五月底了,雨夹雪把夏日的早上搞得有些冰寒的凄惨,眼睛涩涩的不愿睁开,贪恋被衾里的那一点温暖, 觉得有些无聊的空荡,好像一张纸白得无所寄托,徒然等待那些多彩的文字, 好像也不是耐不得寂寞, 不痛也不痒的无感,即使努力去寻找热闹,也努力得那么不走心。
想着一早雷电烧焦的痕迹,那些抑制不住的丝丝怒气,终是没能把微笑捧在脸上,终是吼出了焦虑,而这也不过是用一场雷雨让洪灾更加的严重。这世上哪有无怨无悔的爱啊,爱被拉长搓扁,添加入酸甜苦辣,怎么能不变形变性呢?爱也需要换新土上新肥,爱也需要阳光明媚的天气,那就歇一歇,等能开出花的时候,认认真真走心的去说那句久违了的:I love you.
昨天听关于Loneliness的life speak, 写了一首英文诗,谈不上诗吧
What is loneliness?
What is loneliness?
It is the kind of social pain
It is when surrounded by people
But there is no one, no one to say
What is loneliness?
It is the kind of social pain
It is when virtual color no longer on
Structural, functional, relationships are gone
What is loneliness?
It is the kind of social pain
It is when multiple roles in multiple relationships
Not fulfill, not fulfill what it meant to
Loneliness kill, Loneliness grow
The society enrich it more and more
When remote replace on-site
When virtual defeat reality
Emotion being pressed thinner over a wire
Loneliness kill, Loneliness grow
It generates stress hormone that could knock you down
Aware its look and aware the pain
Reach out your hand, Reach out your mind