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"The online declaration portal has not yet opened" >>>

All Toronto residential property owners must submit a declaration of their property’s 2022 occupancy status by February 2, 2023. The declaration portal is now open. Submit Declaration An annual tax will be levied on vacant Toronto residences, payable beginning in 2023. A property is considered vacant if it has been unoccupied for a total of […]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 房屋空置税表哪里找?什么时候报? +1
    • 政府还在测试系统。先准备收你250块的迟报金。蒋忒累这个250。 +1
    • "The online declaration portal has not yet opened" >>> +3
      All Toronto residential property owners must submit a declaration of their property’s 2022 occupancy status by February 2, 2023. The declaration portal is now open. Submit Declaration An annual tax will be levied on vacant Toronto residences, payable beginning in 2023. A property is considered vacant if it has been unoccupied for a total of […]
    • 已经开通了,报一个房子用不了5分钟就完事了。 +1
    • 不知道大家都收到几张小黄纸,都是利息啊😀
    • Vacant Home Tax
      All Toronto residential property owners must submit a declaration of their property’s 2022 occupancy status by February 2, 2023. The declaration portal is now open. Submit Declaration An annual tax will be levied on vacant Toronto residences, payable beginning in 2023. A property is considered vacant if it has been unoccupied for a total of […]
      • thanks
    • 报完了政府怎么审核呢?
      • 跟你报税一样,举报加抽查呗。作假了逮不到你,你好运。逮到了回溯你个五年八年的。其实这种验证比查税容易多了。比如重点照顾多房户和水电异常的。
      • CRA有大数据系统,反正有办法。
        • 市政府没权查CRA系统吧?
          • 弄混了,如果city太懒,就没办法,数据可能不共享。但是也没人敢这么做呀,有产业的人,胆小。
            • 用不着CRA。市政府自己掌握property tax 和 utility。系统自动一比对,找出可疑的是分分钟的事,然后重点关注。除非房东每天去空屋用点水(现在水费读表都是远程无线的,被重点关注后,天天读表),每周搬出垃圾桶。
              • 光放点水哪够呀,你得和大家差不多, 冬天你总不能不开暖气吧?要隐瞒不容易, 加上邻居举报, 查起来一查一个准。
        • 阁下您的中文理解能力让老欧担心😓 人家是举个例子
          • 这不怪我,我以为CRA和市政府是一家呢。
      • 报完后记得Screen shot 下,city 没有Confirmation Email
        • 报完了,谢谢
      • 从看得出水电账单
        • 前两天看见有人问:如何能在不买Wi-Fi的前提下使用远程温控器,我就想起来空置税。貌似不能远程控制的只有水费,那还报什么,直接认水费单不够多少量直接发税单
    • 是全省都收吗?还是就多伦多市
      • toronto only +1
        • 包不包括 richmond hill?
          • 不包括约克区
            • 谢了,差点填了
    • 老人不用电子产品怎么办? +1
      • mail
    • Paper notice dated Nov 17 received today. +1
      Why don't they just include a form for the filing instead of asking people to go online, what if some older retirees who are not good in internet just don't know how to file? In the name of making housing more available, the city politicians are just in a money grabbing scheme. Their action indicates that they are more interested in getting the $250 from many home owners than making more housing available to poor people.
      • 是啊,税单付完就销毁了,不记得那个什么 号咋办?打311查吗?蒋忒累这个250