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如果房子五年后以25万出售,则共花费:贷款损失17200元(利息 40000元减去还贷余额23000元),首期款投资损失9000元(如果不付首期,可以投资获取利息),管理费15000元,水电气12000元,地税一万元,保险费1800元,经纪人费12500,其它杂费5000元(买卖房屋的律师费、土地转让税等等)。合计:82500元。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 大家来探讨一下买房的财务成本如何?
    假设月管理费250, 电和gas200,地税一年2000,保险一年360。它的成本究竟是多少?
    • XD,你原来不是做了个EXCEL让大家卸载吗(我没卸),现在何出此言?钓鱼?
      • 非也。那个比较表是总的比较。现在想进行简单的成本比较。
    • From your number, It seems that buy is better than rent. The money can either rent a bacheler appartment or two bedroom basement.
    • 回头给你找个既租又买的房来做比较
    • 我的简单计算结果


      如果房子五年后以25万出售,则共花费:贷款损失17200元(利息 40000元减去还贷余额23000元),首期款投资损失9000元(如果不付首期,可以投资获取利息),管理费15000元,水电气12000元,地税一万元,保险费1800元,经纪人费12500,其它杂费5000元(买卖房屋的律师费、土地转让税等等)。合计:82500元。


      • 我的计算和你的原则是一样的,但对利息的计算有不同。
        1, 贷款之外的其他日常支出是:管理费,水电Gas,地税和保险,一年是7760
        2, 贷款的利息成本是187500*0.045=8437.5/年 (指第一年)
        3, 贷款的downpay的投资机会成本按最简单的投资在3年期过债上,Tax后的收益率大概是3%,那每年就是1875。其实Downpay的机会成本不止3%。
        4, 综合2,3来看,无论是否提前还款,这250000的资金成本都是买房的财务成本。可以这样理解,如果始终只还利息,那么利息就是成本;如果还还了本金,那么还的本金是有投资的机会成本的(本可以投资在其他上,但你投在了房子上)。我简单地把总的利息成本定在4%
        5, 我的考虑是大家最后总要买房,所以买卖的成本就不考虑了。也不考虑房子的价格升降因素。

        • 有道理。不过,我总是觉得,买房租房不仅仅是钱的问题。比如,买房增加了稳定性,有一种归属感;租房则有很大的灵活性,尤其是换工作时可以少些顾虑。
          • Exactly!
        • 只算存款利息损失, 但不计算房产增值是不公平. 而且,房产增值是以房产总值计算,存款利息损失是以已还金额为准.差别很大.
          慎独的存款利息损失算得很过分, 用你的算法, 应该把贷款利息也加到
          而且, 只要有房, 就存在存款利息损失,如果迟早要买,又何必算呢?
          • 买房的贷款利息也加到租房的费用里?why??
            • 因为你的公式是用25万总房价做乘数, 而且以一个整年的因数来计算, 除非租房的人手里有这么多钱的存款, 否则就是不公平的.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛而且, 一定要算存款利息损失的话, 买房就不必交房租了, 这笔钱减去房屋的月开销, 1400 - 7760 / 12 = 753 每月定期存款利息损失也应该加到租房人的
              费用里吧! 而且这个本金是越来越大的.

              其实, 如果你是买房派, 只是想看看迟些好, 还是早些好, 你可以这么算:

              25万的一个townhouse,25%downpay, 再加3000律师,欢迎税,等共
              250 * 0.25 + 3 = 65.5k.
              假设某人有65.5k的现金, 他现在以贷款利率4.5%25年买上述 townhouse 每个月的开销:
              固定: 250 + 200 + 30 + 166 = 646
              贷款: (250k * 0.75) * (1 + 0.045 * 25 * 0.55) / 25 / 12 = 1012

              假设这人把65.5k的现金存两年定期, 就算月利息0.25%, 他以1400租相同
              每月的利息是: 65.5k * 0.025 = 163.75
              每月比买房省: 1012 + 646 - 1400 = 258

              因此, 两年后, 买房的人所有为房子付出的钱换得:
              现金: 0
              房价: 250k * 0.25 + (1012 * 24 - 250k * 0.75 * 0.045 * 2 * 0.9)
              = 62.5k +9100.5

              现金: 163.75 * 24 + 258 * 24 + 65.5K = 10122 + 65.5K
              房价: 0

              扣除65.5K的首期, 租房的人也就只有1000的多出, 而且, 买
              房的人时间越长, 他每月的利息比例就越低,租房的人, 即使
              是利滚利, 但是贷款利率总是高于存款利率,因此他存款增长
              肯定比不上房价本金的增长, 如果租五年再买, 肯定就是租的

              还要注意, 以上没有包括任何房屋增值, 也没有考虑租房的
              租金每年的增长, 或搬家的费用及麻烦.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • how about utility and property tax?
                • 1 + 0.045 * 25 * 0.55中的0.55是怎么来的?谢谢!
                  • 每月贷款利息是根据本金算的, 随着你还的本金越来越多, 利息就越来越少. 最后你总共付的利息大约是总额的55%
                    比如: 100元, 10个月付清, 月利息10%
                    月 本 利
                    1 100 10
                    2 90 9
                    3 80 8
                    10 10 1

                    总共利息是: 10 + 9 + 8 + ... + 1 = 55
                    总额利息是: 100 * 0.1 * 10 = 100.
                    索引 55 / 100 = 0.55

                    当然, 如果想每月付款数相同, 会多付点利息, 可能
                    以0.57 或多或少0.58计算更准确点.
    • 半年前的至少3年时间内, 买好过租 (不包括房地产升值)但现在这段时间就不一定了,比如说最近1500/月可以租到价值27万的新CONDO.
      • 从租金回报来看,老Condo好,从升值潜力来看,新Condo好。
        • 别忘了老CONDO的管理费高于新的150 - 250.
        • 新的CONDO过了十年还叫新CONDO吗? NY TOWER的CONDO现在卖20万左右, 过了十年后, 不计通货,我看原价卖出就很好了
    • 还是我来仔细算一下吧:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛房价 250000 首付 62500
      贷款 187500
      利率 4.50% 投资利润率 3.00%
      每月偿还 $1,042.19
      序号 本金 本金偿还 利息 本金偿还的投资损失
      1 $187,160.94 $339.06 $703.13 $54.80
      2 $186,820.61 $340.33 $701.85 $54.02
      3 $186,479.00 $341.61 $700.58 $53.23
      4 $186,136.11 $342.89 $699.30 $52.44
      5 $185,791.93 $344.18 $698.01 $51.65
      6 $185,446.47 $345.47 $696.72 $50.85
      7 $185,099.71 $346.76 $695.42 $50.05
      8 $184,751.64 $348.06 $694.12 $49.25
      9 $184,402.28 $349.37 $692.82 $48.44
      10 $184,051.60 $350.68 $691.51 $47.62
      11 $183,699.61 $351.99 $690.19 $46.81
      12 $183,346.29 $353.31 $688.87 $45.98
      13 $182,991.66 $354.64 $687.55 $45.16
      14 $182,635.69 $355.97 $686.22 $44.32
      15 $182,278.39 $357.30 $684.88 $43.49
      16 $181,919.75 $358.64 $683.54 $42.65
      17 $181,559.76 $359.99 $682.20 $41.80
      18 $181,198.42 $361.34 $680.85 $40.95
      19 $180,835.73 $362.69 $679.49 $40.10
      20 $180,471.68 $364.05 $678.13 $39.24
      21 $180,106.26 $365.42 $676.77 $38.38
      22 $179,739.47 $366.79 $675.40 $37.51
      23 $179,371.31 $368.16 $674.02 $36.64
      24 $179,001.77 $369.54 $672.64 $35.77
      25 $178,630.84 $370.93 $671.26 $34.89
      26 $178,258.52 $372.32 $669.87 $34.00
      27 $177,884.80 $373.72 $668.47 $33.11
      28 $177,509.68 $375.12 $667.07 $32.22
      29 $177,133.16 $376.52 $665.66 $31.32
      30 $176,755.22 $377.94 $664.25 $30.42
      31 $176,375.87 $379.35 $662.83 $29.51
      32 $175,995.09 $380.78 $661.41 $28.59
      33 $175,612.89 $382.20 $659.98 $27.68
      34 $175,229.25 $383.64 $658.55 $26.75
      35 $174,844.17 $385.08 $657.11 $25.83
      36 $174,457.65 $386.52 $655.67 $24.90
      37 $174,069.68 $387.97 $654.22 $23.96
      38 $173,680.26 $389.42 $652.76 $23.02
      39 $173,289.37 $390.88 $651.30 $22.07
      40 $172,897.02 $392.35 $649.84 $21.12
      41 $172,503.20 $393.82 $648.36 $20.17
      42 $172,107.90 $395.30 $646.89 $19.21
      43 $171,711.12 $396.78 $645.40 $18.24
      44 $171,312.85 $398.27 $643.92 $17.27
      45 $170,913.09 $399.76 $642.42 $16.29
      46 $170,511.83 $401.26 $640.92 $15.31
      47 $170,109.06 $402.77 $639.42 $14.33
      48 $169,704.78 $404.28 $637.91 $13.34
      49 $169,298.99 $405.79 $636.39 $12.34
      50 $168,891.68 $407.31 $634.87 $11.34
      51 $168,482.83 $408.84 $633.34 $10.34
      52 $168,072.46 $410.38 $631.81 $9.33
      53 $167,660.55 $411.91 $630.27 $8.31
      54 $167,247.09 $413.46 $628.73 $7.29
      55 $166,832.08 $415.01 $627.18 $6.26
      56 $166,415.51 $416.57 $625.62 $5.23
      57 $165,997.38 $418.13 $624.06 $4.20
      58 $165,577.69 $419.70 $622.49 $3.16
      59 $165,156.42 $421.27 $620.92 $2.11
      60 $164,733.57 $422.85 $619.34 $1.06
      合计: $22,766.43 $39,764.72 $1,755.67
      五年地税 10000
      五年管理费 12000
      五年保险 1800
      买卖费用 17500
      首付投资损失 9954.629644
      总支付 $92,775.02
      合每月支出 $1,546.25更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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        <td align="right" x:num="379.35381346332576" x:fmla="=$B$4-D36" style="color: windowtext; font-size: 12.0pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: 宋体; text-align: general; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; border: medium none; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; padding-top: 1px">
        <td align="right" x:num="662.83208271541514" x:fmla="=B35*$B$3/12" style="color: windowtext; font-size: 12.0pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: 宋体;更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 楼上的计算时,都没有计算卖房时给卖方代理的COMMISION。
        • 另外,我们还没有计算的是五年中的房屋维护费用。比如,刚巧您要换个顶,修个地板什么的。
          • 房顶平均20年才换, 而且25万房价, 250月管理费本身也是一种保障. 什么都要换的房, 会有人出高价买吗?
            而且你做了这些维修, 房子本身也会增值, 刷一遍墙能多卖多少钱你计算了吗?

            agent费只有在卖房时才有, 而且是一次性, 但房屋增值你算不算呀?
            • 第一、并不是所有的维修都会增值,只有UPGRADE才会增值,
      • 上面的计算还不够仔细,重新算一下
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛房价 250000 首付 62500
        贷款 187500
        利率 4.50% 投资利润率 3.00%
        每月偿还 $1,042.19
        每月管理费 $250.00
        每月水电费 $200.00
        每年保险 $360.00 合每月支出 $30.00
        每年地税 $2,000.00 合每月支出 $166.67
        每月总支出 $1,688.85 相当于每月租房费用 $1,733.42

        序号 本金 本金偿还 利息 投资损失 租房的投资损失
        1 $187,160.94 $339.06 $703.13 $272.95 $280.15
        2 $186,820.61 $340.33 $701.85 $268.05 $275.13
        3 $186,479.00 $341.61 $700.58 $263.17 $270.12
        4 $186,136.11 $342.89 $699.30 $258.31 $265.12
        5 $185,791.93 $344.18 $698.01 $253.45 $260.14
        6 $185,446.47 $345.47 $696.72 $248.61 $255.17
        7 $185,099.71 $346.76 $695.42 $243.78 $250.21
        8 $184,751.64 $348.06 $694.12 $238.96 $245.26
        9 $184,402.28 $349.37 $692.82 $234.15 $240.33
        10 $184,051.60 $350.68 $691.51 $229.35 $235.41
        11 $183,699.61 $351.99 $690.19 $224.57 $230.50
        12 $183,346.29 $353.31 $688.87 $219.80 $225.60
        13 $182,991.66 $354.64 $687.55 $215.04 $220.71
        14 $182,635.69 $355.97 $686.22 $210.29 $215.84
        15 $182,278.39 $357.30 $684.88 $205.55 $210.98
        16 $181,919.75 $358.64 $683.54 $200.83 $206.13
        17 $181,559.76 $359.99 $682.20 $196.12 $201.29
        18 $181,198.42 $361.34 $680.85 $191.42 $196.47
        19 $180,835.73 $362.69 $679.49 $186.73 $191.66
        20 $180,471.68 $364.05 $678.13 $182.05 $186.85
        21 $180,106.26 $365.42 $676.77 $177.39 $182.07
        22 $179,739.47 $366.79 $675.40 $172.73 $177.29
        23 $179,371.31 $368.16 $674.02 $168.09 $172.52
        24 $179,001.77 $369.54 $672.64 $163.46 $167.77
        25 $178,630.84 $370.93 $671.26 $158.84 $163.03
        26 $178,258.52 $372.32 $669.87 $154.23 $158.30
        27 $177,884.80 $373.72 $668.47 $149.64 $153.58
        28 $177,509.68 $375.12 $667.07 $145.05 $148.88
        29 $177,133.16 $376.52 $665.66 $140.48 $144.18
        30 $176,755.22 $377.94 $664.25 $135.92 $139.50
        31 $176,375.87 $379.35 $662.83 $131.36 $134.83
        32 $175,995.09 $380.78 $661.41 $126.83 $130.17
        33 $175,612.89 $382.20 $659.98 $122.30 $125.52
        34 $175,229.25 $383.64 $658.55 $117.78 $120.89
        35 $174,844.17 $385.08 $657.11 $113.28 $116.26
        36 $174,457.65 $386.52 $655.67 $108.78 $111.65
        37 $174,069.68 $387.97 $654.22 $104.30 $107.05
        38 $173,680.26 $389.42 $652.76 $99.83 $102.46
        39 $173,289.37 $390.88 $651.30 $95.37 $97.88
        40 $172,897.02 $392.35 $649.84 $90.92 $93.32
        41 $172,503.20 $393.82 $648.36 $86.48 $88.76
        42 $172,107.90 $395.30 $646.89 $82.05 $84.22
        43 $171,711.12 $396.78 $645.40 $77.64 $79.68
        44 $171,312.85 $398.27 $643.92 $73.23 $75.16
        45 $170,913.09 $399.76 $642.42 $68.84 $70.65
        46 $170,511.83 $401.26 $640.92 $64.45 $66.15
        47 $170,109.06 $402.77 $639.42 $60.08 $61.67
        48 $169,704.78 $404.28 $637.91 $55.72 $57.19
        49 $169,298.99 $405.79 $636.39 $51.37 $52.72
        50 $168,891.68 $407.31 $634.87 $47.03 $48.27
        51 $168,482.83 $408.84 $633.34 $42.70 $43.83
        52 $168,072.46 $410.38 $631.81 $38.38 $39.39
        53 $167,660.55 $411.91 $630.27 $34.07 $34.97
        54 $167,247.09 $413.46 $628.73 $29.78 $30.56
        55 $166,832.08 $415.01 $627.18 $25.49 $26.16
        56 $166,415.51 $416.57 $625.62 $21.22 $21.78
        57 $165,997.38 $418.13 $624.06 $16.95 $17.40
        58 $165,577.69 $419.70 $622.49 $12.70 $13.03
        59 $165,156.42 $421.27 $620.92 $8.45 $8.68
        60 $164,733.57 $422.85 $619.34 $4.22 $4.33
        合计: $22,766.43 $39,764.72 $8,120.56 $8,334.84
        五年利息 $39,764.72 五年租房费用 $104,004.96
        五年地税 $10,000.00 五年租房总费用 $112,339.80
        五年管理费 $15,000.00 合每月租房费用 $1,872.33
        五年水电 $12,000.00
        五年保险 $0.00
        买卖费用 $17,500.00
        首付投资损失 $9,954.63
        五年投资损失 $8,120.56
        总支付 $112,339.91
        合每月支出 $1,872.33更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 几点说明
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第一、如果买房要计算投资损失的话,租房也要计算投资损失;

          房价 170000 首付 42500
          贷款 127500
          利率 4.50% 投资利润率 3.00%
          每月偿还 $708.69
          每月管理费 $400.00
          每月水电费 $0.00
          每年保险 $180.00 合每月支出 $15.00
          每年地税 $1,000.00 合每月支出 $83.33
          每月总支出 $1,207.02 相当于每月租房费用 $1,280.90

          序号 本金 本金偿还 利息 投资损失 租房的投资损失
          1 $127,269.44 $230.56 $478.13 $195.07 $207.01
          2 $127,038.01 $231.43 $477.26 $191.58 $203.30
          3 $126,805.72 $232.29 $476.39 $188.09 $199.60
          4 $126,572.55 $233.16 $475.52 $184.61 $195.91
          5 $126,338.51 $234.04 $474.65 $181.14 $192.23
          6 $126,103.60 $234.92 $473.77 $177.68 $188.55
          7 $125,867.80 $235.80 $472.89 $174.23 $184.89
          8 $125,631.12 $236.68 $472.00 $170.78 $181.23
          9 $125,393.55 $237.57 $471.12 $167.35 $177.59
          10 $125,155.09 $238.46 $470.23 $163.92 $173.95
          11 $124,915.73 $239.35 $469.33 $160.50 $170.32
          12 $124,675.48 $240.25 $468.43 $157.09 $166.70
          13 $124,434.33 $241.15 $467.53 $153.69 $163.09
          14 $124,192.27 $242.06 $466.63 $150.29 $159.49
          15 $123,949.30 $242.97 $465.72 $146.91 $155.90
          16 $123,705.43 $243.88 $464.81 $143.53 $152.32
          17 $123,460.64 $244.79 $463.90 $140.16 $148.74
          18 $123,214.93 $245.71 $462.98 $136.81 $145.18
          19 $122,968.30 $246.63 $462.06 $133.45 $141.62
          20 $122,720.74 $247.56 $461.13 $130.11 $138.08
          21 $122,472.26 $248.48 $460.20 $126.78 $134.54
          22 $122,222.84 $249.42 $459.27 $123.45 $131.01
          23 $121,972.49 $250.35 $458.34 $120.13 $127.49
          24 $121,721.20 $251.29 $457.40 $116.82 $123.97
          25 $121,468.97 $252.23 $456.45 $113.52 $120.47
          26 $121,215.79 $253.18 $455.51 $110.23 $116.98
          27 $120,961.66 $254.13 $454.56 $106.94 $113.49
          28 $120,706.58 $255.08 $453.61 $103.67 $110.01
          29 $120,450.55 $256.04 $452.65 $100.40 $106.54
          30 $120,193.55 $257.00 $451.69 $97.14 $103.08
          31 $119,935.59 $257.96 $450.73 $93.89 $99.63
          32 $119,676.66 $258.93 $449.76 $90.64 $96.19
          33 $119,416.76 $259.90 $448.79 $87.41 $92.76
          34 $119,155.89 $260.87 $447.81 $84.18 $89.33
          35 $118,894.04 $261.85 $446.83 $80.96 $85.91
          36 $118,631.20 $262.83 $445.85 $77.75 $82.50
          37 $118,367.39 $263.82 $444.87 $74.54 $79.10
          38 $118,102.58 $264.81 $443.88 $71.35 $75.71
          39 $117,836.77 $265.80 $442.88 $68.16 $72.33
          40 $117,569.98 $266.80 $441.89 $64.98 $68.96
          41 $117,302.18 $267.80 $440.89 $61.81 $65.59
          42 $117,033.37 $268.80 $439.88 $58.64 $62.23
          43 $116,763.56 $269.81 $438.88 $55.49 $58.88
          44 $116,492.74 $270.82 $437.86 $52.34 $55.54
          45 $116,220.90 $271.84 $436.85 $49.20 $52.21
          46 $115,948.04 $272.86 $435.83 $46.06 $48.88
          47 $115,674.16 $273.88 $434.81 $42.94 $45.57
          48 $115,399.25 $274.91 $433.78 $39.82 $42.26
          49 $115,123.31 $275.94 $432.75 $36.71 $38.96
          50 $114,846.34 $276.97 $431.71 $33.61 $35.67
          51 $114,568.33 $278.01 $430.67 $30.52 $32.39
          52 $114,289.27 $279.06 $429.63 $27.43 $29.11
          53 $114,009.17 $280.10 $428.58 $24.35 $25.84
          54 $113,728.02 $281.15 $427.53 $21.28 $22.58
          55 $113,445.81 $282.21 $426.48 $18.22 $19.33
          56 $113,162.55 $283.26 $425.42 $15.16 $16.09
          57 $112,878.22 $284.33 $424.36 $12.12 $12.86
          58 $112,592.83 $285.39 $423.29 $9.08 $9.63
          59 $112,306.36 $286.46 $422.22 $6.04 $6.41
          60 $112,018.83 $287.54 $421.15 $3.02 $3.20
          合计: $15,481.17 $27,040.01 $5,803.75 $6,158.99
          五年利息 $27,040.01 五年租房费用 $76,854.01
          五年地税 $5,000.00 五年租房总费用 $83,013.00
          五年管理费 $24,000.00 合每月租房费用 $1,383.55
          五年水电 $0.00
          五年保险 $900.00
          买卖费用 $13,500.00
          首付投资损失 $6,769.15
          五年投资损失 $5,803.75
          总支付 $83,012.91
          合每月支出 $1,383.55更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 其实没什么可算的,最根本的就一条,房价要涨买就合算,要跌就是租房合算。


      房子平均7-8年转手一次,5%的agent fee 应计入成本。租的房一般交通方便,上下班近,也是一大优点。如果夫妻中一人在房子附近上班,可以省一辆车的开销的话,差别就太大了。租房的话这一点很容易办到。
      • 现在出租公寓的空置率达4%,年底的预计是大於5%,明年底有些甚至预测会有10%
    • 地税可是有些低,另外好像还应该有一些维护的费用。