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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Times of India : Donald Trump Death.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / David Sacks: I Know A Hero When I See One. 纽约时报发表文章,污蔑川普支持者,污蔑 Elon Musk. +1


    The Washington Post names me along with @elonmusk as one of several businessmen who are using their “megaphones” to spread “narratives” about the assassination attempt on President Trump. 

    I’m not sure what “narratives” they’re referring to, but I know what I saw, and I know what the crowd in Butler witnessed live. 

    At it turns out, my father-in-law lives in Pennsylvania and he was at the rally on Saturday. When the shots rang out and Trump went down, he said pandemonium broke out around him. Everyone feared the worst. 

    But then Trump rose. Covered in his own blood, resisting the secret service’s efforts to whisk him away to safety, Trump raised his fist defiantly, and the crowd could see him say: “Fight. Fight. Fight.”

    Immediately the fear of the crowd dissipated, the chaotic uncertainty lifted, and it was replaced with steely resolve. The crowd responded back as one: “USA, USA, USA!” 

    This is not a “narrative.” It is the truth. Trump stood defiant in the face of an assassin’s bullet. There is no way to fake courage like that. 

    It was more important for Trump to let the crowd know that he was unbowed and unbroken than to be taken to safety. 

    Donald Trump has already been in the fight of his life for months, as vindictive Democrats seek to imprison him, but on this day he came within inches of losing it. He has risked everything for this country. 

    It is now up to us, the American people, to show him that he does not stand alone. Let us reject the lies, the hoaxes, the hate and the division that the media has spread about this brave man, and support his resounding victory in November.


    • 刚才媳妇儿眼睛红红的跑来跟我说,睡前,我们为川普做个祷告吧!转。 +3






    • 这位退役绿色贝雷帽狙击手从专业角度分析了为什么川普被枪击事件是详细策划和协调的行动。 +5


      1. 特勤局做事的规则:总统演讲几天或几周前特勤局就会和当地警方勘探场地,以演讲台为中心360度布控全场,绝无可能会留出无人值守的屋顶给枪手;

      2. 媒体描述的那个在学校备受欺凌的20岁“注册共和党”枪手,绝无可能突破多层安保体系爬上屋顶整理好枪械射出5-8发子弹,没有内鬼接应这个过程中他已经死好几回了。3. 这个被击毙的枪手就是个替死鬼根本不应该是被关注的重点,真正的敌人在内部。


      • 这谋杀和败灯曲线一样是群策群力的结果,对老川怕极了。 +3
      • 说的有道理。要么是有内鬼,要么是特情局的工作有重大失误。 +1
        • 特勤局要政治正确,雇佣各个族裔,还有女性!导致水平大幅度下降,连一个小毛孩都看不住! +1
      • 是消极殆工,真有内鬼👻,通信数据能分析出来
        • 如果有内鬼,还需要费力从外面找一个生瓜蛋子杀手在有狙击手在场的场合动手?在可乐或者汉堡里放点毒鼠强就行了。 +1
          • 倾向于小毛孩是小独狼,20岁年龄最可怕,极易受蛊惑!
          • 内鬼那么傻?那很容易查出来的。不查出来也会被自己人灭口。内鬼也不想丢命,先要保证自己安全。 +1
        • 谁去分析?
          • 不是已经解锁小毛孩的手机了
            • 解锁后要么删掉,要么替换一些内容。FBI 擅长的 +1
    • Times of India : Donald Trump Death. +1


      • 哈哈,印度人就是会搞笑。 +1
        • 印度人是幽默得很
      • 老印不愧是大忽悠, 比美国媒体得劲爆多了: Bullet pierces ear, Secret service kills shooter, 1 rallygoer dead, 2 injured, Down & back up : "fight", says defiant ! +1
        • 真的是大忽悠,标题和内容两码事。估计印度人习惯这一套了。 +1