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Dividend can not be treated as capital gain. Generally speaking, interest tax> dividend tax > capital gain tax.

The rule is, the higher the risk, the less the tax

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请问一下这儿买过拿红利股票的大侠,我的问题是如果一个股票的EX-Div date 是Oct 1,是不是这以前买的都有红利,包不包含一号这一天?如果Div date 是Oct 20,是不是指20号才能拿到钱?如果我二号,三号抛了,还有钱吗?万望不吝赐教。
    • 我记忆中,这里是T+2交收制度,如果10月1日登记,那么9月30日和10月1日买的股票都没权拿红利,9月29以前买的才可以拿
      • 谢谢,那你的意思是9月29买而9月30日卖的人反而能拿到股息了?
        • 对。理论上你29日买的股票,10月1日股票才是你的,30日你卖出的是帐号的沽空,而30日已经是除权价交易了,所以你沽空跟买入没有关系。注意:30日已经是除权价交易了
          • 你的帐号用加元可以买美元股票吗?
          • 非常感谢,你的讲法好象和heaver505的经历差不多。 他好象是Ex-Div那天买的,人家不给他红利,但他通过不断努力骚扰,最后终于拿到了,难道这样也可行吗?#1387017
      • T+2制度没错。错的是ex-div.date 不是date of record. in this case, 一号或以前的购入都有份分红,即使你在2号卖出。3号才是登记日。
    • 借你宝地提一问题:假设A股票宣布分红1块/股,8号为ex-div.date。 我在7号按市价50块short1000股,9号A股除权价为49块。这是否意味:买者有权利分红的同时我作为卖者也享受到价差?好像不太合理。请解释。
      • 好像Short的要给一块钱给买的人,不知是不是这样。
        • 嗯,听起来还算合理。下回找broker confirm 一下。
    • EX-DIV Date的意思是:在这天之前买进股票的人有红利收,在这天买进的人没有红利收。
    • 分红的收益人和除权日无关,另外还有一个最后交易日(和除权日不同) 必须在最后交易日的前5个交易日买到手(交割),否则分红归卖方代理
    • What is ex-dividend date? The ex-dividend date is the day on which the buyer of the stock will NOT be entitled the company's dividend any more.
      As the settlement date of the stock is ALWAYS 3 days after trade date, the ex-div date is always 2 days ahead of the dividend record date. If you short a stock before ex-div date, you need to pay this dividend amount.
      • 这个讲法好像是对的,10月一号是除权日,如果九月30号买,10月一号抛,理论上应该是拿得到红利的,不知实际上拿不拿得到?
        • In reality, you will ABSOLUTELY get the dividend. By the way, how the dividend is taxed?
          For CAD account, 125% gross up as income, 13.33% on gross-up amount as tax credit.
          For USD account by Canadian Broker, regular income with 15% withholding tax deduction subject to foreign tax adjustment.
          For USD account by US Broker, max 15% subject to min 60 day holding period. This is the new law just passed this summer.
          • 我的div是全额收到的啊。没有withholding. 我理解div也属于capital gain, 年底和股票收益一起算吧,要不然我可亏大方了,div早赔进去了,还要上税??
            • Dividend can not be treated as capital gain. Generally speaking, interest tax> dividend tax > capital gain tax.
              • thanks. is this rule applicable to divs. distributed by a foreign company, e.g. CYD?
                • Yes.
    • 请问一下, 红利如何交税 ? 美国和加拿大有何不同?
    • 谢谢楼上各位。