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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


“We often do what is called “interboard listing” wherein we don’t just list your home on the Brantford real estate board, we also list it on all of the boards within a 1 hour drive radius to maximize your listings exposure and ensure that the out of town real estate agents and buyers have access to your listing.”

“If your listing is in Brantford we will list in Brantford, Simcoe, Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton-Wentworth, Turkey Point, Cambridge, London, Waterford, Guelph, etc., etc.”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 不懂就问,房子list 到 mls 上面,是面向public 都可以看到吗?那些 inter real estate board listing 又是咋回事呢,谢谢指点
    • 这里有介绍。 +1
      “We often do what is called “interboard listing” wherein we don’t just list your home on the Brantford real estate board, we also list it on all of the boards within a 1 hour drive radius to maximize your listings exposure and ensure that the out of town real estate agents and buyers have access to your listing.”

      “If your listing is in Brantford we will list in Brantford, Simcoe, Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton-Wentworth, Turkey Point, Cambridge, London, Waterford, Guelph, etc., etc.”
    • 有选项,没选的看不到
      • 谢谢美女,回答太简短 没明白哈~经纪有选项?mls.ca 不是面向全国各地的吗?
        • 有选项啊:这个地址公开在公共平台吗?
          • 公开后realtor.ca上就都能看到了。都会公开吧,在什么情况下会选不公开呢?
            • 卖家不愿意被非专业人士打扰.不想让非相关人知道,不让房前挂牌买卖的都有啊
    • 如果Barry的经纪想用treb的mls挂listing就叫inter board,不然treb的经纪看不到、只有Barry的经纪能看到 +1
      • Barry是哪里?
        • Barrie +1
      • 谢谢船头~ 还不是太明白:mls.ca 不是面向整个加拿大的吗?一般老百姓想找看房子,去mls ,看到的房子,都是怎么列出来的呢?是都需要inter board list 吗 才看到的?谢谢
        • 只有realtor.ca是面向整个加拿大的、
          上面只有基本信息,其他都是每个board的mls, 只有同一个board的经纪能看见、经纪看realtor.ca没用,经纪想知道的的是怎么约看房子、卖家经纪公司、经纪联系方式,房子是出租还是自住还是空的,下offer需要的各种文件,随时下还是统一收offer
          • 谢谢~明白了,看来是方便经纪工作的。老百姓就看看Realtor 一般信息了