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How do Spousal RRSPs work? A spousal RRSP allows you to contribute money to your spouse or common-law partner's registered retirement savings plan,

up to your personal contribution limit.

When a contribution is made to the spousal RRSP, the contributor receives a tax deduction.

This can help you balance your income as a couple and works best when a large disparity exists between you and your spouse's income.

By contributing to a Spousal RRSP, the higher-earning spouse receives a tax deduction that could lower their personal tax bill for the year.

On the other hand, the lower-earning spouse should get taxed at a lower marginal tax rate when the money is withdrawn from the Spousal RRSP. This means potentially paying less tax on your Spousal RRSP assets at retirement.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / Common law partner中的一方购买RRSP,能否来年跟另一方合并报税并为另一方降低个人收入所得税税率?
    小王和小李是Common law partner,小王购买RRSP,能否来年跟小李合并报税并为小李降低个人收入所得税税率?请群里懂财税的朋友指点,先谢过了!
    • spousal RRSP--给配偶买,降低自己的税率。
      • 小王收入低,小李收入高。小王可以通过给自己买RRSP来帮助小李减税吗?
        • 收入高的一方给收入低的一方买,从而降低收入高的一方税率。 +1
          • 离婚的时候是否要打出狗脑袋来
            • 即使没有配偶RRSP,离婚时打出脑袋也多了去。
          • 谢谢,但还是不太懂啊。收入高的一方没有RRSP room了,收入低的一方有。收入高的怎么给收入低的买?
            • spousal RRSP是为了平衡RRSP账户里的钱。就别想用别人的room减税的事情了。
            • 自己的rrsp额度只能抵自己的税.
            • 现在收入高的给将来收入低的。现在买spousal Rrsp,还是有好处的,这事想不明白吗?
              • 收入高的没room了,买不了spouse response.
                • 给的政策都用足了,还要怎样! +2
            • 没room当然就不行了,只能等来年有了room再买,记得买spousal RRSP。 +1
    • No +3
    • 不可以. Spouse RRSP的逻辑不是这样的 +2
      • 能具体说明一下如何使用spouse RRSP吗? +1
        • 简单说就是你存钱到你spouse的账户。钱在谁的账户,取钱的时候,就算谁的income。谁存的钱,在存的时候,就用谁的room和抵扣谁的taxable income
          • 真得很感谢啊,可是我笨啊,这么多“谁的”,我一点儿都对不上号who跟who啊,还是不明白!LOL
            • Conditional, 一个句子里,如果前一个“谁”是你,后一个“谁”也就是你。
            • Spouse 账户中文叫夫妻账户,意思是夫妻都能往里存钱,夫存钱夫可以抵税,妻存钱妻抵税。但钱一旦存进账户,就算账户主人的了,将来钱也只能由账户主人才有资格取
              • 你这样解释lz更糊涂了。
                • 会吗?夫妻账户户主设为妻子,高工资丈夫往进存钱1万抵丈夫税,第二年由户主妻子取出这1万,妻子工资低按妻子低税率交税即可。由此,达到了丈夫赚的1万块按照妻子的低收入税率交税,省税。
                  • 你到底明不明白spousal RRSP呀?3年内取出还是丈夫的收入,算不到妻子头上。
                    • 从他说夫妻都能往里充钱就应该知道他是想当然的。其实这种基本概念类的东西最好自己在官网上查。否则听网友的很容易形成错误观念。
                      • 我觉得lz已经明白了。
          • 取钱有时间限制
        • 高收入的一方Contribute到低收入一方的Spousal RRSP账户, RRSP Contribution可以在高收入这方的当前税务年度税前抵扣.
          Continution三年之后, 再从低收入一方的Spousal RRSP账户中提取, 就可以按低收入一方的Income纳税了.
          Continution三年之内, 如果就从低收入一方的Spousal RRSP账户中提取的话, 要按高收入的一方(Contributer)的Income纳税

          • "Continution三年之后, 再从低收入一方的Spousal RRSP账户中提取, 就可以按低收入一方的Income纳税了.",你得这3年都没有做过Spousal RRSP Contribution才行。
          • 低收入一方要先开个spousal RRSP账户对吗?
            • Yes
    • How do Spousal RRSPs work? A spousal RRSP allows you to contribute money to your spouse or common-law partner's registered retirement savings plan,
      up to your personal contribution limit.

      When a contribution is made to the spousal RRSP, the contributor receives a tax deduction.

      This can help you balance your income as a couple and works best when a large disparity exists between you and your spouse's income.

      By contributing to a Spousal RRSP, the higher-earning spouse receives a tax deduction that could lower their personal tax bill for the year.

      On the other hand, the lower-earning spouse should get taxed at a lower marginal tax rate when the money is withdrawn from the Spousal RRSP. This means potentially paying less tax on your Spousal RRSP assets at retirement.
      • 这么看给配偶买RRSP的确可以降低contributor的税率呀,上面多位为什么说不行呢?
        • 看楼主的楼顶贴子
    • 有没有实操经验的朋友来分享一下?到底能否通过购买Spousal RRSP达到为夫妻里高收入的一方减税?
      • 可以。俺买了点,买的时候跟银行说好要减LD的税,银行先问还有没有room(这儿忘了是LD的还是俺的rrsp room了),银行然后跟你说三年不能取,你可以买成GIC或者bond, 三年内取的话帮LD减掉的税款还要退回去。
        • 交钱,然后银行给了一张单子,上面写明了要减免LD的税,报税的时候填上就可以了。
          • 最直接的办法是去银行问清楚,银行好像也可以帮你开个账户,你自动往里转钱就可以了,无需等到新年后才买。
      • 叫你家ld 弄这事吧,很简单的事,七嘴八舌的,你自己根本不具备基本知识,不具备辨别能力