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HSBC removed the feature for free bank-to-bank transfer. On top of that,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have a couple of bad experiences with them.
- I have a 3-year GIC maturing about 3 years ago in my RRSP account. They automatically renewed it for another 3-year term for 1.10% without my acknowledge, without sending me any renewal letter (I was partial responsible for this since I should take note for all my GICs myself). By the time I realized this, it was a already too late. So I waited until one week before it became matured again this Feb and called them I didn't want to renew it for another term as I was going to transfer the fund to my RRSP saving account - then transfer all the fund to another bank. Guess what, they renewed my GIC anyway, and I have to spend about 1 hour when I was in oversee to deal with them on the issue.
- I was trying to get some Japanese Yen for my oversea trip late Jan. Went to HSBC to check with their exchange rate. The rate posted on their website seems better than other banks. It turned out, their rate is not any better at all. Their quoted exchange rate is about about 2.75% over the market rate, another $10 service fee for transaction lower than $1000 CAD. What a joke!

At the end, I paid $75 fee out of my HSBC RRSP account to transfer the fund to other bank. Don't want to have anything to do with this bank for the rest of my life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 哪个银行好一点? 受够了TD的服务, 打算换银行, 哪个好一些? RBC? HSBC?
    • TD, 最勤力,开门时间超长。 +8
      • 服务态度极其不好。。。 不尊重小客人。 想换其他银行。
        • 主要看银行里的工作人员吧,感觉RBC态度普遍好些。TD我见过说话阴阳怪气的,也有态度很不错的 +1
          • 本来一直觉得TDOK, 网点多, 服务时间长。 但是最近打TD的服务电话, 去分行咨询, 全部是推来推去。华语服务电话没人接。 英语服务电话, 人家说不会, 直接让我找分行的financial advisor, 然后把advisor的经理电话给我,说advisor不肯说的话,可以直接向他经理投诉。 +1
            • 那CIBC的中文客服很棒的。 +1
        • 如果你不知道哪家银行好,你又是怎么比较出TD服务态度及其不好的?也许天下乌鸦一般黑,你要找白乌鸦估计比较难。 +2
          • 嗯,这倒是。不过TD对客人的咨询, 推三推四, 肯定是态度不好啊 +2
            • 你问了个啥问题,他们就推三堵四的。
              • T5008 的box 20是自己算的吗?为啥银行死活不告诉,让自己算?
                • 自从有了RRSP,TFSA,我就没有富余的钱没这些注册外的东西了。从时不时的大家发帖看,这个好像是要自己算,听听别人的意见 +1
                  • 自从买了房子,连rrsp,tfsa都没钱存了😭
                  • I do not know how banks can help the clients in this aspect. +1
                • 这个你换什么银行都没用,别折腾了。自己算吧。银行只是给你个参考,即使他给你算也不保证对的 +1
                  • The investor should be aware that they may have to make adjustments to the amount indicated in box 20 at the time of determining and reporting his or her gain or loss from the disposition.
    • 听说有人在TD的保险箱丢了部分财物。当然,是个案,哪个公司都可能招到手脚不干净的人。只是给大家提个醒。
      • 我没听说,但是作为TD的客人, 尽管是小客人, 对TD对待小客人的态度实在失望。 +1
        • 是为了什么事呢?
          • T5008 的box 20是自己算的吗?为啥银行死活不告诉,让自己算?
            • 如果你的股票是转过去的,broker不知道你的成本,自己查一下填上去。
              • 自己不会。 会了也不用找理财经理了。
                • 这个要找会计
                  • 别提找会计了,我找了什么CPA ,CGA,都说就用T5008直接填,问题是T5008 box20是0,我亏大了。结果只好自己学习自己算
            • 税的事情,客服可能是真的不知道的,他/她让你直接找financial advisor也不算推卸了。 +4
              • 问题是financial advisor 不说啊。 乱七八糟说了一些, 这个数字死活不肯说。
                • 银行内是有规矩的,不持有相应的certificate,面对客户,是不容许谈论的,提都不让提。也许,有certificate,但服务是需要缴费的。去其他银行试试,看能不能得到答案
                • 他不知道,责任重大只好支吾。你就简单的要份交易历史自己算吧。其实你挣的那点,还在税局不在乎的范围內吧
            • 如果我没记错的话,这box20应该是ACB。ACB可能很简单,就是买入成本,也可能很复杂,比如有superficial loss或option assignment/exercise, +1
              register account的相关交易,配偶帐户的相同证券的交易等等,甚至是这几种情况的组合,银行缺少相关信息是没法算的。而且那些复杂情形还有个适用规则问题,这里边还有些loophole, 严格讲是会计师的工作,银行不敢给客户做主。有时一个ACB要花几个小时去算,box20是几个星期的工作量。
              • 是的,银行一个是懒得算,因为税务局不要求他们保证准确性,另外一个是某些情况下他也没有信息
            • 交易多了,T5008根本算不过来,银行会给你一个一年的盈亏总结。
      • 那个地方应该有监控的。
    • 我个人觉得BMO还不错。我家最近也刚把所有T D账户转走了。实在受不了他们的态度了。
    • 客户满意度调查TD 就排第一的,个案的话看运气,有可能碰到好的或者坏的。T5008 的 box 20 银行是没有责任的,不知你为什么要强银行所难。 +11
      • 好嘛,lz是来求安慰的,结果,你们都替银行说话。
        • 哈哈,换银行多麻烦啊,到明年恐怕楼主又要来说那个银行也不给力
    • hsbc绝对坑死你 +5
      • 能请详细说说吗?他家利率好像更好些,但没用过不了解详情 +1
      • 有什么猫腻呢?
      • HSBC removed the feature for free bank-to-bank transfer. On top of that,
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have a couple of bad experiences with them.
        - I have a 3-year GIC maturing about 3 years ago in my RRSP account. They automatically renewed it for another 3-year term for 1.10% without my acknowledge, without sending me any renewal letter (I was partial responsible for this since I should take note for all my GICs myself). By the time I realized this, it was a already too late. So I waited until one week before it became matured again this Feb and called them I didn't want to renew it for another term as I was going to transfer the fund to my RRSP saving account - then transfer all the fund to another bank. Guess what, they renewed my GIC anyway, and I have to spend about 1 hour when I was in oversee to deal with them on the issue.
        - I was trying to get some Japanese Yen for my oversea trip late Jan. Went to HSBC to check with their exchange rate. The rate posted on their website seems better than other banks. It turned out, their rate is not any better at all. Their quoted exchange rate is about about 2.75% over the market rate, another $10 service fee for transaction lower than $1000 CAD. What a joke!

        At the end, I paid $75 fee out of my HSBC RRSP account to transfer the fund to other bank. Don't want to have anything to do with this bank for the rest of my life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 如果你的账户有比较多的钱,哪家银行都对你客气,反之,你懂的!金钱社会就这样! +2
    • CIBC不错
    • No banks will tell you how to fill tax claim forms. +5
      • They already asked me to contact CRA for what I should fill in box 20.
        • TD, 最勤力,开门时间超长
    • TD服务最好。 +5
    • HSBC, I have been using for a long time, every time you get bonus when transferring money in , mortgage rate is low , for long run. etc...