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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

铁杆儿民主党人,Dr. Nancy,今年转向,决定投川普一票!

This post is really difficult for me to write. But here goes. 

I'm a boomer and was drawn to the Dem party because of the legacy of JFK and RFK. 

I believed we were the party of ☮️, not corrupted by corporate interests, that truly wanted the best for mankind. 

My belief was so strong that I voted blindly straight Dem until 2016. Many times I felt my vote was for the lesser of two evils. 

I was a huge fan of Bernie and knew he got screwed out of the nomination. 

I used to listen to Air America with Dave Schulz and Rachel Maddow. I watched MSNBC "religiously" for years. I stopped 16 years ago because I realized I was living in a constant state of stress and anger, but still "identified" as Dem. 

Because of the advocacy work I've been doing for decades on educating people about vaccines, there was zero chance I'd vote for Clinton. 

When she called Trump followers "deplorables", I found that disgusting and abhorrent. How can anyone that wants to be President of the US degrade half of the population? I thought the Dems were the "nice" Party. 

And while I lived in my bubble, I've always been someone that believed in kindness towards others regardless of political views.

I started having conversations with Trump supporters that were in-depth to understand why they supported him. They were always polite and civil and I so appreciated getting their perspectives. 

My mind was open to learning and it allowed me to have discernment. I discovered that we had a lot in common. 

Even though I voted Independent '16 and '20, I fully got behind Kennedy because he's the real deal, walking the talk to help our environment and children's health for decades. 

Since I live in PA, I'm following his lead and voting for Trump. What I've discovered in the past two weeks since RFKJR made his announcement is this. 

My Dem friends have been absolutely evil towards me despite the dirty tricks the DNC has played on Kennedy. They aren't willing to have an honest conversation and just want to hurl insults. 

On the other hand, my new MAGA MAHA friends have welcomed us Kennedy supporters with open arms. 

There's no doubt that MAGA embraces the idea of a unity government, For the People and By the People. 

I believe in the core of my soul that if people could start engaging with their neighbors and have conversations, we could have a unified nation. 

There's no doubt that we aren't going to agree on everything. But let's have respectful conversations. Do it for you, your children and grandchildren.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 肯尼迪要求所有支持过他竞选总统的民主党人,立即转向,支持川普总统竞选2024年美国总统。 +3

    BREAKING REPORT : Kennedy officially tells ALL HIS SUPPORTERS to vote Trump..

    “If we’re going to accomplish the mission that I set out to accomplish….the ONLY WAY TO DO THAT is to get President Trump in the White House.”

    • 铁杆儿民主党人,Dr. Nancy,今年转向,决定投川普一票! +2

      This post is really difficult for me to write. But here goes. 

      I'm a boomer and was drawn to the Dem party because of the legacy of JFK and RFK. 

      I believed we were the party of ☮️, not corrupted by corporate interests, that truly wanted the best for mankind. 

      My belief was so strong that I voted blindly straight Dem until 2016. Many times I felt my vote was for the lesser of two evils. 

      I was a huge fan of Bernie and knew he got screwed out of the nomination. 

      I used to listen to Air America with Dave Schulz and Rachel Maddow. I watched MSNBC "religiously" for years. I stopped 16 years ago because I realized I was living in a constant state of stress and anger, but still "identified" as Dem. 

      Because of the advocacy work I've been doing for decades on educating people about vaccines, there was zero chance I'd vote for Clinton. 

      When she called Trump followers "deplorables", I found that disgusting and abhorrent. How can anyone that wants to be President of the US degrade half of the population? I thought the Dems were the "nice" Party. 

      And while I lived in my bubble, I've always been someone that believed in kindness towards others regardless of political views.

      I started having conversations with Trump supporters that were in-depth to understand why they supported him. They were always polite and civil and I so appreciated getting their perspectives. 

      My mind was open to learning and it allowed me to have discernment. I discovered that we had a lot in common. 

      Even though I voted Independent '16 and '20, I fully got behind Kennedy because he's the real deal, walking the talk to help our environment and children's health for decades. 

      Since I live in PA, I'm following his lead and voting for Trump. What I've discovered in the past two weeks since RFKJR made his announcement is this. 

      My Dem friends have been absolutely evil towards me despite the dirty tricks the DNC has played on Kennedy. They aren't willing to have an honest conversation and just want to hurl insults. 

      On the other hand, my new MAGA MAHA friends have welcomed us Kennedy supporters with open arms. 

      There's no doubt that MAGA embraces the idea of a unity government, For the People and By the People. 

      I believe in the core of my soul that if people could start engaging with their neighbors and have conversations, we could have a unified nation. 

      There's no doubt that we aren't going to agree on everything. But let's have respectful conversations. Do it for you, your children and grandchildren.


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