车库前最好补足土再浇些水,不要剪枝
          • 去年入冬前拔掉的天竺葵我留了几棵放在收树叶的大纸袋里做实验,
            • 我去年把天竺葵拔出来倒放在纸壳箱里,死了两棵大花天,马蹄纹天竺葵四棵全都活了下来,这个办法可行。今年冬天准备再用新买的垂吊天竺葵试试。
      • 不仅不招虫子,还可以麻醉日甲。
        • 麻醉日甲?那可以种玫瑰旁边啊 +1
          • 千万别

            Geraniums may help deter Japanese Beetles

            In 1929, it was discovered that a natural control for adult beetles is, believe it or not, geraniums. The beetles feed on the geranium leaves and flowers, which puts them into a narcotic state for 12-18 hours. They lay on their backs while enjoying their altered state, which makes them susceptible to predators and easy for gardeners to collect and crush. Some beetles ingest the irresistible geranium leaves so often that they die from it.

            But don’t interplant geraniums around your roses, thinking that this will deter the pests. Because Japanese Beetles love geraniums so much, interplanting will create the opposite effect and attract so many beetles that your roses will become infested. Plant a patch of geraniums in a sunny place far away from the plants you want to protect – it’s believed that the sun has an intensifying effect on the narcotic substance in the geranium leaves. 

            Japanese Beetles are one of the most reviled garden pests. They feed on over 300 plants and are very difficult to get rid of.
    • 月季
      • 我家的开的不好
    • 景天 ,天竺葵
      • 这贴知道景天了,很好听的名字
    • 锥秀,小菊花,hardy geranium,autumn joy, Russian sage…
      • hardy geranium,下区邻居家有,颜色漂亮
    • 玫瑰,木槿,孔雀草,万寿菊, 锦带在花期的尾巴。美人蕉,大丽花,秋海棠, 粉色和白木本绣球花正盛, 洋姜的花刚开,九月菊中国菊还有杭白菊(第二茬)含苞待放
      • 你家这么多菊,快上片片
    • 油豆角花
      • 我家豆角也在开花🌼