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普京嘲笑西方民主国家:They even named their inflation after me。
<div>Vladimir Putin jokes 'They even named their inflation after me'</div>
<div class=iframe-container>
<iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8tI0VmcMG64"></iframe>
<div>Vladimir Putin jokes 'They even named their inflation after me'. President Vladimir Putin said: 'that no Iron Curtain would fall over the Russian economy, as...</div>
<a href=https://youtu.be/8tI0VmcMG64 target=_blank>https://youtu.be/8tI0VmcMG64</a>

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Azot 400乌军的命运已经没有悬念。真司机狮子大开口,500坦克2000装甲车就能挽回败局。这是在找台阶停战吗? +1
    Ukraine pleads for more heavy weapons from West
    Russian soldiers have surrounded the city of Sievierodonetsk. In a chemical plant in the city, Ukrainian soldiers are holding out, while some 500 civilians a...
    • 西方国家当年承诺,如果乌克兰放弃核武器,愿意提供安全保障。 +3
      • 这次乌克兰被美国佬骗了,所以德法都不愿意填坑。2014年至今,美加英一直在武装乌克兰,年初有怂恿乌克兰往火炕里跳。 +3
      • 西方承诺的武器只有10%到乌军手里 +1
      • 普京嘲笑西方民主国家:They even named their inflation after me。
        Vladimir Putin jokes 'They even named their inflation after me'
        Vladimir Putin jokes 'They even named their inflation after me'. President Vladimir Putin said: 'that no Iron Curtain would fall over the Russian economy, as...
      • 俄罗斯中国也有份。 +2
    • 如果美国佬不给,就可以和谈了。这叫力竭被擒,可以给韭菜们一个交代了。

      普京嘲笑西方民主国家:They even named their inflation after me。
      <div>Vladimir Putin jokes 'They even named their inflation after me'</div>
      <div class=iframe-container>
      <iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8tI0VmcMG64"></iframe>
      <div>Vladimir Putin jokes 'They even named their inflation after me'. President Vladimir Putin said: 'that no Iron Curtain would fall over the Russian economy, as...</div>
      <a href=https://youtu.be/8tI0VmcMG64 target=_blank>https://youtu.be/8tI0VmcMG64</a>
    • 西方不傻,拿钱填坑的事不会发生。 +1
    • 上车容易下车难,各割地求和的决心不容易下。 +1
    • 和拜登一样为投降和谈甩锅。 +3
    • 每个月的战争费用大概50个亿美金。美国的通货膨胀率已经很高了。欧洲天然气的价格已经暴涨。从3月开始,美国进口的俄罗斯石油已经翻倍。俄罗斯可以卖石油给美国。问题是乌克兰已经把自己的战备储备粮都卖给了欧洲。下个月的军费从哪里出呢?
    • 有段时间了,风头变了?说好的乌克兰节节胜利大反攻打到莫斯科呢?说好的俄罗斯弹药只够几个星期,打没了普京就得投降,乌克兰西方武器源源不断,定要把普京耗死在乌克兰。。。嗯都没了? +4
    • 可以打到莫斯科去了 +2
    • 一看祖宗一天没死那么多人 小黄俄的尾巴摇得连屁股都快掉了 +11
      • 😄 +1