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ECONOMICSOct 28, 2020Bank of Canada sees interest rates on hold into 2023 ~:text=In%20a%20policy%20statement%20Wednesday,keep%20it%20there%20until%202023.

The Bank of Canada said the country’s economy won’t fully absorb slack in the economy before 2023, suggesting it will keep rates at near zero for the next few years.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 央行加息0.75 +2
    • 至少加到4 +8
      • 完全无必要。原油已暴跌。 +2
        • 是不是必要不是你说了算 +20

          • 难道你说了算? +3
            • 这段话是从央行声明摘录的: In Canada, +6
              CPI inflation eased in July to 7.6% from 8.1% because of a drop in gasoline prices. However, inflation excluding gasoline increased and data indicate a further broadening of price pressures, particularly in services. The Bank’s core measures of inflation continued to move up, ranging from 5% to 5.5% in July. Surveys suggest that short-term inflation expectations remain high. The longer this continues, the greater the risk that elevated inflation becomes entrenched.
              • 说了加到4?都是自己发挥 +2
                • 我发挥?你就把头埋在沙子里吧,今年还有2次加息,4%只有一部之遥 +13
                  • 在成为事实之前都是你的想象。我认为基本到头了
                    • 来来,再读一段央行原文,看看谁在自己发挥: +5
                      Given the outlook for inflation, the Governing Council still judges that the policy interest rate will need to rise further. Quantitative tightening is complementing increases in the policy rate. As the effects of tighter monetary policy work through the economy, we will be assessing how much higher interest rates need to go to return inflation to target. The Governing Council remains resolute in its commitment to price stability and will continue to take action as required to achieve the 2% inflation target.
                      • 我都不跟他辩论,他总把头埋起来当鸵鸟,一个总把自己臆想说成事实的人,跟他辩论没意思! +9
                        • 卖房了吗?不怕天塌了砸你头吗? +1
                • 美国人的计划。
            • ECONOMICSOct 28, 2020Bank of Canada sees interest rates on hold into 2023 ~:text=In%20a%20policy%20statement%20Wednesday,keep%20it%20there%20until%202023.
              The Bank of Canada said the country’s economy won’t fully absorb slack in the economy before 2023, suggesting it will keep rates at near zero for the next few years.
              • 说了都没用,更别提人家根本没说。 +1
        • 那是目的,针对俄罗斯的。
      • 应该会到4.5%并保持一年左右时间。 +12
        • 如果央行到4.5, 那各大行贷款利率就到6.5了吧?
        • 只能说,根据历史数据看,这个预测非常乐观 +2
    • 加元已暴跌。加息了还在跌。 +4
    • 有链接吗?
      • 当然有 +4
        The Bank of Canada today increased its target for the overnight rate to 3¼%, with the Bank Rate at 3½% and the deposit rate at 3¼%.
        • With higher mortgage rates, the housing market is pulling back as anticipated, following unsustainable growth during the pandemic. +1
          • pull back难道不是买的机会?非要等暴涨之后出手?
            • 什么叫pull back?央行认为这是一种正常有序的回撤。我们要等的是plummet,最好是crash。 +8
              • 随你等。不crash你确实买不起。
                • 你没看坛子里讨论triggering rate已成过去时了,现在都是在讨论renewal。未来一年有多少锁定2%以下的要面对5%以上的钱包和心灵的双重打击。好戏从9月开始正式上演。 +8
                  • 确实的,更可怕的是在B lender贷款的,一年就要renew。还有私贷,几个月就要renew,不知这些人怎么过。 +10
                    • 你赶快卖房吧。忠告。
                      • 确实有很多人会卖房,尤其是炒房客 +9
                        • 你也赶快卖吧。忠告。
                    • 据统计,私贷市场85%的贷款集中在安省和BC。按市场规模比例算,我觉得50%以上在安省。 +4
                  • 基本没有
    • 应该是今年最后一次加息了吧 +2
      • 央行原话:Given the outlook for inflation, the Governing Council still judges that the policy interest rate will need to rise further. Quantitative tightening is complementing increases in the policy rate.
        • 可惜市场不买账,加元跌的很惨
          • 有人民币惨?看看加币兑人民币都涨到多少了。 +1
            • 加元跌的惨,其实说明央行加息还不够。 +1
              • 不是加息还不够,是说明加拿大可能跟不足美国加息了。 +1
          • 正好说明还得加息。 +1
      • 应该是最后一次加息,有些银行前几天调低了存款利率。
        • 你这句话让我想起9月前叫嚣9月不加息的人,那些人不知是无知还是故意误导他人。 +11
        • 不要那么自信,当年利息飞快的穿到两位数以上时,也是每次都有人“应该是最后一次加息了!”….. “应该是最后一次加息.”… “应该是最后一次加息了?”…“加” +6
          • 匿名贴,当然是不自信了。说不定自己都不信。 +2
        • 那是他们在耍流氓割韭菜。 +2
        • 概率几乎是零。 +3
    • 下次议息时间是今年内?
      • 10月26日和12月7日
      • 预测一下吧(10月26日和12月7日)看看自己的验光? +1
        • 我预测10月加0-0.25,depends最新经济数据。12月不加。
          • 好,过两个月看看。 +1
        • 关键看美国,如果美国加,加拿大一定跟进。 +2
          • 不一定,加元暴跌就是预示着有可能拉开利率。
            • 如果加拿大不跟进,加元还要跌。另外,油价也是一个因素,如果油价继续走跌,加元会更疲软。 +1
              • 油价是一个因素,但利差更直接,我们韭菜是最后知道的一批人。
        • 0.5和0.25 +1
    • 不要卖房,练习举重