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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


The only reason @JoeBiden is dropping out today is because his administration plotted an assassination of Donald Trump and missed.

It’s a lot easier to drop out over “peer pressure” and an illness than to be forced to resign once the American people learn all about how the Biden admin plotted to put a bullet in Donald Trump’s head.

This is why he dropped out the day before the Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle was supposed to testify tomorrow in front of Congress.

Now the media will be distracted.

The cover up of the Biden admin’s and Deep State’s plot to assassinate Donald Trump is in full swing now.

We can’t let them get away with this.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 拜登起“总统”退选的唯一原因只能是,策划了谋杀川普总统。 +4

    The only reason @JoeBiden is dropping out today is because his administration plotted an assassination of Donald Trump and missed.

    It’s a lot easier to drop out over “peer pressure” and an illness than to be forced to resign once the American people learn all about how the Biden admin plotted to put a bullet in Donald Trump’s head.

    This is why he dropped out the day before the Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle was supposed to testify tomorrow in front of Congress.

    Now the media will be distracted.

    The cover up of the Biden admin’s and Deep State’s plot to assassinate Donald Trump is in full swing now.

    We can’t let them get away with this.

    • 有道理。但是真相已经很清楚了。20岁的小屁孩不是开枪的杀手,只是个替死鬼。 +2
      • 再告诉你们一个完全查不到的的信息哈,替死鬼买的子弹品牌是:Black Hills。
        • 不明白。请仔细介绍一下
    • 是的, +2
      • 但是太晚了,有的州的选票就不能再改了。据说现在有三个州不能改选票上的候选人 +2
        • 他们现在狗急跳墙了也不会管这些了,不知道这出恶心的剧要怎么收场,接下来这几个月的戏我都不想看了,民主党不管怎么秀下限,出来的人都是一个比一个恶心我实在看不下去。反正最后还是川爷回归这是必定的。 +2