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美国一位大佬公开支持川普总统。Bill Ackman.

I am going to formally endorse @realDonaldTrump. I came to this decision some time ago as many @X followers have already understood from my supportive posts of Trump and my criticisms of @POTUS Biden.

The reason why I have not yet formally done so is that I want to explain my thinking in detail and address the arguments put forth by others against Trump. I want to make the case thoughtfully and convincingly.

Today, when one announces an intention to support Trump, Biden supporters who know me tend to assume that I have lost it. I assure you that I have made this decision carefully, rationally, and by relying on as much empirical data as possible.

It will take a long-form post to explain my thinking. I might even break my own record. I just haven’t had the time nor felt the urgency to write the post as we are still a few months from the election.

I am explaining my conclusion now in response to many questions I have received on the topic so that I am formally on the record.

You of course don’t need to care about my opinion so feel free not to read my post when it appears. That said, I believe the upcoming presidential election is one of the most consequential elections in my lifetime so I am taking the proper time to articulate observations that I will share widely and for which I assume an important responsibility.

I have had the benefit of spending a few hours recently with President Trump so I will have some first hand observations to share.

As always, I respect everyone’s right to form and share their own views on this important topic.

Please keep an open mind on the upcoming presidential election. Bear in mind that your views on Trump have likely been dramatically affected if you have sourced your info on Trump from mainstream media or friends or family who have relied on mainstream media as a source of knowledge.

We have all recently learned in the starkest manner (the debate) how we cannot rely on the MSM as our source of truth on the ultimate political question.

Remember, media organizations are like sports teams that run plays chosen by their owners and executed by the coaches they hire. They are not unbiased arbiters of the truth.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 川普总统歪了一下脑袋,子弹穿过他的耳朵!枪手绝对厉害!川普是上天派来的天使,任何人不能左右他! +6


    • “我的66岁黑人祖母从来没有投票给任何共和党人,今天她说,几年要投票给共和党人川普总统。她说,民主党人已经失去了理智。” +7
      • 年轻呀
    • 美猴王:年过八旬,挨枪不倒,血流满面,举拳战斗,这才是我最敬佩,也是最值得我支持的总统,人民的总统,我的无人能替代的总统! +8


      • 据说这照片是修的,现场后面没有国旗,是后加上去的,这么快就加了发新闻,挺敬业 +1
        • 可能。你说的有道理
        • 不是,有视频拍到这张照片的拍摄过程,记者也是豁出去了,在这么危险的情况下 +2
    • 评论:枪杀川普总统的前世与今生,以及华盛顿明天棋局。 +3




























    • 美国一位大佬公开支持川普总统。Bill Ackman. +3

      I am going to formally endorse @realDonaldTrump. I came to this decision some time ago as many @X followers have already understood from my supportive posts of Trump and my criticisms of @POTUS Biden.

      The reason why I have not yet formally done so is that I want to explain my thinking in detail and address the arguments put forth by others against Trump. I want to make the case thoughtfully and convincingly.

      Today, when one announces an intention to support Trump, Biden supporters who know me tend to assume that I have lost it. I assure you that I have made this decision carefully, rationally, and by relying on as much empirical data as possible.

      It will take a long-form post to explain my thinking. I might even break my own record. I just haven’t had the time nor felt the urgency to write the post as we are still a few months from the election.

      I am explaining my conclusion now in response to many questions I have received on the topic so that I am formally on the record.

      You of course don’t need to care about my opinion so feel free not to read my post when it appears. That said, I believe the upcoming presidential election is one of the most consequential elections in my lifetime so I am taking the proper time to articulate observations that I will share widely and for which I assume an important responsibility.

      I have had the benefit of spending a few hours recently with President Trump so I will have some first hand observations to share.

      As always, I respect everyone’s right to form and share their own views on this important topic.

      Please keep an open mind on the upcoming presidential election. Bear in mind that your views on Trump have likely been dramatically affected if you have sourced your info on Trump from mainstream media or friends or family who have relied on mainstream media as a source of knowledge.

      We have all recently learned in the starkest manner (the debate) how we cannot rely on the MSM as our source of truth on the ultimate political question.

      Remember, media organizations are like sports teams that run plays chosen by their owners and executed by the coaches they hire. They are not unbiased arbiters of the truth.

    • 这种对某个领导人物狂热崇拜的想法很危险啊,美国不应该只是极度依赖于某个个人。集体领导,三权分立才是立国之本。治大国如烹小鲜。 +3
    • 犹太人也不行?泽连也不行? +1
    • 子弹没有穿过他的耳朵,穿过的话照片上耳朵不可能完好无损, 最多只是蹭了一下。当时川普趴在地上特勤人员问他话,他不停说where are my shoes, where are my shoes,哈哈哈。怎么会把鞋子丢了呢? +2
      • 可能
    • 神护川普,天佑美国! +4