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SAUDI ARABIA TO STOP USING USA PETRO DOLLAR.Saudi Arabia will stop using the US dollar for oil sales and will not renew the 50-year petro-dollar agreement with the U.S.

Saudi Arabia will stop using the US dollar for oil sales and will not renew the 50-year petro-dollar agreement with the U.S.

This means that oil transaction from the main oil producer globally will not be executed with USD.

hashtag#cryptocurrencies and CBDCs are options.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / SAUDI ARABIA TO STOP USING USA PETRO DOLLAR.Saudi Arabia will stop using the US dollar for oil sales and will not renew the 50-year petro-dollar agreement with the U.S.

    Saudi Arabia will stop using the US dollar for oil sales and will not renew the 50-year petro-dollar agreement with the U.S.

    This means that oil transaction from the main oil producer globally will not be executed with USD.

    hashtag#cryptocurrencies and CBDCs are options.

    • 这个理解的不对。不是停止使用美元而是不再只能用美元结算
    • 全球金融重置。美元垮台。视频前7分半种 BRICS just announced the U.S. Dollar is about to COLLAPSE for good! | Redacted with Clayton Morris -**🍦; 5-17 {565} (#16097573@0)
    • 这么好的消息为什么要匿名?