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Never down the drain. We've had a few incidents in my neighborhood where the sewer pipes were clogged with fat, and a few people's basements flooded with sewage as a result.

For fats that solidify, let them do so, then pitch them in your regular garbage. Chill grease in the fridge if you need to get it to harden up. For ones that don't solidify, pour them into a sealable (hopefully non-recyclable) bottle, and throw the whole container away with your regular garbage.

It's possible that your area might accept cooking fats & oils as part of a recycling effort. Ours does for motor oil
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 水池清理三必要 +4
    • 记得前两年,好像就是楼主,介绍的那个用苏打白醋清理水道的帖子,彻底结束了我们定期租通渠工具的麻烦。这些建议非常实用简单,多谢了。新年快乐! +1
      • 正是在下,谢谢。
    • 白醋+Baking soda?不会酸碱中和吗? +1
      • 此招是在本地电视节目上学的
    • 没用的,把sink下的p trap拆了清理,即方便也彻底,一般p trap都能拆的,
      • 那就跟sewer系统直通了
    • baking soda + vinegar 没有用。 因为酸加碱起中和作用,只产生气泡,好像工作,其实没有用。
    • 凝固油应该放绿垃圾桶 +7
    • snake. 用化学品能疏通的,都是假堵。网上有一种水枪似乎很好用,能把下水管道冲的干干净净。 +1
    • What Not to Flush or Pour Down the Drain
      • .
        Never down the drain. We've had a few incidents in my neighborhood where the sewer pipes were clogged with fat, and a few people's basements flooded with sewage as a result.

        For fats that solidify, let them do so, then pitch them in your regular garbage. Chill grease in the fridge if you need to get it to harden up. For ones that don't solidify, pour them into a sealable (hopefully non-recyclable) bottle, and throw the whole container away with your regular garbage.

        It's possible that your area might accept cooking fats & oils as part of a recycling effort. Ours does for motor oil
    • 1.不知开水烫会不会把PVC的管子老化?2.下水道到city Sewer 还有很长的路,在冬天还是会凝脂/垢,我认为解决的唯一办法是不倒动物油。
      • 开水才100度,不会有任何破坏,但也没啥用,任何油脂都不能倒入下水管里,倒树坑里最简单安全,
        • 同意,以前我是用厚纸巾吸了扔垃圾桶,现在直接在后院挖了个坑把油特别是火锅油直接往里面倒,方便极了,否则后来我都不敢点什么烤鱼外卖。
          • 这个办法好,但是会不会引来动物乱翻?
            • 好像会,我一般把残渣先捞一下,否则也不好看
    • 去年花了一千五百块把下水道疏通干净了,说是能保十几年
      • 从地下室清理的?
        • 对,清理后,我看摄像头,很干净。
          • 厨房离地下室还有点距离,一般都在厨房堵,
            • 94
            • 不是,一般在地下室的大管,埋在地下那段。尤其老房子,油脂都固化沉积在那里。上边厨房水槽用蛇捅破了天都解决不了问题。
              • 我的经验,都是厨房sink下面的u管附近
                • 那个其实很不容易堵,除非扔小木棍啥的。油脂不会堆积那里。
            • 关键是动物油尤其是牛羊油一定不能倒下水道里
      • 你被人坑了1500.