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Political Compass 也有这样的. 看连接的figure 5.

NDP Leader Andrea Horwath appears to be benefitting from a combination of low support for Kathleen Wynne and trepidation by many voters to back a Doug Ford-led PC party.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 保守的人是什么派? +1

    Political Compass上的右派,主张free market, free trade, deregulation of private industries.


    • That political compass itself is a leftie. Simply see where they place Trudeau's Liberal. +2
    • 这些相对的要具体看在哪里
    • 上屆大選期間因性醜聞被聯邦自由黨取消該黨候選人但仍當選國會議員的獨立議員王啟榮要求加入保守黨黨團。