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原文“last week we took a big step, we raised our policy interest rate by 100 basis points. That got us into what we call the long run neutral range.We are deliberately front-loading our interest rate response. We want to get ahead of this”

”You asked where do interest rates have to go? Look, last week we took a big step, we raised our policy interest rate by 100 basis points. That got us into what we call the long run neutral range... We are deliberately front-loading our interest rate response. We want to get ahead of this. The best chance of getting that soft recovery is to front-load the policy response.

That does argue for increasing the policy rate again, probably something around the top of that 2 to 3 per cent range, or a little bit over and doing that pretty quickly. ”


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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 加拿大央行认了:预判失误 下半年通胀维持痛苦高位
    越来越多的加拿大人感受到生活成本增加带来的压力,加拿大银行行长Tiff Macklem说,加拿大的通货膨胀率在今年下半年将继续保持在"痛苦的高位"。
    • 8月真有可能加一次利率。他说 “ 上周我们迈出了一大步,我们把我们的政策利率提高了100个基点。这使我们进入了我们所说的长期中性范围······我们将我们的利率反应提前,我们想走在这之前。”
      他还说现在的利率是“长期”及“中性”,意味着以后降息,不会是低于目前,而且要维持在目前在这个利率上。再看目前各个银行五年GIC rate,也是很高的,网上搜到CIBC5%,RBC4.5%。说明银行觉得利率五年内不会比现在低。
      • 他的意思是提高100点是走在通货之前。
        • 原文“last week we took a big step, we raised our policy interest rate by 100 basis points. That got us into what we call the long run neutral range.We are deliberately front-loading our interest rate response. We want to get ahead of this”

          ”You asked where do interest rates have to go? Look, last week we took a big step, we raised our policy interest rate by 100 basis points. That got us into what we call the long run neutral range... We are deliberately front-loading our interest rate response. We want to get ahead of this. The best chance of getting that soft recovery is to front-load the policy response.

          That does argue for increasing the policy rate again, probably something around the top of that 2 to 3 per cent range, or a little bit over and doing that pretty quickly. ”

          • 注意,是want to, 不是wanted to。他还说了要快速加息。 +1
            • 也不是提前加息的意思,也可以每次多加点。又不是预料之外,上一次加息之后我就说过到年底还要加3%。这个3%是业内人士分析的。
              • 如果还要加3%,意味着每次加1%?那哭死的人可不少。 +1
                • 已经加了1%,还要加2%。
                • 下个月的通胀如果还是8%以上,九月加息1%的可能性很大。如果低于8% (央行预测低于8%),九月加息0.75%。
              • 别扯淡了,汽油天天在下跌,说明库存供大于求。国际原油期货都是炒家炒起来的。能源股最近都跌惨了。 +2
                • 我也不希望涨利率呐,别激动。 +1
                • 房价也是炒起来的。 +5
                  • 那你得有信服的证据房子也供大于求。可惜房价不涨房租涨,结论正好相反 +2
            • 汽油明天降到1.6 。
            • Good point. 不过Top of that 2-3% range,也就那样了。
            • 也就是说,宁可矫枉过正
      • 央行的P话你也信?21年初被疫情怵的时候还信誓旦旦地说到23年都不会加息。 +2
      • 你要先搞明白中性利率是啥意思。
    • 过几个月经济衰退,他再承认“判断失误”,把利率降下来 😂 +1
      • 通过衰退打压通胀到2%,然后减息很正常 +1
      • 看cpi走势图,80年代哪次打压第一波下来很快,松绑很快,立刻陡坡反弹比上一峰值还高。能说的只能是见风使舵,变量太多
        • 然后立刻80年代第二次打压,才真狠
          • 第二次打压就是不管衰退,打死cpi。这次变量多,谁预测也没准 +1
            • 房价不计算在CPI 里的吧?
              • 房价及房价相关很多都不在cpi里
              • 房价不算但房租算 +4
                • 最近房租涨的比较疯。下月通胀9%。九月加息1%。好。同意。
                  • 到时你买房的首付都拿去交租了,好 😉
    • 加拿大有啥判断,无非是跟着美国走,将美加两国利差维持在一定范围。
      • 就是没有纠正美国的判断