

Crisis in Gaza: Special measures for extended family

Special measures to apply for a temporary resident visa (TRV) are in place for Palestinians who

  • are living in the Gaza strip when they submit their application
  • are related to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who lives or intends to live in Canada
  • will be supported in Canada by the Canadian citizen or permanent resident for a period of 1 year

If you’re eligible, your family members can also apply for a TRV under these measures.

After entering Canada, in most cases you can stay for up to 3 years as a temporary resident, as long as your passport and biometrics are valid for the entire time. If your passport or biometrics expire in less than 3 years, your status as a temporary resident will expire at the same time. You can apply to extend your status before it expires, but you need to make sure your passport and biometrics are up-to-date before you apply.

You can also apply for a fee-exempt study permit or a fee-exempt open work permit after entering Canada, under the special measures for Israeli nationals, Palestinian passport holders and family members in Canada. These documents allow you to study or work during your stay.

Don’t become a victim of fraud!

For this temporary measure, we collect fees when an application is submitted through the IRCC Portal. Be cautious of suspicious sources offering to sell a unique reference code or making promises to help you leave Gaza. There are no agents or consultants acting on our behalf. Learn more about avoiding fraud.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 移民部长Marc Miller于上周四将咖沙巴勒斯坦人的移民申请限额从1000份增加到5000份,而每一份申请可以让多个家庭成员移民加拿大,这些移民申请包括亲属团聚。今后,巴勒斯坦人的声音将越来越大。 +2
    • 无语。这个土豆。 +7
      • 应该多给土豆立几个雕像,等以后人们反应过来是他坑了加拿大时,好有得砸。 +2
        • 人未死,不可立雕像。 +2
        • 我证万物非主,唯有安拉 不能立雕像😎 +2
    • 巴勒斯坦多来点好,再多也没有多少,可以防止印度人过多带来的问题
      • 把加沙200万都移民过来,彻底地一劳永逸地解决以巴问题。按巴勒斯坦人的生育率,我们会有幸生活在一个大巴勒斯坦国,全球最大的伊斯兰国家。欧耶 +3
        • yeah,中加关系有望缓和,以后都是一家人了,哈哈 +1
          • 杠杠的,巴铁 +1
        • 可以,200万我们完全容得下,解决了这个问题让联合国发起全球捐款给我们,尤其以色列捐1000亿,美国500亿,英国两百亿……最后合计约1万亿
          • 每位移民拿50万?多伦多房价要涨出宇宙了 +1
            • 怎么可能呢,这都是外汇兑换过来的,等于银行积累了大量的外汇可以购买国外的产品,难民别说50万,都还要给他们发钱呢
    • 才5000, 不多,他们才是真正为了逃避大屠杀的难民 +1
      • 5000份申请,每份申请可以包括multiple family members,应该会有数万人。希望严格审查有无哈马斯背景。 +4
        • 每年近50万移民,多这点不多,减少点印度假留学生就好了
          • 这是表明一种大选态度,等于向穆斯林选民表示,我是同情你们的。
    • 太恐怖了。 +13
    • 加拿大现在所有问题的根源就是土豆。土豆下台,加拿大80%的问题都解决了。 +14
    • 土豆这个决定需要支持!目前情况下,巴勒斯坦人都是真难民。 +2
      • 这个是immigration applications,还不是难民申请,难民人数不详。我不反对增加巴勒斯坦人的移民限额,只要减少一些印度人,不增加总数就行。
        • 印度移民的素质仅次于西欧移民,高于大陆移民,更高于中东移民,远高于巴勒斯坦移民 +4
      • 真难民又怎么样?从以往的经验看,他们到哪儿都得说了算,都得听他们的,不然就闹,难道愿意请一帮大爷到家来就因为他们是真难民? +2
    • 加拿大政府向所有居住过加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人直接发放加拿大绿卡,不必走正常法律程序,晚了会死更多的人。 +1
    • 华人完蛋了,这些人的生育意愿和能力比印度人强,排他性比印度人更强 +5
      • 不吃猪肉,改信阿拉。 +3
        • 收入要交一大部分给清真寺 +1
      • 他们是政教合一的一神教,印度人是政教分离的多神教,犹太教基督教虽然是一神教,但是政教分离。华人多数无神论,虚无主义,在他们面前不堪一击。 +2
      • 同意。他们不但排他性比印度人强,攻击性也比印度人强,战斗民族一个。 +2
        • 这么说吧,印度人做领导,招10个程序员可能还要装装样子招一个老中,但巴人则宁可招10个教徒完全不懂行,也不招任何一个懂行的异教徒 +4
          • 异教徒都是要下地狱的,还招你给钱啊😃😃 +2
          • 这个你就不懂了,巴基斯坦人招中国人
      • 只有旁遮普人挡得住
    • 看了楼主的新闻和各位的评论,俺又开始动摇了,考虑要不要扳依,阿拉胡阿克巴。 +1
      • 我本来想改宗正教的,但是决定缓一缓,从不吃猪肉开始。😎 +2
        • 那个斋月是真受不了,不知道可不可以改成每两星期断食一天,然后去天堂的时候,美女数量折半即可。 +1
          • 俺俩内部交易一下,你的斋月分我一半,反正我减肥,但你的那部分美女。。。。 +1
      • 你一身猪肉臭味,梅西,哈哈 +1
        • 俺同学嫁给了穆斯林,要浣肠。俺可是不喜肉食。同事里面纯纯的穆斯林,肉都不怎么吃,素食为主,偶尔吃鱼。 +1
          • 闰土哥,你可以把籍贯改成吴忠,我准备改成固原😎
            • 你那‘固原’,是啥来历?穆斯林要吃HALAL的肉,据说味道更好,我估计是更贵,所以不富裕的又坚持传统的,干脆不吃肉了。
              • 记得是宁夏一个市,说咱本来就回回,不会记错了吧😂 +1
    • 猜猜有多少哈马斯?人家可都是专业的 +1
    • newstalk1010主持人还抱怨说政府审查太慢,照他们的速度别说5000,一年审500也达不到,这副嘴脸就应该甩几个难民去他家,这个社会有这种媒体忽悠怎么好得了 +3
    • 刚才看到他们的“临时签证在进入加拿大后三年内有效”字眼。不知道是你有意漏掉的,还是根本不知道。
      • 我贴的都是电台里听来的新闻,如果是读到的,一般会附上链接。没有听到 “临时签证在进入加拿大后三年内有效”这句话。是immigration applications,不知跟你提的是否同一件事情。
        • 加拿大宣布:计划为5000名加沙居民提供签证,有效期3年











        • Crisis in Gaza: Special measures for extended family

          Special measures to apply for a temporary resident visa (TRV) are in place for Palestinians who

          • are living in the Gaza strip when they submit their application
          • are related to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who lives or intends to live in Canada
          • will be supported in Canada by the Canadian citizen or permanent resident for a period of 1 year

          If you’re eligible, your family members can also apply for a TRV under these measures.

          After entering Canada, in most cases you can stay for up to 3 years as a temporary resident, as long as your passport and biometrics are valid for the entire time. If your passport or biometrics expire in less than 3 years, your status as a temporary resident will expire at the same time. You can apply to extend your status before it expires, but you need to make sure your passport and biometrics are up-to-date before you apply.

          You can also apply for a fee-exempt study permit or a fee-exempt open work permit after entering Canada, under the special measures for Israeli nationals, Palestinian passport holders and family members in Canada. These documents allow you to study or work during your stay.

          Don’t become a victim of fraud!

          For this temporary measure, we collect fees when an application is submitted through the IRCC Portal. Be cautious of suspicious sources offering to sell a unique reference code or making promises to help you leave Gaza. There are no agents or consultants acting on our behalf. Learn more about avoiding fraud.

    • 啥巴勒斯坦人,其实就是哈马斯。可以直接把标题改成:“加拿大移民局打开国门,准备接受5000哈马斯自由战士,包括他们所谓的家庭成员,预计将有5个师的哈马斯战士进驻加国”。 +3
      • 身体棒棒,作CEO 正好