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Personal Line of Credit (PLC)有必要留着吗?好像是当年买房时开的,从来没用过。最近收到银行通知,要求联系他们,否则就给关了,利率是9.75%。详情见内,谢谢!

Action required

While your PLC can provide access to funds with flexible repayment options at competitive interest rates, we noticed that you haven’t used it for some time. To quickly and easily tell us that you wish to keep your PLC, please call our automated service at 1 877 452‑8857 by Apr‍il 1‍2, 2‍02‍4 and have your PLC account information available.

If we don’t hear from you by Apr‍il 1‍2, 2‍02‍4, we will close your PLC on A‍pr‍il 2‍0, 2‍02‍4. Any creditor insurance1 (life and/or disability coverage) you may have on your PLC will end at that time. Should you need a PLC in the future, along with any life or disability creditor insurance1 on an account, we would be happy to assist you with a new application.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / Personal Line of Credit (PLC)有必要留着吗?好像是当年买房时开的,从来没用过。最近收到银行通知,要求联系他们,否则就给关了,利率是9.75%。详情见内,谢谢!

    Action required

    While your PLC can provide access to funds with flexible repayment options at competitive interest rates, we noticed that you haven’t used it for some time. To quickly and easily tell us that you wish to keep your PLC, please call our automated service at 1 877 452‑8857 by Apr‍il 1‍2, 2‍02‍4 and have your PLC account information available.

    If we don’t hear from you by Apr‍il 1‍2, 2‍02‍4, we will close your PLC on A‍pr‍il 2‍0, 2‍02‍4. Any creditor insurance1 (life and/or disability coverage) you may have on your PLC will end at that time. Should you need a PLC in the future, along with any life or disability creditor insurance1 on an account, we would be happy to assist you with a new application.

    • 留着也没坏处,不过你这个利率高了 +2
      • 因为从来就没关心过它,利率是今天才看了一眼。
    • PLC就关了吧,万一有人黑进账户就可以直接取款了。 +2
    • CIBC的 LOC? 留着吧,挺好的。可以当成支票户来使用,可以有:免费支票、配上debit card消费和提取、免费e-transfer、无限次数交易。
      • 可利率9.75%啊!
        • 楼上的意思是先存钱进去。
          • 规避普通checking account的费用?
        • 都说了,当支票户来用,先存钱再用啊。只要不透支利息就为0. 还有个附加的好处偶尔钱不够了自动算透支,不会有NSF每次$40-50的罚金。另外别人支票存进去只要不超过LOC的额度,马上可以取钱出来用没有hold期限。我现在正等着银行给我预批的offer呢,呵呵。 +3
          • 哇,这个还没想过。有这种操作
          • 你应该自己有生意吧?
      • 我有simplii checking account,一样的免费支票、debit card消费和提取、免费e-transfer、无限次数交易。
        • 免NSF费用?支票存入不用hold马上能用?有物理网点可以柜台存取现金?立等可取的bank draft?好吧,好处都告诉你了,如果你实在觉得用不上就销了吧。
    • 是secured还是non-secured?如果是secured利率太高了,关
      • 什么区别呢?
        • non-secured是完全凭你信用,没有抵押物。secured多是自家房子做抵押
          • 不会看,account info里没看到相关信息。
            • 打电话问 +1
    • 大家能说说PLC有啥用吗?利率那么高。。。
      • 不用也留着,对增加信用分有好处
      • LOC是有用的,应急使用的话没多少利息,但如果你有HELOC,不需要personal LOC
    • 大家的HOC的利率都是多少
      • prime
        • IC
    • 那个电话是自动答复电话,只要按照要求按键就可以保留或者取消
    • 留着吧,应急很有用。你这个利率高了点,找银行顾问谈谈看能不能再低点。 +1