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"We’re seeing inflation numbers still very high and we’re still seeing a lot of Canadians well-employed and recession clearly hasn’t hit,” Zlatkin said.

“At this point, the Bank of Canada may have no choice but to increase rates again in the new year.”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / "We’re seeing inflation numbers still very high and we’re still seeing a lot of Canadians well-employed and recession clearly hasn’t hit,” Zlatkin said. +1
    “At this point, the Bank of Canada may have no choice but to increase rates again in the new year.”
    • 澳洲央行,英国央行,欧央行想升息么?但不升就成别人的食物了。欧央行为通胀所逼宣布要连续加息。欧美利差缩小,资金倒流,美国这边肯定爆。加息是为了割别人韭菜,现在兄弟相残,互为鱼肉。怎一个惨字了得。 +1
      • 感觉你回国练摊能积累一定的经济常识。现在国内正大力发展地摊经济。
        • 过度金融化造成美国遍地是垃圾。资金回流美国宁愿停留在收益不高的隔夜回购市场,也不愿投资任何资产。连地摊经济都不懂的是没可能有经济学常识的。 +2
    • 一个20几岁的mortgage broker在这里贩卖fear mongering而已。 +2