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The Bank of Canada has no choice but to continue raising the rate of interest

Since inflation has not been tamed yet, the bank must increase the policy rate in an effort — no matter how futile — to regain its wounded credibility, writes Gustavo Indart.

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / The Bank of Canada has no choice but to continue raising the rate of interest +6
    Since inflation has not been tamed yet, the bank must increase the policy rate in an effort — no matter how futile — to regain its wounded credibility, writes Gustavo Indart.
    • 加拿大的行长早该被解雇,希望保守党上台结束这个傻的统治。 +6
      • 你没见有人贴出来保守党领提出的少印钱,多干活的执政主张?缩表资产泡沫怎么可能不破呢?那是死得快呀。 +1
        • 应该是不敢。新党领嘛先磨合两年看稳的住不。土豆包头联合太强大 +1
    • 解雇现任央行行长是新的保守党党魁的竞选承诺,这个央行行长点背,连任肯定没戏,自由党也会拿他当替罪羊。 +1
      • 上1任行长为啥会主动辞职?活太脏了,被后面好几代人骂的那种脏 +2
        • 要看是那些人的后代了
        • 前任是退休了。现任的锅是背定了,所以他必须不停的加息来洗白自己。
          • 也许这个视频很好的回答了,土豆任上的行长这活有多脏: (#14804208@0) +1
    • 他现在只能矫枉过正
      • 俺还盼着软着陆呢。