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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

To faye:

Hi faye, if you income is high, check your RRSP room and buy the full amount. And, make an appointment with an investment consultant and told him or her your finicial situation, and they would give you some several option to choose. And you decide which one is best for you.
Personally, I suggest BMO, they have Maderin service.

If you are new immigrant and have some extra money, you can choose GIC. The rate depends on time and amount of money.(it's diff in diff bank).
For example: You can save 4000 at 3 month, 4000 at 6 month, 10000 at 1 year, and another 5000 at one year open(it means you could withdraw at any time after 1 month but the rate is good). If you still have much more, talk to an investment consultant .

Good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 昨天有人来我家卖保险,我认为还不错,所以那人叫我先申请,申请时说需要钱, 我就给他开了两千多的支票,不知这是否合理?
    • faint. 说说细节,如不对头赶快取消.
      • 是皇家保险的,保险本身应该没问题,只是不知他是否应该收我的钱, 我还没有打算一定买,只是预申请一下。
        • Cancel your check!! They should ask one month deposite, not a year. I did the same as youes in 2001 and haven't get my money back. I'll sue RBC Insurance soon.
          • 你也给过定金吗?如果我不买,他们不退吗?我给的钱是一个月的,不是一年的。
            • Yes, the agent deliveried the policy late, and when I got the police it's passed deadline.
              I read the policy and thought it's not good for me, so I sent back in 5 days( the requirment is 10 days), but the agent lied to RBC Insurance and me. He told me I would get all my money back, but told RBC it's my fault. Then he was dispeared. His name is Marvin Shen. I talked to his boss, and he said he would contact RBC and I would get my money back with no problem. But after one year, I didn't. I'm planning to sue RBC, I'm sure I will win.
            • Don't combine investment with insurance. I'm working in a bank now.
              I'm working in a bank now, but I invest my money in another bank because they have a fund I like very much. In the past 4 months, my investment increase 2.5%.
              • 是哪家呀,能否告知
                • See the last replay
        • "没有打算一定买", but you paid "两千多的支票"? how was that?
        • NEVER HEARD OF THAT... $2000?? FOR WHAT?
      • 不知买保险申请时是否都需要先交定金。
        • not necessary,just one month for ur first month payment is enough
          • 我给的钱,的确是我的保费一个月需要支付的,只是我还没有确定要买,向保险公司申请保险,就需要给了吗?
        • never heard of that... cancel your check first if you are not sure, to be safe.
        • It is up to you that if you need to pay the deposit or not. if you want the temp insurance coverage,
          you need to the pay at least the first month premium. But if you don't want the temp coverage, you don't need to pay even one penny. and somtimes the insurance company won't take your money because you are not qulified for the temp coverage.
      • 我的支票写的是明天的时间,最后我还是决定去把支票CANCEL 掉。谢谢大家。
    • 看来你太有钱了, 一下就开两千多的支票.许多人每月一百多的保费都要犹豫好久, 最后cancel.
    • 其实我还没有申请到,昨天是第一次来讲。 说申请需要定金,我和我先生各需1000多。
      • 申请 what?
        • 向皇家保险公司发出保险申请
          • this plan is not good for you,because
            you pay the higher premium for life ,it means you take much higher risk for company.If you want to surrender the policy ,the company will charge your surrender fees and you can't get all your money back.
      • Term insurance is OK. If you want investment, go to bank.
        My suggestion is: If you need insurance, buy a term insurance and invest the extra money.

        Thinking about that: If you need 5000 next week, you can call the bank and withdraw 5000 from your investment plan. Tomorrow, you will see the money in your account.
        How about Universal ? Insurance. (The insurance agent told you it's a kind of investment, right?)
      • 看来你俩的命各值n个million. 我的经历:某日接一电话,一小姐以优雅纯正中文告知,不日将有RBC理财顾问登门讲授投资理财。心想RBC为客户想得真周到啊。来吧。来了才知原来是一卖保险的。这个后悔啊!

        • 呵呵,看来我花了10分钟左右拒绝哪位小姐的好意太值得了。
          • 已经在电话里答应人家了就不好意思拒绝了。问题是她电话里讲的是“讲授投资理财”,对“卖保险”只字不提。要是事先讲清楚的话会省大家好多时间。
            • "保险" 实际上是"投资理财"最基本的部分.
    • 也想顺便请教一下,这个保险是否好:
      它是一份投资保险。意在投资而不是保险。保险额是50万。我每年最多能买14000元,连续买4年。保险公司给我最低4%利息的保证。钱,我随时可以取出来,但需要留2000左右在帐上。到第四年,我总共投资了56000,但我可拿出6万左右。另,保险可一直保留到100岁。不知这里面有否什么问题? 请教各位。
      • 偶最不会理财的都觉得
        • 这根本不是什么保险。 是
          • 看错了。
      • that is a very high risk insurance, even a broker told me so. suitable for high rish , high gain's person.
        • 不是保证4%Return吗?
    • no, preapply do not need deposit i think.
    • 应该是申请成功了以后才付钱的,而且可以逐月付。
    • Universal Life
    • 这个agent有骗钱的嫌疑。我记得我们买保险的时候也很激动,人家一讲偶们就把申请表填了。但是真买之前是要体检的,根据体检结果才能真正落单,当agent把报单送来的时候才签字付钱。你这种情况实在少见,建议
    • 我也买过类似的,考虑半年还是取消了
      随便说两句:保险和投资是两个不同的概念,不应该混在一起。另外投保多少视被保物或人的价值和需要而定,比如我不会为我的汽车买Universal Life ,没必要。现在倾向于买term的,灵活且成本低。
      • 什么叫买term?
        • term life insurance>>定期人寿保险
          • 买term有什么优点?
            • term life 是真正意义上的保险. 它保费底,保额高. 好的理财专家都会建议buy trem and invest the difference
    • 这是合理的,如果想cancel只要不在正式合同上签字就没问题,支票过些日子会退回来.建议你多比较几家,因为皇家保险,嘿嘿.........
      • 皇家保险不好吗?
        • 货比三家总是没错的,.买保险跟买东西是类似的,我只能说皇家保险历史很短,其他的不好在这里随便说.
        • To Faye...
          I believe "dangdang99" doesn't know how to do tax planning in Canada. As to we have to pay investment tax in Canada. If you put most of your money in bank, your after tax return will around 0%. I have a better plan for you. contact me if you are interested in it.
    • To faye:
      Hi faye, if you income is high, check your RRSP room and buy the full amount. And, make an appointment with an investment consultant and told him or her your finicial situation, and they would give you some several option to choose. And you decide which one is best for you.
      Personally, I suggest BMO, they have Maderin service.

      If you are new immigrant and have some extra money, you can choose GIC. The rate depends on time and amount of money.(it's diff in diff bank).
      For example: You can save 4000 at 3 month, 4000 at 6 month, 10000 at 1 year, and another 5000 at one year open(it means you could withdraw at any time after 1 month but the rate is good). If you still have much more, talk to an investment consultant .

      Good luck.
    • To faye: one more
      If you don't know a lot about finicial, choose the low risk investment.
      And, choose the big 5: CIBC, SCOTIA BANK, BMO, TD AND RBC.
      Personally, I think bigger is better.
    • If you don't have much experience in Canada, never trust 保险agent. Like Dangdang99 said, WALK INTO the big bank, ask for the advice.
    • I can help you to get your $2000 back and make a new decision.my cell:416-8982831
      I can help you to get your $2000 back and make a new decision.my cell:416-8982831
    • my plan is
      as below.I think it is good for me.
      Famale 28 ,Basic plan :UL 200k+ 100k spouse term+50K critical illness
      minimum premium:76.95$/m(return:8% not guarantee ) for the first 3 years.
      You can compare this plan to yours.if you are interested in the plan,you can contact with me by email,and I give you some idea.