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I suspect that a particular tenant is damaging the rental unit and stealing other tenants’ food. Can I install cameras in the kitchen and other common areas to catch the culprit?

If you did not include the possibility of installing cameras in common areas in your lease agreement, or if you do not have a written lease agreement, then the answer is no. You will only be able to install video surveillance cameras if you get the written consent of everyone who lives in the property and uses the kitchen and common areas. To install cameras without consent would be contrary to both the Residential Tenancies Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

If everyone agrees to installing the cameras, then this agreement should be in writing, since it is a fundamental change to the original situation that did not include cameras.

Otherwise, you will have to rely on witnesses who live in the property for your evidence regarding who is stealing food, causing damage, and so on.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 寻租房的朋友,小心避开73 Shellamwood Trail, Scarborough。此独立屋内安有摄像头。 +1




    • 这合法吗?
    • 这个录像能说明什么?没有看到摄像头啊?还是说这个录像是摄像头录的?
      • 在录像的0:58 -1:01处。
        • 哦,看到了,很 creepy
        • 为何不直接把录像头拔了或者剪断?
          • 用合法手段处理,报警。 +3
    • 可以报警 +6
      • 这个好像是单间出租把?单间出租,厅属于屋主,应该不违法把?讨论一下?
        • 没专门研究过,但这应该是属于侵犯隐私了
          • 厅还属于屋主的,我觉得没有问题,你看视频,还放着屋主照片
            • 如果只是房东自己住,当然没问题,但涉及租客,是否需要考虑租客的隐私?
              • 他租的是房间,应该是分租的,并没有租厅,所以这个不好说
    • 用胶带封上呀。。。多简单
      • 还可以录音呢 LOL
        • 用大碗扣上,时不时在上面用力敲一下 +1
        • 找个日本动作片放放
    • 看这个链接。在安省,必须在租房合约标明并获取所有屋内住客同意才可以设有录像头。

      I suspect that a particular tenant is damaging the rental unit and stealing other tenants’ food. Can I install cameras in the kitchen and other common areas to catch the culprit?

      If you did not include the possibility of installing cameras in common areas in your lease agreement, or if you do not have a written lease agreement, then the answer is no. You will only be able to install video surveillance cameras if you get the written consent of everyone who lives in the property and uses the kitchen and common areas. To install cameras without consent would be contrary to both the Residential Tenancies Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

      If everyone agrees to installing the cameras, then this agreement should be in writing, since it is a fundamental change to the original situation that did not include cameras.

      Otherwise, you will have to rely on witnesses who live in the property for your evidence regarding who is stealing food, causing damage, and so on.

      • 链接说的是,加装录像头需要租户同意。没有说原有的会怎样。链接也没提具体根据哪一条。
        • 签合约时不提及而且租客并未发现,就可以当他是租户入住之后安装的了。这个行为不是触犯了两个法规吗?
          • 哪个法规?第几条?法律上从来没有过什么“就可以当他是”的说法。