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Justin Trudeau: We got donuts over here if you want to thank you for your hard work.

Canadian Worker: I can bring some for my kids.

Justin Trudeau: The 25% tariffs we just brought in from Chinese skills to help you out.

Worker: That’s going to keep my job. What about the 40% taxes I’m paying and I don’t have a doctor?

Justin Trudeau: The $400 million in the investment… means you’re going to have a job for many, many years to come.

Worker: I think you’re only here for another year. We won’t see around probably in another year.

Justin Trudeau: That’s what elections are for. That’s right. I look forward to everyone exercising the right to vote. Basic choice. We’re going to invest in you in your job?

Worker: I don’t believe you for a second.

Justin Trudeau: Dental care? Do you know anyone got dental care?

Worker: Yeah, I pay for it myself.

Justin Trudeau: Okay.

Worker: We’re like three years behind.

Justin Trudeau: Because you have a job in coverage. Yeah, four people in my family.

Worker: Every time we go for a dental visit, it’s costing me about $50 in my pocket per person. Why? I have a good job. You’re not really doing anything for us, Justin.

Justin Trudeau: Well, actually, we just invested. Half a million people haven’t been to the dentist. Got to go to the dentist over the past few months.

Worker: Probably like my neighbor that doesn’t go to work because she’s lazy. She just doesn’t go to work. She lives the same way as I do.

Justin Trudeau: Most Canadian has tried to stick up to each other. That’s what we’re going to be doing. Good luck and take care of you, sir.

Worker: No, I’m good. Thank you. All right. Have a nice day.

Justin Trudeau: Have a good day, sir. The other guy, they got the donuts. Excellent.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / “我一秒钟都不相信你”——加拿大工人当面斥责小土豆 +7

    Justin Trudeau: We got donuts over here if you want to thank you for your hard work.

    Canadian Worker: I can bring some for my kids.

    Justin Trudeau: The 25% tariffs we just brought in from Chinese skills to help you out.

    Worker: That’s going to keep my job. What about the 40% taxes I’m paying and I don’t have a doctor?

    Justin Trudeau: The $400 million in the investment… means you’re going to have a job for many, many years to come.

    Worker: I think you’re only here for another year. We won’t see around probably in another year.

    Justin Trudeau: That’s what elections are for. That’s right. I look forward to everyone exercising the right to vote. Basic choice. We’re going to invest in you in your job?

    Worker: I don’t believe you for a second.

    Justin Trudeau: Dental care? Do you know anyone got dental care?

    Worker: Yeah, I pay for it myself.

    Justin Trudeau: Okay.

    Worker: We’re like three years behind.

    Justin Trudeau: Because you have a job in coverage. Yeah, four people in my family.

    Worker: Every time we go for a dental visit, it’s costing me about $50 in my pocket per person. Why? I have a good job. You’re not really doing anything for us, Justin.

    Justin Trudeau: Well, actually, we just invested. Half a million people haven’t been to the dentist. Got to go to the dentist over the past few months.

    Worker: Probably like my neighbor that doesn’t go to work because she’s lazy. She just doesn’t go to work. She lives the same way as I do.

    Justin Trudeau: Most Canadian has tried to stick up to each other. That’s what we’re going to be doing. Good luck and take care of you, sir.

    Worker: No, I’m good. Thank you. All right. Have a nice day.

    Justin Trudeau: Have a good day, sir. The other guy, they got the donuts. Excellent.

    • 土豆怎么脸型变成那样了? +1