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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Example of a High Income Individual

A high income individual living in Ontario with a $400,000 salary also has a $300,000 gain from the sale of a second property. Under the current rules, they pay income tax on 50 per cent—$150,000—of that capital gain.

If they have the same gain in 2025, they will now pay tax on $158,333 of the gain (50 per cent x $250,000 = $125,000) plus (2/3 x $50,000 = $33,333) = $158,333).

Because of their high income putting them in the highest marginal tax rate, the change to capital gains taxation will cost them $4,461 more in combined federal-provincial income tax.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 新budget的25万划线,是原始capital gain 50W,折半后25W,在这50W之上按67%收税;还是,原始capital gain 25W,这部分以下是原先的税率,原始capital gain 25W以上按67%?
    • 原始Capital gain 50万,前25万中,12 万五免税,12万五算你的收入要交税。后25万中,25x1/3万免税, 25x2/3万算你的收入交税。税率看你全年收入。
      • exactly。50万的capital gain, 之前是25万免税, 现在是~20万免税。还是比你挣50万工资强多了😀
    • 第二种。
    • 25万以上的67%是inclusion rate, 不是tax rate. 25万以上的67%, 加上25万以下的50%, 加上你的其他收入比如工资, 这个total是你的taxable income,按whatever现有的 tax rate交税
    • 哎这点事,怎么就说不明白呢: Capital gain 300,000,结果就是 250,000 x 50% + 50,000 x 67% = 158,500 will be counted as Taxable INCOME,发完贴看到micah的帖子,算是重复了 +1
      • 我的也重复了Jane的😀
        • 房主真心辛苦
      • 退休后卖房比较合算
        • 最高federal tax bracket 是25万, 如果房价涨25万以上,不管工资多少, 退不退休,应该没有difference。我的理解对吗?
          • 至少没有工资了,25万以上的部分会少一些。
      • 谢谢,兹事体大,涉及每年的税务规划,还是要搞清除。
      • 就是,官网也举例说得很明白 +2

        Example of a High Income Individual

        A high income individual living in Ontario with a $400,000 salary also has a $300,000 gain from the sale of a second property. Under the current rules, they pay income tax on 50 per cent—$150,000—of that capital gain.

        If they have the same gain in 2025, they will now pay tax on $158,333 of the gain (50 per cent x $250,000 = $125,000) plus (2/3 x $50,000 = $33,333) = $158,333).

        Because of their high income putting them in the highest marginal tax rate, the change to capital gains taxation will cost them $4,461 more in combined federal-provincial income tax.

    • 房子涨了25万就卖掉,重新买一个。
      • 买卖房的费用比增加的税高,租客问题也不容易处理
        • 如果是长期租客,租金远低于市场价,就是要卖房才能摆脱租客,买家自住可以叫租客走。
          • 得把自住房卖了先
    • 楼上的都谢了。