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North American Financial 15 Split Corporation is a mutual fund company that invests in over 10 financial services companies in Canada and the United States.

It offers two types of shares: preferred shares and class A shares. Its investment objectives with respect to preferred shares are to provide holders of preferred shares with cumulative preferential monthly cash dividends in the amount of over 5.25% annually and to pay the holders of the preferred shares a certain price per preferred share on or about the termination date. Its investment objectives with respect to class A shares are to provide holders of class A shares with regular monthly cash distributions and to permit holders to participate in all growth in the net asset value of the Company for a specific price per unit, by paying holders on or about the termination date such amounts as remain in the Company after paying a specific price per preferred share. Its investment manager is Quadravest Capital Management Inc.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 不知道这边有没有类似中国银行货币基金的?现金存进去,年利率3.85%。 任何时候都可以取用。
    • 是gic,但是定期,1年2年, +1
      • 嗯。这个就是抵消通货膨胀的。
      • 五大银行吗? +1
    • 俺买T D股票,年股息3.85。不管涨跌,就当作不涨不跌
      • 你这叫横躺装死。听天由命。哈哈哈。
      • 也不是肓目装死,假如存5年定期,T D股价5年后比现在低的概率真的很小。特别是RRSP很合适 +1
    • 这边有货币基金,就是money market fund,利息可以忽略不计,不倒扣钱就不错了。 +1
      • 我也觉得只有这个。真是。。。 +1
        • 现在中国的货基利率也没那么高了,余额宝在3%以下,当然还有些3%-4%的定期可选 +1
          • 好像中行的货币基金还是3.85%。 微信的零钱包是2.76%。 很不错了啊。。。这些都应该等同这边的chequing account 吧。
      • 美元十万以上有2.4%
    • 买Split基金的prefer share稳定收益5.5%,基本无风险(极端情况会有短暂本金风险, 比如2008金融海啸),随时兑现。 市场上有很多, 我比较经常买的是FFN.PRA.to;FTN.PRA.to, 如果你半点风险都不愿承担, 买PSA.to收益2%不到一点, 随时兑现
      • 怎么买?哪家银行的? +1
      • North American Financial 15 Split Corp. (FFN.TO)? Yield 19.51%. 就是股票一样的买。
        • 是prefer share,收益5。5%, 价格变化很小可以忽略不计, 金融海啸那就没办法了, 我自己现金基本都是park在这类基金上面, 股市有机会时随时套现买股票 +1
          • 找不到 FFN.PRA
          • 现在价格是多少?看看是哪个。FFN 现在6.2左右,FFN.PA可能是你说的,10块左右. 在我交易的银行还找不到FFN.PA 或者FFN.PRA. 这个该不会是只有打电话交易的吧。。。
            • FFN.pro.to $10.04, FTN.pro.to $9.91, 这两个prefer share 都有到期回购保证价$10 (前提是他不倒闭, 但FFN,和FTN跌到5以下 FFN和FTN就取消分红, 但FFN.pra, FTN.pra保证分红直到FFN和FTN跌到0)
            • 不需要电话就普通交易, 如果你用IB,IB不让买卖这类股
              • 哦。谢谢普及知识。
              • 多谢!这是我一直在找的东西,很适合park现金
      • North American Financial 15 Split Corporation is a mutual fund company that invests in over 10 financial services companies in Canada and the United States.
        It offers two types of shares: preferred shares and class A shares. Its investment objectives with respect to preferred shares are to provide holders of preferred shares with cumulative preferential monthly cash dividends in the amount of over 5.25% annually and to pay the holders of the preferred shares a certain price per preferred share on or about the termination date. Its investment objectives with respect to class A shares are to provide holders of class A shares with regular monthly cash distributions and to permit holders to participate in all growth in the net asset value of the Company for a specific price per unit, by paying holders on or about the termination date such amounts as remain in the Company after paying a specific price per preferred share. Its investment manager is Quadravest Capital Management Inc.
      • 这个和我说的中行货币基金完全不一样的。中行货币基金是任何时候都不损失本金。 +1
        • 加币符合你定义的只有PSA.to 和 CMR.to, 我个人用PSA.to, 不用CMR.to
          • 把老帖翻出来请教一下,有没有类似这个股票的美元股票?用来park 美元的.
            • JPST这是美元美国交易,2。25% 回报。 也可以买加拿大交易的美元money market fund PSA.U.to, 2%回报, 但是分红税务简单些
              • 谢谢回答!不太懂分红税务为什么简单,JPST不分红吗?
                • jpst分红, 但你住加拿大, 有hold, 每个人情况不一样。 PSA.U.to是在加拿大交易, 分红直接到你账 +1
                  • 好的多谢,那我就选简单省事的吧!
              • 不好意思,想确认一下,PSA.u是不是public storage (NYSE)? 怕买错了
                • 应该不是,可能是这个:
      • 你好,很感性你说的这个,但是我在我的cibc上查到的名字叫FFN.PR.A,和你说的是一个吗?多谢。。。。
    • 货币基金利息跟interest rate有关的,rmb基准RATE是4。35%,加币只有1。75%,比基准rate高的一定不会是货币基金
      • en. make sense
        • 怎么解释这个呢?中国央行基准利率只要1.5%
          地区 利率名称 当前值 前次值 变动基点 公布日期 下次公布日期
          中国 1年期存款基准利率 1.50% 1.50%

    • Well, you should look at Money Market fund