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How does a laughing hyena sound? Real laughing hyenas beg for lunch!

How does a laughing hyena sound? Real laughing hyenas beg for lunch!
See and hear how a laughing hyena sounds! Laughing hyenas sound hilarious, and they look adorable! You can see that the best way to get hyenas laughing is to...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 欣赏一下三笑的招牌笑声。她说:“作为一名女人,需要在强悍与贱妇之间取得平衡 (As a woman, there's a balance to be struck between being tough and being a bitch.)”;然后,浪笑。 +4

    • 像极了非洲的hyena的笑声 +4
      • 还真是!有才! +2
      • How does a laughing hyena sound? Real laughing hyenas beg for lunch! +3
        How does a laughing hyena sound? Real laughing hyenas beg for lunch!
        See and hear how a laughing hyena sounds! Laughing hyenas sound hilarious, and they look adorable! You can see that the best way to get hyenas laughing is to...
    • 三笑说她来自非洲,选民表示不信。三笑说,我这就证明给你看!打开电脑,放一段国家地理的短片,几只hyenas在叫。短片放完了hyenas的叫声还在持续,哦,原来是三笑在笑。选民终于信了:您是非洲来的! +4
      • 有才😂😂 +2