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In 2019, City Council asked for information related to the possible implementation of a vacant home tax in Toronto. At their December 2020 meeting, City Council asked City staff to develop key tax design features and administrative structures to support a vacant home tax program and to report back with a recommended design for a […]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 多伦多有空置税吗?
    • 自顶
    • 不重要。即使现在没有,未来不久也会有的
    • 好像明年一月一号开始 +2
    • 有外国人空置税,本地人空置无所谓,其实就是为了选票搞下气氛,不敢真的动房地产这块蛋糕。
      • 不管谁拥有,空置超过6个月就要开征。 +4
    • 2023年开征。 +5
      In 2019, City Council asked for information related to the possible implementation of a vacant home tax in Toronto. At their December 2020 meeting, City Council asked City staff to develop key tax design features and administrative structures to support a vacant home tax program and to report back with a recommended design for a […]
      • 谢谢