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Democratic National Convention: Day 1
Tune in on Monday, August 19 from 6:30 PM - 11 PM ET for the first night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention as Democrats gather in Chicago to rally b...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / DNC大会实况,怎么不到6万人看?川普马斯克聊天可是有130万人。 +4
    Democratic National Convention: Day 1
    Tune in on Monday, August 19 from 6:30 PM - 11 PM ET for the first night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention as Democrats gather in Chicago to rally b...
    • 芝加哥会议中心附近商铺都用木板钉上门窗,停止营业。有点像“鬼子进村” +4
      • 民主党拒绝在边境建墙,却在自己会场外建好了墙。 +7
    • 现在已经有6万9了,不错了
    • 共和党大会有多少人
      • 150万。 +4
        RNC LIVE: Day 1 at Republican National Convention
        Donald Trump says Ohio Sen. JD Vance will be his vice presidential pick.He says on his Truth Social Network that, “After lengthy deliberation and thought, an...
        • 这么多人,会出人命的,往里塞都塞不进去 +1
      • 就几万个位置的场地,肯定都会坐满的!没有邀请应该还没有机会进去!
        • 这里说的是Youtube观看人数,不是现场人数。
        • 这是代表大会,所以人数是有限制的
    • 我怎麽看有人臺上講話底下也是一堆空位,難道說連會場都填不滿? +4